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The work was written by Richard Horn. He was a local surgeon at the hospital.

The story begins

with a short story about what the exam means for students. the main character's name is Benskin
The event that takes place at the beginning is that the students surrounded the doctor Malcolm
Maxworth and listened to him attentively

The rising action

In my mind, this is an exam written by students and a conversation with a friend/Students started to
write the exam, it lasted a long time and the main character said it was like a batt/ then was a
metting with Grimsdyke. This guy started telling me that all exam results are decided by drawing

The climax
The peak situation was when he was brought to a tiny room with 6 other candidates. Then he was
asked a question on the exam to which he already knew the answer. He was not confused because
he had experience with this in another hospital

The falling action

The days after the viva were black ones. It was like having a severe accident. For the
first few hours I was numbed, unable to realize what had hit me. Then I began to wonder if I
would ever make a recovery and win through.

The resolution
The ending is that the examiner called his number and he passed. He was very happy
his pulse shot in his ears. his face was burning hot and he felt his stomach had been suddenly
plucked from his body. Suddenly he found himself on top of the Secretary.

5. RATTLE vi/t
1. to make a series of short loud sounds when hitting against sth hard; to make sth do this;
тріскотіти, торохтіти, гуркотіти, гриміти, брязкати:.A window rattled in the wind.

2. (of a vehicle) to make a series of short loud sounds as it moves somewhere; рухатися з
гуркотом, мчати, гнати, трясти ( rattle down, rattle over, rattle along, rattle past ): They rattled
the furniture around the big old house.

3. to make sb nervous or frightened; хвилювати, бентежити, турбувати, лякати: He was

clearly rattled by the question.
SYNONYM: embarrass

NOTE: embarrass means 1. to make sb feel shy, especially in a social situation;бентежити,

турбувати: Her questions about my private life embarrassed me.
2. to scold;(скеулд( лаяти, давати прочухана: She embarrassed the pupil for his unwillingness to

IDM: rattle sb’s cage to annoy sb; дратувати: Who’s rattled his cage?

rattle through to do sth very quickly because you want to finish it as quick as possible; квапливо
робити щось, підштовхувати, прискорювати: She rattled through her speech in five minutes.
rattle around sth (informal) to be living, working, etc. in a room or building that is too big;

знаходитись або жити у занадто великому приміщенні: She spent the last few years alone,
rattling around the old family home.

rattle sth off to say sth from memory without having to think too hard; відтарабанити, говорити
без угаву: She can rattle off the names of all the presidents of the US.

rattle on (about sth) to talk continuously(кентіньюеслі) about sth that is not important or
interesting, especially in an annoying way; говорити швидко, базікати: At every meeting she
rattled on for hours.

SYNONYM: chatter
rattle n
1. (also rattling) [usually sing.] a series of short loud sounds made when hard objects hit against
each other; тріск, гуркіт, деренчання, перестукування:. From the kitchen came a rattling of
2. noise, chatter; гам, гвалт, шум: She cannot bear a place without some cheerfulness and rattle.
3. a person who speaks much; невгамовний балакун, торохтій, цокотун, базікало: I paid so
little attention to the talk of this rattle.
SYNONYM: chatterer

I chose a major character. It is benskin. He is protagonist. We don't have a lot of information about
this character, and his character can be called flat. Benskin discovered that Malcolm Maxworth was
the St. Swithin's representative on the examining Committee/ just like everyone else, he was
nervous before the exam. He said that To a medical student the final examinations are something
like death:

After the exam, he felt like I was in a battle. I walked down the stairs feeling as if I had just finished
an eight-round fight.

was in favour of equal rights between women and men-The male examiners are so afraid of being
prejudiced (преджедес) favourably (февереблі) by their sex they usually adopt towards them an
attitude of undeserved sternness.

If we talk about his state of mind at the exam, he was confident because he already knew the answer
to the question he received-My heart leaped hopefully. This was something I knew, as there had
recently been a case at St. Swithin's.

When he heard that he had passed, he was incredibly happy the whole world stopped living for him-
I jumped and struggled my way to the front of the restless crowd. My pulse shot
in my ears. My face was burning hot and I felt my stomach had been suddenly
plucked from my body. Suddenly I found myself on top of the Secretary.

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