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EMMA: did you get number four?

LIZZY: no, did answer andrew about prom?

EMMA: lizzy you know prom is a patriarchy annul event meant to make girls over

120 pounds hate themselves

LIZZY: Yeah, but at least you can hate yourself and go to prom with the hottest

guy in school

EMMA: lizzy I'm serious why should have I have to parade myself on a man's arm

besides andrew knows how I feel about prom

LIZZY: emma don’t you want win prom queen

EMMA: not really

LIZZY: have your picture taken for the yearbook

EMMA: I already got my picture taken, picture day was last September

(LIZZY throws pillow at EMMA while laughing)

LIZZY: im serious

EMMA: me too lizzy drop it

LIZZY: (beat) its andrew dicksion for God’s sake captain of the football team

EMMA: do you hear how ridiculous you sound?

LIZZY: no that’s one of my great qualities, I think with my heart not my brain

EMMA: (whispering) clearly

LIZZY: come on emma what it is really

EMMA: fine its just-

(EMMA backs away from LIZZY)

LIZZY: just what?

EMMA: im gay lizzy, I don’t really like andrew but I have to

EMMA: ive had to you don’t know what's it's like to hide in shame every day. You

don’t understand

LIZZY: I don’t understand, how you could you do this to andrew

EMMA: did you not just hear me, I had to for me

LIZZY: that’s so selfish emma even for you

EMMA: for me?!, really all you care about is getting people to like you grow up

LIZZY: you grow up, you use andrew all this time
EMMA: what like you use me all these years, look in the mirror

LIZZY: you know what emma! I did use you how use could I take you down


EMMA: do you really think he wants someone as desperate as you

LIZZY: yes, emma I do consider the fact he’s calling me now. games over emma

ill answer andrew for you


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