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An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of the Aquaculture Department

College of Fisheries
Mindanao State University


Sanga-Sanga, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi

In partial fulfillment

of the Requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Fisheries





1.1 Rationale

Seaweeds are the macro benthic and large primary producer in the marine water

which has more than 300 species with economic value (Baleta & Nalleb 2016). They are

an economically important food crop in the Philippines as they serve as both a food

commodity and an income source for coastal communities. They are also known for their

phenotypic plasticity. the same species of seaweeds can exhibit morphological variations

under different environmental conditions. The green macroalgal genus Caulerpa in which

C. lentillifera and C. racemosa belong, exhibits high levels of phenotypic plasticity due to

environmental factors (Belton et al., 2014). The genus inhabits substrates from intertidal

to subtidal zones, from reef flats to shallow muddy lagoons (Wichachucherd et al., 2019)

and is primarily distinguished by having a siphonous thallus differentiating into stolons,

rhizoids, and upright assimilators (or fronds) that usually bear ramuli (or branchlets).

These morphological structures have been used for species characterization and

delimitation, although have been found to exhibit environmentally controlled

morphological plasticity under changing environmental conditions (Riosmeña-Rodriquez

et al., 2014).

There are various species of Caulerpa found in the Philippine waters. Of this,

Caulerpa lentillefera is the species best adopted for pond culture although certain

varieties of C. racemosa may be utilized as well (Trono et al., 1985). In the Visayas, like

in Calawisan, Lapu lapu City, pond production of this alga has been successfully cultured

in commercial quantity for local and international markets (Romano 1999). Sea grapes in

the Philippines are collectively recognized into two species, Caulerpa lentillifera and

Caulerpa racemosa which are mainly found in the wild or cultured in ponds. Locally

known as “lato” or “ar-arusip”, both are seafood used in salads (Nguyen et al. 2011;

Delan et al., 2013).

Seagrapes contain high mineral content, protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids

(PUFAs) and vitamins (Saito et al., 2010; Peña-Rodriguez et al., 2011; Nagappan and

Vairappan 2014). Caulerpa is a green algae group that includes feather seaweed (an

edible macroalga) and contains bioactive substances (Tapotubun et al., 2020). Green algae

contain chlorophyll-a (26.82%), chlorophyll-b (12.91%), and are effective as an

antioxidant (Merdekawati and Susanto 2009). Since caulerpa spp. has a great potential to

farmed both wild and pond because it’s a crucial to our daily lives such as source of

income, ingredients, medicine, food for humans, as well food for animals, also it can

contain high mineral, vitamins, protein and effective as an antioxidant, some peoples

usually eaten Caulerpa in the form of fresh vegetables, in this study was convienced

farming the caulerpa in our environment.

2.2 Objectives

2.2.1. General Objective

This study aimed to evaluate the growth and survival performance of Caulerpa spp.

cultured in different depths.

2.2.2. Specific Objectives

This study specifically aimed to;

1. determined the effect of different depths of culture on the Caulerpa racemose

and C. lentillifera.
2. determined the survival effect of different depths of culture on the Caulepa
racemosa and C. lentillifera.

2.3 Significance of the Study

This study provides an information to improve the culture practices of Caulerpa spp.

in the province and to avoid the shortage of supply of Caulerpa spp. This results may use

as a guide for the culture application of Caulerpa spp. for the seaweed farmers.



2.1 Description of Caulerpa spp.

Seaweeds, also known as macroalgae, are eukaryotic and non-flowering plants with

no true stem, leaves, or root surrounding their reproductive systems. As with terrestrial

plants, seaweeds also subsist by photosynthesis. Seaweeds include a variety of pigments

and are taxonomically classified into Chlorophyta green algae that have chlorophyll

pigment, Rhodophyta (red algae that have phycocyanin, and phycoerythrin pigments, and

Phaeophyta (brown algae that have fucoxanthin pigment (Bjerregaard et al., 2016).

