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Looking Back To Leap Forward.

A Memorandum by Arc. F. Adibe Njoku FNIA, PPNIA

Looking back –

A chronology of NIA/ARCON misunderstanding

can be found in the attached document: “Preamble.”
“To support and strengthen the role of
Architects Registration Council Of Nigeria
as the sole national registration authority
for all architects practicing in Nigeria and
continue to assist in providing and monitoring
the level of practical training and experience
required for the practice of the profession in
~ Article 2:9 of the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Nigerian Institute of Architects

NB: Any action contrary to the article above is a breach of our constitution regardless of how many members hail the action.
The Way Forward.
1. That our constitution should be
held sacrosanct and all our
actions weighed against the
provisions of that constitution.
2. To appeal for understanding that
those who felt offended by the agrant
breach of the constitution to have a
rethink and give a chance to peaceful
resolution of all opposing views.
3. Not to conagrate issues further by
reckless statements and threats of force
4. To have a spirit of forgiveness for
all aggrieved members, come to a
round table and forge ahead with love
for our profession as the utmost aim
of this retreat.
Thank You

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