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Dear friends, please be seated.

Beloved teachers and fellow students,

Praise the Lord that we can be together in the weekly assembly today. For our information,
teachers on duty for this week are from
Kindly come and see any of them if there’s any problem or issues that occur.

Now, let’s us lend our ears on words of advice, reminders and announcements from our
beloved Senior Assistant and Headmaster.
Without any delay, I would like to invite our Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum, Madam
_______________________ to deliver her speech.
Thank you madam for the speech.
Next, let us invite Senior Assistant of Student’s Affair,
___________________________________ for his announcement and speech.
Thank you sir for the announcement and speech.
Now, let’s invite the Senior Assistant of Academic, ________________________ to give
some reminders and advise.
Thank you sir for the reminders and advise.
Next, I would like to invite our beloved headmaster ______________________________ to
deliver his advice and speech.
Thank you sir for the speech.
Beloved teachers and fellow students,

Let’s us welcome _________________________________________________ to share

about drugs awareness.
Thank you for the sharing.
Next, let’s us welcome ___________________________ for 5 Minutes English Slot.
Thank you for the interesting presentation.
Let us also welcome _____________________________w ith their song
Thank you for the interesting presentation.


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