It is a popular seafood delicacy eaten as raw dip only in vinegar or used in fresh salads

with other seafood and vegetables. It has gained recognition in the international seafood

industry because of its high nutritional value. According to (Saito et al., 2010), it has

relatively high polyunsaturated fatty acids including omega 3 fatty acids. It has also high

mineral content such as zinc and iron and trace elements including cobalt, selenium and

valium that meet daily body requirements (Peña-Rodriguez et al., 2011).

Today, species discrimination in Caulerpa is generally based on a number of

genomic- loci, with the chloroplast gene tufA encoding elongation factor TU being used

almost universally (Famà et al. 2002; Stam et al. 2006; Kazi et al., 2013; Sauvage et al.,

2013; Fernández García et al., 2016). Caulerpa spp. naturally inhabits a wide range of

substrate consisting of rubbles to over 50 m deep, under surfaces of overhanging rocks,

and also around the sand on reef flats and shallow, muddy lagoons that form beds and

meadows (Tanduyan et al. 2013).

Caulerpa spp. is the important as colonizers in seagrass bed succession, in part because

they help stabilize sediments with their rhizoids (Den Hartog 1977; Williams, 1981).

2.2 Taxonomic Classification of Caulerpa spp.

2.3 2.2.1 C. racemesa

Division: Chlorophyta

Class: Ulvophyceae

Order: Bryopsidales

Figure 1. C. racemosa

Family: Caulerpaceae

Genus: Caulerpa

Species: C. racemosa

Scientific name: Caulerpa racemose

Source Source=android-brower&q=racemosa

2.2.2 C. lentillifera

Division: Chlorophyta

Class: Ulvophyceae

Order: Bryopsidales Figure 2. C. lentillifera

Family: Caulerpaceae

Genus: Caulerpa

Species: C. lentillifera

Scientific name: Caulerpa lentillifera

Source Source=android-brower&q=lentillifera

2.3 Cultivation of Caulerpa spp.

This seaweed has been commonly cultivated in ponds, open lagoons or in cages, but

these methods are greatly affected by the weather conditions as they bring low

productivity and uncontrolled quality of product. Previous studies found that sea grape

Caulerpa spp. cultivated in tanks gave high productivity, free from pollution sources and

the products of this seaweed satisfy the criteria for food hygiene, safety and high nutrition

(Paul et al., 2014; Zuldin et al., 2018). Growth rate and production of C. lentillifera were

not only affected by environmental conditions such as salinity, temperature, light intensity

(Shokita 1991, Wang 2011; Guo et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2019). But also they affect the

technical factors and culture conditions (Minh et al., 2019).

2.4 Caulerpa racemosa

Caulerpa racemosa is one of the economic seaweed comodities which known as sea

grapes. Most green algae are found abundantly in the ocean surface, marine sediments,

and inhabit in the sandy rock bottoms in sublittoral zone (Gennaro & Piazzi 2014; Asmida

et al 2017). C. racemosa is locally known as "lawi-lawi”, particularly in South Sulawesi.

In the traditional market, C. racemosa is mostly obtained from wild yield. The local

market for seaweed is still dominated by the Kappaphycus alvarezii and Gracilaria sp.

Since C. racemosa has started to have higher market value along with other seaweed

commodities such as Euchema sp. and Gracillaria sp., C. racemosa farming is required to

decrease the dependency of its supply from the wild yield. In order to meet the demand

of high nutritional value and productivity of sea grapes, the technology for farming

seaweed is required. Nonetheless, the quality of biochemical content of seaweed is highly

affected by the environment. Naturally, seaweed stores the nutrient from the environment

into its tissue for promoting growth. This condition plays mutual influential for the

growth and nutrient status of the seaweed. The C. racemosa nutrient content can be

improved through the addition of organic matter or fertilizer (Nurfebriani et al., 2015).

Caulerpa racemosa (family- Caulerpaceae) a large, edible green alga or seaweed, is

widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas across the world. It is popularly

referred as “sea grapes” and is found in many areas of shallow sea, and has a number of

different forms and varieties of seaweed are available (Mandlik & Rahul et al., 2014). The

introduced green alga Caulerpa racemosa has been indicated as a driver of change in

patterns of abundance and distribution of resident assemblages on rocky (Piazzi et al.,

2001) and sandy (Argyrou et al., 1999) bottoms of the western Mediterranean Sea.

