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A Fun Visit

During my last graduation, my cousin and I went to Jeju Island, Korea for a
trip. We’re so excited because Jeju Islang is our favourite place to visit and we
really wanna go there on day! That day was the day.
After we arrived at Jeju Island by using a plane, we went to Jeju Hotel to rent a
room and drop ours’ luggage. After we rested a little bit, we went to the most
famous waterfall in Jeju, Cheonjiyeon Waterfall. The scenery was so beautiful,
it just like a scenic trail leads me to the falls. At that time I was too stunned to
speak. Then, we felt hungry so we go to Jeju restaurant. There was a lot of food
that connect to Jeju culture. Also, I heard if you to Jeju Island you must eat this
dish. The disd called Haemultang, Haemultang means spicy seafood hot pot
stew. Haemultang’s taste is so delicious and the seafood taste so fresh!
After we’re done eating, we came back to the hotel. Even though, our trip
only 2 day and 1 night, but we still feel so grateful that we can visit our
favourite place.

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