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Introduction To Natural Phenomenon

Any naturally occurring calamity or physical process is called a natural
phenomenon. The two destructive natural phenomenons are lightning
and earthquakes.

Electric Charge: Charge is the fundamental property associated

with matter due to which it produces and experiences electrical effects
and magnetic effects.

The excess or deficiency of electrons in a body gives the concept of

charge. Its S.I unit is Coulomb (c).

Charge on electron, qe= -1.6*10-19c (1.6*10 to the power minus 19c).

Charge on proton, qe= +1.6*10-19c (1.6*10 to the power minus 19c).

Methods of Charging: A body can be charged by rubbing due to

friction or induction. The electric charges produced by rubbing are
called Static Charges.

For Example: When object like plastic comb is rubbed with hair, it
attains charge. Similarly, a glass rod (+) gets charged when rubbed with
silk cloth (-).

Electroscope: A device that can detect the presence of charge is

called an electroscope.
Earthing: The process of transferring charges from a charged object
to the earth is called earthing.

Lightning: During thunderstorms, air currents move upwards, and

water droplets move downwards. This causes the separation of charges
between clouds and between clouds and earth.

When the magnitude of charges increases, air (normally a bad

conductor) starts conducting and allows the flow of electricity. This is
called lightning, as the flow of charge is accompanied by bright streaks
of light and sound.

Electric Discharge: The process of flow of charge from one body

to another body is known as electric discharge. For Example: Flow of
charges between cloud and cloud or cloud and earth.

Lightning Safety:

1) Outside The House:

a) Find a safe shelter or place under small trees.
b) Stay away from metal poles.
c) Do not lie on the ground, instead place your hands on your
knees with your head between the hands.
d) Do not carry umbrella during thunderstorm.
2) Inside The House:
a) Avoid contact with telephone and electrical wires.
b) Avoid bathing.
c) Unplug electrical appliances.

Lightning Conductor: Lightning Conductor is a device used to

protect a building from the effect of lightning.

It consists of a metal rod that is taller than the building which is

installed within the walls during construction. It runs all the way to the
earth and provides easy route for the transfer of electric charge to the

Earthquakes: An earthquake is a sudden trembling or shaking of

the earth due to disturbance deep inside the earth’s crust.

 It causes large-scale damage to life and property.

 It cannot be predicted.

Causes Of Earthquake: The outermost layer of the earth called the crust
is fragmented. Each fragment is called a plate. These plates are in a
continuous motion. When the brush past one another, or a plate goes
under another due collision, they cause disturbance that shows up as
an earthquake on the surface of earth.

Tremors on the earth can also be caused when a Volcano erupts, or a

Meteor hits the earth, or an underground nuclear explosion is carried
out. However, most earthquakes are caused by the movement of
earth’s plates.
Seismic/Fault Zones: Boundaries of the plates on the earth’s
crust are weak zones where earthquakes are most likely to occur. The
weak zones are known as Seismic/Fault Zones.

In India, the most threatened areas are Kashmir, Western and Central
Himalayas, The whole North-East, Runn Of Kutch, Rajasthan and The
Indo-Gangetic Plane. Some areas of South India also fall in the danger

Richter Scale: The power of an earthquake is expressed in terms

of a magnitude on a scale called the Richter Scale.

Really destructive earthquakes have magnitudes higher than 7 on

Richter Scale. Both Kashmir and Bujj earthquakes had magnitudes
greater than 7.5.

Seismic Waves: The tremors produce waves on the surface of the

earth. These waves are called Seismic Waves. These waves are
recorded by an instrument called Seismograph.

Seismograph: The Seismograph is simply a vibrating rod, or a

pendulum, which starts vibrating when tremors occur. A pen is
attached to the vibrating system. The pen records the Seismic Waves on
a paper which moves under it. By studying these waves, Scientists can
construct a complete map of the earthquake. They can also estimate its
power to cause destruction.
Protection Against Earthquakes:

1) Indoor:
a) Take shelter under a table and stay there till the tremors stop.
b) Stay away from tall and heavy objects that may fall on you.
c) If you are on a bed, do not get up. Protect your head with a
2) Outdoors:
a) Find a clear spot, away from buildings, trees and over head
power lines.
b) If you are driving in a car or a bus, do not come out. Ask the
driver to drive slowly to a clear spot and stay inside the car or
bus till tremors stop.

Important Points:

a) There are two kind of charges i.e. Positive and Negative.

b) Like charges repel and unlike charges repel each other.
c) The electrical charges produced by rubbing are called Static
d) The process of electric discharge between clouds and earth or
between different clouds causes Lightning.

Textbook Exercise
Q1) Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?

a) A plastic scale.

b) A copper rod.

c) An inflated balloon.

d) A woolen cloth.

Ans: A copper rod.

Q2) When glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod

a) and the cloth both acquires positive charge.

b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

c) and the cloth both acquire negative charge.

d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge.

Ans: becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

Q3) State the following as true or false.

a) Like charges attract each other.

Ans: False.

b)A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw.

Ans: True.
c) Lightning Conductor cannot protect a building from lightning.

Ans: False.

d) Earthquakes can be predicted in advance.

As: False

Q4) Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off sweaters

during winters. Explain.

Ans: This occurs due to electric discharge between sweater and our
body. Some energy is always released with electric discharge which in
this case is released in the form of a crackling sound.

Q5) Explain why a charged body loses its charge when we touch it with
our hand?

Ans: When we touch a charged body, t loses its charge, due to the
process of earthing. Our body is good conductor of electricity and
transfers the charges to the ground.

Q6) Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake

is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be
recorded by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage?

Ans: Destructive energy of an earthquake is measured on Richter Scale.

Yes, it will be recorded in the seismograph. Earthquake with magnitude
of 3 o Richter Scale is not much destructive.

Q7) Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

Ans: Already done.

Q8) Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged
balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another
charged balloon?

Ans: The surface charge on the balloons is of same nature; hence they
get repelled. However, when a charged balloon is brought near an
uncharged balloon, the uncharged balloon acquires charge due to
induction, which are opposite in nature to that of charged balloon.

Q9) Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be

used to detect a charged body?

Ans: Easy.

Q10) List three states in India where earthquakes are more

likely to strike.

Ans: Easy.

Q11) Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes.
What precaution would you take to protect yourself?

Ans: Easy.

Q12) The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is

likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day
Would you carry an umbrella? Explain.

Ans: No, this will increase the risk of lightning because wide objects are
more prone to be strike by lightning.


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