According to (Charrier et al., 2017) & (Melsasail et al., 2018) that seaweed are low level

macroscopic aquatic organisms that cannot be distinguished among the leaves, stems, and

roots and also contain chlorophyll so being able to do photosynthesis, through this

process, seaweed absorbs CO2 and H2O and nutrient complex molecules from the


2.5 Caulerpa lentillifera

According to (Trono 1988) accounted the cultivation of C. lentillifera in the country

and studied the culture method. It started in early 1950s when it was accidentally

introduced in fishponds with some other seaweed as feed in the province of Cebu. (Paul &

de Nys 2011) stated that, the use a culture vessel or tray in the cultivation of C.

lentillifera. The vessels are square perforated plastic trays with an area of almost 1 m 2.

Culture trays were rotated every 4 days, moving randomly positions with the system.

They found out that this method is highly feasible. C. lentillifera is green seaweed of high

economic value with the potential to drive development in the aquaculture industry. The

entire C. lentillifera structure is a stem organ called a thallus. Thalli that die become

detritus, which serve as feed for other organisms, so that seaweed provide habitat, shelter,

spawning grounds, in addition, to feed that supports P. pacifica growth (Parker & Maria


Caulerpa lentillifera is rich in protein, minerals, dietary fibers, vitamins, unsaturated

fatty acids as well as bioactive compounds that act as anti-cancer, anti-oxidative, anti-

diabetic, and also help with cholesterol reduction, prevents cardiovascular diseases

(Matanjun et al., 2010; Sharma & Rhyu 2014). This species has high economic value and

high biomass production potential in monoculture, and has been cultivated in some Asian

countries in for a long time (FAO 2003). Several investigations have found that

temperature, pH and irradiance are important environmental factors affecting growth rate

of C. lentillifera (Dai et al., 2006). The temperature, pH and light intensity did not differ

greatly among treatments and all were in a suitable range for C. lentillifera growth

(Shokita 1991).

2.6 Morphology of Caulerpa spp.

Three replicates of the sea grape samples per site were morphologically characterized

in-situ. Morphometric measurements recorded for assimilators or upright fronds were:

height, width, spacing, and numbers per stolon (2 cm); for branchlets: ramuli diameter,

stalk length and stalk diameter; and for rhizoids: stolon diameter, rhizoid length and

number of rhizoids per stolon (2 cm). Assimilators consist of branchlets called ramuli

which resemble “grapes” and are the edible parts of the species. Branching horizontal

stolon gives rise to numerous assimilators and rhizoids at its ventral side for attachment.

The protocol used for morphometric analysis in the study was described by (Manas et al.,


C. lentiliifera seaweed can be potentially cultured due to its role as biofilter in

maintaining water quality in aquaculture activities (Chaitanawisuti et al., 2011; Liu et al.,

2016). C. lentillifera can survive in salinities ranging from 20 to 50, and can develop at

salinities of 30 to 40. Optimal conditions for vegetative reproduction of C. lentillifera

occurred at a salinity of 35, with a concentration of 0.1 mmol/L of PO4-P and 0.5 mmol/L

of NO3-N (Guo Hui et al., 2015). The maximum growth of C. lentillifera occurred at a

salinity of 36. C. lentillifera digestility showed a good value as a raw material feed tilapia

(Nadisa Theresia Putri et al., 2017). The green algae contain high protein compared to red

algae and brown algae (Murugaiyan et al., 2012). C. lentiliifera has a high mineral content

as other kind of seaweeds (Kut Guroy 2007; Matanjun et al., 2009; Natify et al., 2015).

While the C. racemosa attract attention due to their negative features among alga

species (Verlaque et al., 2003). These two species are so fast-growing green alga that

putting pressure on other sea creatures in a short time like 6 months, adapting themselves

to various sea media, reproducing very rapidly and changing biotic and abiotic features of

the habitat on which they are grown (Verlaque et al., 2004). The effects of C. racemosa

on populations such as macrobentic fauna, crustaceans, malacofauna and zoobentic

populations in the place in which it exists were studied but the studies on their effects on

fish species and diversity are very few (Pandolfo & Chemello 1995; Žuljevic et al., 2004;

Casu et al., 2005; Tsirika et al., 2006).



