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When we are teaching the child to ride the bike we put on training wheels.

When it is afraid at night, we leave a light on for it. When it does wrong we
give it a spanking. We may chop up its food so it is easier to eat. We give it
milk, not beer or coffee or tea. We do not let it light up a cigar. It does not
shoot the shotgun, drive the car or tractor. It does not date or makes
financial purchases. The reason for all of this and more is simple, it is a
child. It LACKS wisdom and knowledge and understanding. It has to GROW
into the state of MATURITY in body mind and soul. You know these things.

So this is where and why Satan was SUFFERED to exist for a time. We fell to
a world of sleep, so this world is a dream. We do not truly grasp this until we
actually awaken, then we clearly see. So Light is Knowledge and WIsdom
and Understanding, so darkness is the absence of those things. It is the
darkness of ignorance that rules when in the infant state. A Child is seen as
asleep in the darkness of their ignorance and the play world, while adults are
denoted as the awakened and know things, or the reality of life. So the child
moves and grows out of the darkness and into the light, from immaturity to
maturity from ignorance to knowledge. You know this.

So what is this age or time from darkness to light, from ignorance to

knowledge? Itis the time of the wilderness wondering. The time when they
are working out their salvation or their adulthood, their identity etc. Who are
they and what will they become, what do they believe, what should they
believe and on and on it goes. We see this in the Jews coming from Egypt to
Canaan Land. We see this in the Church Ages from Calvary until the
Rapture. We see this during the 7 year tribulation period from 13 to 19 years
of age.

So do you know what that twilight world is as the child grows and moves
from darkness to light? That is Satan! He is the unknowing and is everything
the child does not know in its innocent state of unbelief. He is that empty
space of all that is unknown for the child, and He is the veil of their
ignorance. Is there a boogie man in the closet? No. Never was or will be. So
where did the boogie man come from, because to the child it does exist? It
came from the childs on IMAGINATION! It fathered a lie from its infant state
and not knowing any better, it created a monster that did not exist. It
existed in the world and mind of the child, but in the true reality of God or
the parents, did it ever really exist? No. Eve was a child in her mind and she
leaned to her own imagination and believed something into existence that
never truly existed. Yes, it existed to Eve and yes it existed to her children
and to each generation, until the parent showed up, spanked their tail and
set them straight, and said stop this foolishness, enough!
I have let you believe this lie in your childlike state because it could be used
for your good and to show you real-life and God. However it is time to grow
up, end the imagination, rend the veil, come to some knowledge and
maturity and put on some work clothes put away the playthings and put
down the dolls and the fantasies of the dream world, wake up, get out of
bed and be about your Fathers Business. God SUFFERED you to believe a lie
for your own good, for your maturity and development. Remember the
purpose of CONTRAST. Once development is finished and matured, then the
darkness is not needed anymore, you can be awakened from your sleep
now. So you see death, hell, the grave, sickness and time, and the DEVIL,
were only true to YOU in your Dream State of SLEEP. That's the ONLY place
they existed!!! In your childlike dream state of SLEEP. Yes, they were true
to you, for a time. However, to your parent or to God, it was just you being
a child. It was never true to God, but He had to work with you and develop
you in your child-like state. He had to be careful because to you those lies
did exist. Yes, the boogie man existed to YOU, in your infant child state. But
in the eternities of God and in the Truth and the True Reality of God, that
was all YOU, it was never His Reality, there was never a devil to Him.

Yes, the Bible speaks of the devil and Satan all through it, but that's because
humanity is still growing. God has to teach to them all accordingly and to
their level of understanding. We know death and the grave is a lie, we
believe that but yet people still die daily, death is all through the Bible and
yet we are told to believe it never existed. We are told we could never sin
and cannot sin and that sin was and has been impossible to a Saint of God,
yet we find so much sin all through the Bible. Do you see the point? Once
you come to the fullness of Light there is no more darkness to you. Now you
are awakened. No more boogie man, no more fear, no more death or hell,
etc, it was not so from the beginning, not so before the fall came, not so
before the sleep of Eve came about. Awake thou that sleepest and Christ
shall give thee Light!!! So yes the devil still exist to the babes and to those
not born again, but to we who have come to the fulness of the stature and
are spiritual adults, we should know better. We have awakened. We are
truth, we are Light.

There is so much more that could be said, but hopefully this will do for now.
God Bless You! Bro.

Thank You,
Patrick Nichols

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