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JCC #4 Setsubun 2006/1/28


Daiyonkai Nihon Bunka Ressun・だいよんかいにほんぶんかれっすん・第四回日

本文化レッスン – 4th Japanese Culture Class
1) (0:40) Setsubun・せつぶん・節分 – day before a change in the seasons (lit. division
of seasons)
2) (1:14) Setsu・せつ・節 - season
3) (1:17) Bun・ぶん・分 - divide
4) (2:00) Risshun・りっしゅん・立春 – setting-in of spring
5) (3:05) Mamemaki・まめまき・豆まき – bean throwing
6) (3:44) Oni・おに・鬼 – monster, demon
7) (4:36) Aka・あか・赤 - red
8) (4:44) Ao・あお・青 - blue
9) (6:58) Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!・おにはそと!ふくはうち!・鬼は外!福は
内! - Monsters out! Luck in!
10) (9:15) Un・うん・運 - luck
11) (10:35) Jinjya・じんじゃ・神社 - Shrine
12) (10:50) Tera・てら・寺 - Temple
13) (11:03) Toshi otoko・としおとこ・年男 – Person of Year (referring to the 12
animals associated with the Chinese Zodiac) this year is year of the dog
14) Toshi onna・としおんな・年女 - Person of Year (referring to the 12 animals
associated with the Chinese Zodiac) this year is year of the dog

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