3.1 Site and Duration of the Study

This study was conducted in MSU-TCTO floating cage at Bongao Channel, Bongao,

Tawi-Tawi for a duration of 30 days.

Figure 3. Map of Study Site.

3.2 Experimental Design and Lay-out

The experiment utilized 2x3 factorial experiment in Randomized Complete Block

Design (RCBD) with six treatments in three replicates. The lay-out of the study is shown

in Figure 2.

The treatments were follows:

Treatment 1- Caulerpa racemosa in 1 m depth

Treatment 2- Caulerpa racemosa in 2 m depth

Treatment 3- Caulerpa racemosa in 3 m depth
Treatment 4- Caulerpa lentillifera in 1 m depth
Treatment 5- Caulerpa lentillifera in 2 m depth
Treatment 6- Caulerpa lentillifera in 3 m depth

T1R1 T3R2 T6R3

T1R2 T5R3

T3R1 T2R2 T4R3

T4R1 T6R2 T3R3

T5R1 T4R2 T2R3

T6R1 T5R2 T1R3

Figure 4. Lay-out of the Study.

3.3 Collection and Handling of Seedling

The vegetative fragments of Caulerpa racemosa and Caulerpa lentillifera were

collected from Mandulan, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, where these algae have been observed to

grow naturally. The fragments were placed in a perforated styrofoam box. These were

transported then to the study site by motorcycle. Upon arrival, the seedlings were placed

in a cage as to the corresponding depths.

3.4 Planting of Seedlings

The vegetative fragments of Caulerpa racemosa and Caulerpa lentillifera weighing

100 grams each were tied with soft plastic tying materials and placed inside the net cage

with a dimension of 0.25m x 0.25m x 0.25m. Each cage was tagged and assigned a


3.5 Monitoring of Water Parameters

Only salinity and temperature were monitored every sampling using refractometers

and thermometer, respectively.

3.6 Sampling and Harvesting

Sampling of seedlings for growth and survival measurement was done every 15 days.

All plants were collected, cleaned from epiphytes and weighed individually using

weighing scale.

3.7 Data Analyses

Growth of Caulerpa spp. was determined using the formula below:

DGR=ln (Wf)-ln (Wi) x 100

Where Wf=final weight
Wi=initial weight
t=duration of culture
The Two-Way Analysis of Variance was used to test the differences among
treatments means and further analyzed at < 0.05 using Tukey test to rank the means.



4.1 Results

The final weight, weight gain, daily growth rate of Caulerpa racemosa and Caulerpa

lentilifera in treatments and blocks are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. There were no

significant differences among the treatments (p>0.05) while block C were significantly higher

on final weight, weight gain and specific growth rate in block A (p<0.05). After 30 days of

culture the results also revealed that the final weight, weight gain and specific growth rate in

block C and B were statistically similar as well as block B and A (p>0.05). The first sampling

temperature were 27⸰c and the salinity 31, the second sampling were temperature 28⸰c and

salinity 31.

Table 1. Data on final weight (FW), weight gain (WG), daily growth (%DGR) and survival
rate of Caulerpa spp. cultured at different depths after 30 days’ culture period in treatments.
Treatments FW (g) WG (g) %DGR SR (%)
T1 151.67 51.67 1.27 100%
T2 168.33 68.33 1.64 100%
T3 175.0 75.0 1.72 100%
T4 184.67 84.67 1.93 100%
T5 186.67 86.67 1.98 100%
T6 191.67 91.67 2.04 100%
Means in the same column sharing the same letters in superscript are not significantly

different (p>0.05).

Table 2. Data on final weight (FW), weight gain (WG), daily growth rate (%DGR) and
survival rate of Caulerpa spp. cultured at different depths after 30 days’ culture period
in blocks.
Block FW WG %DGR SR%
A 139.17b 39.17b 1.0b 100%
B 171.67ab 71.67ab 1.7ab 100%
C 218.17a 118.17a 2.59a 100%
Means in the same column sharing the same letters in superscript are not significantly
different (p<0.05).

