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Nama Kelas Mapel

: Yudisthira Yoga Deanova : XI DKV 2

: Bhs.Inggris
4. How did Irimiami and his wife finally learn from things that happened to them?
5. There is a saying, ‘Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.’ It means that being
curious can sometimes lead someone to danger or misfortune, but it may also lead them to
satisfaction because they manage to find what they’re searching for. How does this saying apply to
the legend of the holy stone?
Reflect and evaluate
6. What would you do if you were Irimiami or Isoray? Why would you do that?
7. What do you learn from Irimiami’s and Isoray’s curiosity?
8. Have you ever been really curious about things? How did you handle it? Did it bring you good or
bad things?
4. from accident that happen to them, and they learn from their mistake
5. don't repeat the same mistake. if it is bad for you then stay away
6. if i be miami or isoray i would do some business that sell smoke beef
7. it's good to be curious, but dont to much

8. yes i do, i do research until i satisfied, its bring me a good things, because it bring me a new
knowledge for me.

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