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There are scriptures which seem to appear to say, this body we have right

now is the one that will be changed, then there are other scriptures and
revelations that seem to indicate it is a hidden spiritual invisible body we
have within us that is the changed body. This causes us at various times to
go back and forth as to, well is it this body I have on now or is it one I have
inside me. We have to allow the Lord to bring the pieces together.

Our pastor has told us, the image conforms to the nature. So remember
that, for that is a key. We put on skins after the fall. So this would lead us to
believe it is not this skin body we have now that will be changed. However, if
the substance in the cup is hot, then the cup is hot, if the substance is holy,
the cup is holy, seeing it conforms to the substance within.

I have heard our pastor say, concerning the change of the body, "not this
old wretched thing", and again, heard him say, "the body has nothing to do
with the change". Yet we also hear him say, "If it was not the same body
Jesus rose from the dead with, as the same one He died with and was born
with, then it could not have been a true resurrection.".

The Bible speaks of the creature itself being changed in a number of

scriptures. So which is true? Both!

To change the outer means we must simply change the inner.

What took place in the fall was a change of the inner, which caused a change
for the outer, or God clothed us in skins. Now, this does not mean our body
is the beast's body because it was clothed in skins. Jesus changed that same
skin body into a glorified body on the mount. His body was in every way the
same manner as ours is, except it had no sin in it. Sin in it, refers us to the
inside, the inner man. See a change had taken place within. A nature had
come about from the fall, and an image was then conformed to that nature
which denotes our skin covering. We had to have skin so to speak because
we fell to a beast level. Blood Life.

This does not mean we did not have skin already, nor does it mean we did
not have a body already. Remember, you can have a body, a physical skin
body and yet not be in the flesh. Jesus was and had a physical body but was
not in the flesh as to what the Bible calls sinful flesh. Much the same way as
Christians we are told that, though we walk daily in this physical body, that
the Word tells us it is actually dead, though it appears to live. Dead from the
old nature of trespasses and sins we say. Yet it is also dead by what Jesus
did at Calvary. We see one can be "dead while they live". The world today is
all about "Zombies" or the walking dead, which is God showing the wicked
their spiritual condition.
So we see the secret to the change, is as we have spoken already in many
post before, that it is something that takes place within. When there is a
change within, then we say the new nature of Christ is within, then that
means our image is or will be conformed to that nature. The body has
changed, when we were born again. We recognize the bodily change not by
the outer appearance, but by the inner appearance. When my body as a cup
was cold from the ice and water inside of it causing dew on my outer man as
the sweat of my brow, then it changed, when it was emptied out and in
came the hot water of vaporization that made my same cup hot. My inner
higher faster quicker vibrations from within have sped my outer cup
vibrations to equal what is inside.

So we see it is BOTH that are changed, but only through one of them being
changed. When we changed what was inside it changed what was outside.
Remember if the substance is holy, the cup that contains it is holy. We are
"holy in body", as our pastor said, not by anything the body has within itself
to be holy, but hear what he said made the body holy..."I am holy in my
body, by the Faith of Jesus Christ which is within me", it is what made my
spirit, soul, and body, my heart, my mind, my thoughts, my deeds,
everything about is now HOLY, because of whose I am and what I am and
what is within me and what is ME! For "I Am"!

SO this clearly and simply explains what would appear to be different bodies,
but we see they are one and the same. Jesus's body, when His Holy Nature
was in it, still ate, it drank, it laughed, etc. When it was made sin or became
a sinful nature, it was the same body as to eyesight, but then it died, then
upon resurrecting, it was the same physical body, but the holy nature was
now back, thus causing a conformity of the outer image. He could walk
through walls and walk on water before his death and after his death.

The Word tells us this. We do not know what we shall be like, as to our
image, until Christ appears, but once He does appear, it says, THEN we shall
be like Him. Well, are we waiting on Him to appear? No, for He has already
appeared suddenly within our temple, at our new birth. The same male
organ that is circumcised is still the same organ as before except unveiled. It
has a new head. The veil, the illusion of sin and death and the lies and the
falsehoods, etc was not so from the beginning. All of the dreams and
nightmares were never true, we were simply asleep by lies that rocked us to
sleep when we were babes. Now we have awakened from that sleep and
realize none of the horrors and lies we experienced in that dream world were
true, but we have always been His, always been pure and holy and could
never die!
So in the change of the body, it is certainly changed by what took and takes
place within. The same woman divorces death and marries life, she is still
the same woman, just under a different mind and head. I hope this helps
clear up some confusion, for many are confused over this, from listening to
Bro. Branham and His followers thinking He is speaking of another body
when He is not.

We need to stay with the teachings of our pastor and let His message be our
Urim and Thummin, and measure all other doctrines by it, and we should
also remember to stay with the Authorized King James Version Holy Bible as
that is the ONLY one our pastor said He could clearly find and see The
Revelation of Jesus Christ in but not any of the others.
May God Bless You all. Bro. Pat
Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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