Table 3. Data on the monitoring of water parameters

Sampling Salinity Temperature
First Sampling 31 27⸰c
Second Sampling 30 28⸰c
Third Sampling 31 27⸰c

4.2 Discussion

The growth performance of Caulerpa racemosa not significantly different in treatments,

Dreher et al., 1978 discussed that Caulerpa racemosa (estuarine growth-form) was collected

at 1.5 - 2.5 m depth from Pelican Point in the Swan River during the winter of 1990. These

estuarine specimens were cut into portions with two to five assimilators and at least one

growing tip. To lessen the numbers of bacteria and epiphyte spores, specimens were washed

in seawater containing 'Miltons' anti-bacterial solution. The green algae were left for 6 days

before culture to allow the wounds to heal the specimens were slowly acclimatized to their

experimental salinities. Calumpong 1984, studied the yield of Caulerpa racemosa locally

known as lato that harvested by the locals from the wild. It grows in the intertidal zone in the

shallow water that depend on the moderate to high currents in order supply the essential

nutrients that required for the growth. C. racemose also lack of morphological variation of

both coastal and estuarine growth-forms under the conditions tested that has contrasts with

thesome studies on C. racemosa (Tandy 1934, Peterson 1972, Calvert 1976, Enomoto &

Ohba 1987), that obtained growth of new morphology after six to ten days, so the present

experiment was considered long enough for potential growth. Lack of variation in the coastal

growth form may be because the experiment was carried out at 20°C, although variations in

levels of plasticity have been recorded before and observed a retention of radial ramuli

arrangement in C. racemosa (Calvert 1976).

The growth performance of Caulerpa lentillifera not significantly different in treatments,

(Syamsuddin et al., 2019) stated that, the lower growth with cultivation in the sea may have

been caused by limited concentrations of nutrients that can be absorbed by seaweed and by

sunlight intensity. In the floating method, the light intensity reaching the seaweed thallus may

have exceeded the optimal intensity for this species, in particular the exposure to ultraviolet

light in the upper layer of sea water. In the off-bottom method, the seaweed was very close to

the nutrient source (seabed).

However light intensity was low, while clay and sand particles attached to the thalli

which may have reduced nutrient diffusion and absorption. The very low growth in one

indoor system treatment (1.17 - 3.82 g) was caused by the number of seedlings grown in one

tray exceeding 80 g. The growth of seaweed was strongly influenced by the spacing of seeds

grown. So, differences in C. lentillifera growth can be caused by differences in the number

(or size) of initial seedlings used in a given space. (Herawati et al., 2018) studies were

discussed the result of specific growth rates of C. lentillifera under various stocking densities.

The highest SGR of C. lentillifera was observed under the treatment of 60 g/m2 at 4.76

ind/day. According to the ANOVA results, the density C. lentillifera significantly influenced

P. pacifica SGR (P < 0.05). In addition, according to Duncan's Multiple Range test, SGR

under the treatment of 0 g/m2 was lower than those of 20, 40, and 60 g/m2. The SGR under

the 20 g/m2 is significantly lower than the SGRs under the 40 g/m2 and 60 g/m2 treatments,

while there was no significant difference in SGR between the 40 g/m2 and 60 g/m2

treatments. (Tanduyan et al., 2013) also discuss growth rate of C. lentillifera in different

water levels and sites, it was found out that plastic screen cage has the highest growth rate

over other culture methods and sites. It grows best in middle layer in site 3 (sandy bottom)

which has a mean growth of 663.3 g for 3 months then followed by tubular nylon screen in

surface layer.

This accounts on the fact that middle layer has the moderate physico-chemical conditions

than the rest of the layers (bottom and surface). Although Caulerpa is an epibenthic plant

which attaches to the mud substrates in ponds (Berame 2003, Estellore 2006 personal com.)

and (Romano, 1999) growth has only reached 565 g in the bottom layer in rocky bottom for 3

months compared in tubular plastic screen compared to the middle layer in site 3 (sandy

bottom) using plastic screen cage which is 663.3 g. Significantly, the results on the

cultivation of the plant in the open sea will provide additional livelihood options for the fisher

folks to engage in Caulerpa farming since this requires small capital investment compared to

its cultivation in fishponds.

