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1. Investigate what is a Thunderstorm?

A= thunderstorm, a violent short-lived disturbance that is almost always
associated with , , dense clouds, heavy or , and strong gusty

2. What elements involving thunderstorm?

A= All thunderstorms require three ingredients for their formation: Moisture,
Instability, and. a lifting mechanism

3. Watch the video How thunderstorms Form and answer the following
1. Describe each of the steps that make up a thunderstorm. 7 steps.
1. Warm moist air is heated and begins to rise upwards.
2. As this warm air rises it begins to cool, condenses and begins to form clouds
3. Warm air cools and may form ice
4. The cooled moisture will began to fall to the earth creating a downdraft
5. Convection currents are created
6. Eventually the downdrafts will stop the updrafts of warm air
7. The storm dies off
2. Describe the three types of Thunderstorms
1- Orographic: orographic thunderstorms are caused by air that is forced up by a
mountain or a really large hilside
2- Airmass: airmass thunderstorms other result of localized convection currents
in an unstable airmass, an unstable airmass has both warm and cool or cold air
3- Frontal: frontal thunderstorms occur along the boundaries of weather fronts
like a cold front or a warm front

1, what is lighting?
A= the occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and
high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, accompanied by
a bright flash and typically also thunder
2, Investigate what is a cumulonimbus?
A= Cumulonimbus clouds are menacing looking multi-level clouds, extending
high into the sky in towers or plumes
3, In the following link read and answer the following questions

JetStream Max: The Lightning Process: Keeping in Step

1. Lightning can be divided into two types writhe each one.
Lightning can be divided into two types:
 Flashes with at least one channel connecting the cloud to the ground, known as "cloud-to-
ground" discharges (CG); and
 Flashes with no channel to ground, known as "in-cloud" (IC), "cloud-to-cloud" (CC), or
"cloud-to-air" (CA).

2. Write the 5 steps for the forming of Lightning.


Step 1
A typical CG lightning strike initiates inside the storm. Under the influences of
the electric field between the cloud and the ground, a very faint, negatively
charged channel called a "stepped leader" emerges from the storm base and
propagates toward the ground in a series of steps about 160 feet (50 meters) in
length and 1 microsecond (0.000001 seconds) in duration.

Step 2
As the stepped leader approaches the ground, its strong, negative charge repels
all negative charge within the immediate strike zone of the earth's surface,
while attracting vast amounts of positive charge. The influx of positive charge
into the strike zone is so strong that the stepped leader actually induces electric
channels up from the ground known as "streamers".

Step 3
The electric potential of the stepped leader is connected to the ground and the
negative charge starts flowing DOWN the established channel.

Step 4
An electric current wave, called a "return stroke", then shoots UP the channel
producing a brilliant pulse. It only takes the current about 1 microsecond to
reach its peak value, which averages around 30,000 amperes.

Step 5
An electric current wave, called a "return stroke", shoots UP the channel as a
brilliant pulse. Behind the wave front, electric charge flows up the channel and
produces a ground current. It takes the current about 1 microsecond to reach its
peak value, which averages around 30,000 amperes.

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