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Chapter 1: Introduction to Geography

1.1 What is Physical Geography?

Chapter 1 I
Physical Geography components
1.2 What is Human Geography ?
Atmosphere consists of E T M S TCB sub
. . .

Hydrosphere I water Found on Earth and air .

1.3 What are Geographical Lithosphere Geosphere : Rock surface on Earth .

concepts? Biosphere All Earth

living things on

Chapter 1 .
2 Human
Geography Components

Housing means a built structure to shelter

From the natural environment .

Transport systems mean an infrastructure

or a network which helps people travel .

Chapter 1 3 .

Geographical Concepts

Space refers to physical area

Location is related to space and consist

of latitude and longitude .

Place is an area or special meaning .

Environment consist of natural and built

environment .

Scale refers to level of detail Map

Scale , Time Scale and Geographic Scale

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