Training on site selection, proper selection of seedlings, cage maintenance will be done

as part of the extension program of the university to help solve the unemployment problem of

the people. Production of Caulerpa lentillefera in off bottom culture systems will help

provide food items to the people thereby helping solve the food security problem of the

country. Previous studies reported that water depth greatly affected the development of C.

lentillifera (Yusuke and Ayako 2004; Tanduyan et al., 2006), sea grape had higher growth

rate when inhabited in rich nutrient water bodies (FAO 2003; Dai et al., 2006; Huang 2012,

the specific growth rate of sea grape in all treatments tended decreased with the culture

period this could be due to higher biomass at later stage resulting in restricted living space for

sea grape and shading effects that reduce vegetative propagation of the biomass (Liu et al.,

2016). Wang (2011) showed that maximum growth of C. lentillifera occurred at a salinity of

36. Meanwhile, Guo Hui et al., (2015) proved that the maximum specific growth rate for C.

lentillifera occurred at a salinity of 35. Both chlorophyll content and the ratio of variable to

maximum fluorescence (Fv/ Fm) were also at a maximum at salinity of 35. Both the

maximum specific growth rate and maximum chlorophyll content were found in algae treated

with a concentration of 0.5 mmol/L of NO3-N and 0.1 mmol/L of PO4-P.S.

In addition to that, the growth performance of Caulerpa lentillifera has depend on the

cultivation being used and also it is depending on the nutrients, light intensity and others that

help to growing faster. And it has different growth of Caulerpa spp. were authors stated, has

easily growth the Caulerpa lintillifera compare to C. racemosa. According to Ilustrisimo et

al., (2013), Ukabi et al., (2013), and Guo et al., (2014, 2015) the factors that may affect the

growth of Caulerpa such as temperature 25-30⸰C, salinity 25-30 ppt, pH 7.70-8.50; nitrate

0.10-3.50 ppm, and orthophosphate 0.02-1.00 ppm. Caulerpa is suitable to grow at various

substratum types, however, the growth rate resulted is different. Pong Masak et al., (2007),

Hasbullah et al., (2014) stated that Caulerpa requires particular substratum as root’s function

to absorb the nutrient from the dead coral, muddy sand, mud, sand and soil.

The study of Yusuke & Ayako (2004) found that production of C. lentillifera was

significantly affected by water depth. Paul et al., (2014) reported that productivity of C.

lentillifera in a 6-week period yielded on average of 2 kg/week and this species had a higher

proportion of fronds to horizontal runners (stolons) and a higher density of fronds per unit

area. The studies of Dai et al., (2006, 2009), confirmed that fronds are the edible portion of

seagrape C. lentillifera. Therefore, frond proportion (percentage of frond/thallus) is the

important criteria of sea grape productivity; sea grape has high proportion of frond/thallus

resulting in high production. Under pond culture conditions, frond proportions varied in the

range of 70-80%, which affected by the culture system and cultivation duration (Dai et al.,

2006; 2009). C. lentillifera cultivated in tanks for 2 months obtained average frond

proportion of 62.64%, in which the commercial frond proportion (frown length ≥ 5 cm) was

on average of 28.74% (Hoa et al., 2013).

C. racemosa are grown differently in different bottom structures and depth and they are

grown more intensively in shallow floors, which are lighted by sunlight (0-5 m), compared

with stems and stolons. It is more intensive compared with pinnules of stems and stolans in

muddy floors, which are deep and with less light (Şahin et al., 2000; Friedlander et al., 2006).

Moreover, the different depths are grow differently from each other and from different

species, the most grow are near to the sandy, muddy and rocky, in this studies were grow

faster in 3 cm due to the rich of nutrients and others, the 2 cm and 1 cm grow slowly their




5.1 Conclusion

Caulerpa racemosa and Caulerpa lentillifera cultured in different depths showed no

significant effect on the growth performance and survival rate. Thus a culture depth ranging

from one (1) to three (3) meters enhances growth and better survival rate of Caulerpa

racemosa and Caulerpa lentillifera.

