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Abdullatif Alhashash

The Future of A.I and its Destructive Nature on the Creative Industry

Is A.I a threat to art? Every year, A.I progresses further and further, and shows no sign of

slowing down. In this speech, I will be informing you about the future of A.I art, the shoddy

ways A.I companies design models and how they function, and why they are a threat to all

artists: Including digital artists, musicians, writers, and even forms of video.

● Currently, there are models that create beautiful artworks by the input of a single prompt.

These are everywhere, they currently influence all forms of media and companies use

them to help with their projects1, soon A.I models will be able to complete even more

complex tasks, like creating: Film, videos, and extremely detailed and award winning


Well how do these A.I models function, and why are they so evil? A.I models are all

unique in what art they create and the ways they make it, but the most popular and influential

digital art model is titled “Stable Diffusion”.

Infosys Limited. “AI in the Media and Entertainment Industry | Infosys BPM.”, 2023,
owered%20predictive%20analysis%20can,and%20build%20an%20agile%20brand.%E2%80%8C. Accessed 11
Sept. 2023.


● Stable Diffusion uses a database to train its model,2 this database includes 160 million

artworks and images of people all around the world. At the very least 12 million of those

were stolen by artists that did not give their consent.

● This is a massive issue, imagine a large company illegally stealing and using your art

without your consent, and claiming to be completely ethical in all regards. Stable

diffusion and other A.I companies rightfully got sued for their clear misconduct3.

Now it is evident that this could cause massive issues for every artist and creative.

These models at its core could be detrimental, even without all of the illegal theft. They actively

affect the integrity of creating and consuming art, and may ruin the concept of commissions.

● Why pay an artist to spend hours drawing something for me when I could feed a prompt

into an A.I model and have hundreds of artworks that I can choose from?

● This isn't only affecting digital artists, but also musicians. There are currently models out

there that can create 3 minute long songs (with variation in between) of any music genre

you want, and even replicate the complex harmony of classical music, like the works of:

Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart.

● These models may take the jobs of future artists, and something should be done to

prevent this.

Nassim Dehouche, and Kullathida Dehouche. “What’s in a Text-To-Image Prompt? The Potential of Stable
Diffusion in Visual Arts Education.” Heliyon, vol. 9, no. 6, Elsevier BV, June 2023, pp. e16757–57, Accessed 11 Sept. 2023.

Pesala Bandara. “Midjourney and Stable Diffusion Ask US Court to Dismiss Artists’ Lawsuit.” PetaPixel,
20 Apr. 2023,
%20world%20first%2C%20in,Midjourney%2C%20founded%20by%20David%20Holz. Accessed 11 Sept. 2023.

This is why A.I is a threat to art, and how companies use illegal methods and theft to

create their models. Hopefully in the future,something is done to prevent A.I models from taking

the jobs of all creatives, but until then all we can do is be informed.

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