5.2 Recommendation

Based on the findings, further studies on the method and duration of culture species and

depths of culture to determine the optimum growth of Caulerpa spp.


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Treatment Block FW WG DGR

T1 A 215 115 2.55
T1 B 140 40 1.12
T1 C 199 99 2.29
T2 A 150 50 1.35
T2 B 130 30 0.87
T2 C 225 125 2.7
T3 A 120 20 0.61
T3 B 125 25 0.74
T3 C 210 110 2.47
T4 A 125 25 0.74
T4 B 215 115 2.55
T4 C 235 135 2.85
T5 A 110 10 0.32
T5 B 200 100 2.31
T5 C 215 115 2.55
T6 A 115 15 0.46
T6 B 220 120 2.63
T6 C 225 125 2.7

Two-way ANOVA

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: FW
Treatment Block Mean Deviation N
T1 A 215.0000 . 1
B 140.0000 . 1
C 199.0000 . 1
Total 184.6667 39.50105 3
T2 A 150.0000 . 1
B 130.0000 . 1
C 225.0000 . 1
Total 168.3333 50.08326 3
T3 A 120.0000 . 1
B 125.0000 . 1

C 210.0000 . 1
Total 151.6667 50.57997 3
T4 A 125.0000 . 1
B 215.0000 . 1
C 235.0000 . 1
Total 191.6667 58.59465 3
T5 A 110.0000 . 1
B 200.0000 . 1
C 215.0000 . 1
Total 175.0000 56.78908 3
T6 A 115.0000 . 1
B 220.0000 . 1
C 225.0000 . 1
Total 186.6667 62.11548 3
Total A 139.1667 39.67577 6
B 171.6667 44.57204 6
C 218.1667 12.81275 6
Total 176.3333 46.99437 18

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: FW
Type III Sum
Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected 22175.667 a
7 3167.952 2.061 .145
Intercept 559682.000 1 559682.000 364.179 .000
Treatment 3256.667 5 651.333 .424 .822
Block 18919.000 2 9459.500 6.155 .018
Error 15368.333 10 1536.833
Total 597226.000 18
Corrected Total 37544.000 17
a. R Squared = .591 (Adjusted R Squared = .304)


Dependent Variable: FW
95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Treatment Mean Std. Error Bound Bound
T1 184.667 22.634 134.236 235.097
T2 168.333 22.634 117.903 218.764
T3 151.667 22.634 101.236 202.097
T4 191.667 22.634 141.236 242.097
T5 175.000 22.634 124.569 225.431
T6 186.667 22.634 136.236 237.097

Univariate Tests
Dependent Variable: FW
Sum of
Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Contrast 3256.667 5 651.333 .424 .822
Error 15368.333 10 1536.833
The F tests the effect of Treatment. This test is based on the linearly
independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal


Dependent Variable: FW
95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Block Mean Std. Error Bound Bound
A 139.167 16.004 103.507 174.827
B 171.667 16.004 136.007 207.327
C 218.167 16.004 182.507 253.827

Univariate Tests
Dependent Variable: FW
Sum of
Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Contrast 18919.000 2 9459.500 6.155 .018
Error 15368.333 10 1536.833
The F tests the effect of Block. This test is based on the linearly
independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal

Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets

Tukey HSDa,b
Treatment N 1
T3 3 151.6667
T2 3 168.3333
T5 3 175.0000
T1 3 184.6667
T6 3 186.6667
T4 3 191.6667
Sig. .804
Means for groups in
homogeneous subsets are
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean
Square(Error) = 1536.833.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample
Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = .05.

Homogeneous Subsets

Tukey HSDa,b
Block N 1 2
A 6 139.1667
B 6 171.6667 171.6667
C 6 218.1667
Sig. .360 .150
Means for groups in homogeneous
subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) =
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size =
b. Alpha = .05.

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: WG
Treatment Block Mean Deviation N
T1 A 115.0000 . 1
B 40.0000 . 1
C 99.0000 . 1
Total 84.6667 39.50105 3
T2 A 50.0000 . 1
B 30.0000 . 1
C 125.0000 . 1
Total 68.3333 50.08326 3
T3 A 20.0000 . 1
B 25.0000 . 1
C 110.0000 . 1
Total 51.6667 50.57997 3
T4 A 25.0000 . 1

B 115.0000 . 1
C 135.0000 . 1
Total 91.6667 58.59465 3
T5 A 10.0000 . 1
B 100.0000 . 1
C 115.0000 . 1
Total 75.0000 56.78908 3
T6 A 15.0000 . 1
B 120.0000 . 1
C 125.0000 . 1
Total 86.6667 62.11548 3
Total A 39.1667 39.67577 6
B 71.6667 44.57204 6
C 118.1667 12.81275 6
Total 76.3333 46.99437 18

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: WG
Type III Sum
Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected 22175.667 a
7 3167.952 2.061 .145
Intercept 104882.000 1 104882.000 68.246 .000
Treatment 3256.667 5 651.333 .424 .822
Block 18919.000 2 9459.500 6.155 .018
Error 15368.333 10 1536.833
Total 142426.000 18
Corrected Total 37544.000 17
a. R Squared = .591 (Adjusted R Squared = .304)

Post Hoc Tests

Homogeneous Subsets

Tukey HSDa,b
Treatment N 1
T3 3 51.6667
T2 3 68.3333
T5 3 75.0000

T1 3 84.6667
T6 3 86.6667
T4 3 91.6667
Sig. .804
Means for groups in
homogeneous subsets are
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean
Square(Error) = 1536.833.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean
Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = .05.

Homogeneous Subsets

Tukey HSDa,b
Block N 1 2
A 6 39.1667
B 6 71.6667 71.6667
C 6 118.1667
Sig. .360 .150
Means for groups in homogeneous
subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error)
= 1536.833.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size
= 6.000.
b. Alpha = .05.

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: DGR
Treatment Block Mean Deviation N
T1 A 2.5500 . 1
B 1.1200 . 1
C 2.2900 . 1

Total 1.9867 .76173 3
T2 A 1.3500 . 1
B .8700 . 1
C 2.7000 . 1
Total 1.6400 .94884 3
T3 A .6100 . 1
B .7400 . 1
C 2.4700 . 1
Total 1.2733 1.03838 3
T4 A .7400 . 1
B 2.5500 . 1
C 2.8500 . 1
Total 2.0467 1.14150 3
T5 A .3200 . 1
B 2.3100 . 1
C 2.5500 . 1
Total 1.7267 1.22411 3
T6 A .4600 . 1
B 2.6300 . 1
C 2.7000 . 1
Total 1.9300 1.27354 3
Total A 1.0050 .83649 6
B 1.7033 .88389 6
C 2.5933 .19886 6
Total 1.7672 .94582 18

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: DGR
Type III Sum
Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected 8.849 a
7 1.264 1.988 .157
Intercept 56.215 1 56.215 88.401 .000
Treatment 1.243 5 .249 .391 .844
Block 7.605 2 3.803 5.980 .020
Error 6.359 10 .636
Total 71.423 18
Corrected Total 15.208 17
a. R Squared = .582 (Adjusted R Squared = .289)

Post Hoc Tests
Homogeneous Subsets

Tukey HSDa,b
Treatment N 1
T3 3 1.2733
T2 3 1.6400
T5 3 1.7267
T6 3 1.9300
T1 3 1.9867
T4 3 2.0467
Sig. .833
Means for groups in
homogeneous subsets are
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean
Square(Error) = .636.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean
Sample Size = 3.000.
b. Alpha = .05.

Homogeneous Subsets

Tukey HSDa,b
Block N 1 2
A 6 1.0050
B 6 1.7033 1.7033
C 6 2.5933
Sig. .324 .180

Means for groups in homogeneous
subsets are displayed.
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error)
= .636.
a.Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size
= 6.000.
b. Alpha = .05.



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