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C H A P T E R 89

When God Was Not

When God Was Not

When God was Not.

We will start by saying a quote from our Pastor. “Before the Beginning, God
was not God...”. He said more to this quote as to what He means and I will post
the rest of that paragraph at the end of this writing. However you can read it in its
entirety on the web, if you care too.

Now that is a very deep and powerful statement to make. When God was not
God. When we say God was not God, we have to ask ourselves, “How can that
be”? Well as incredible as it sounds, it can be explained in a simple way, yet not
take away from the utter depths of what it is saying. It simply means, God was not
God because He had not yet been “defined” as God. So when we say He was not
defined, then we are saying a lot. We know from the Word that God is Light. We
know light contrast darkness.So Light is a revealer and darkness is a hidden mys-
tery. In Light, we see, in darkness, we are blind. Though we may have eyes to see,
without light, eyes are useless. We see this daily as people with eyes wide open, yet
walk in spiritual darkness and blindness.

So in the beginning, we see it can be called a beginning, because we can see a

contrast of the beginning. We see there is but darkness and the first thing to come

forth is “Let there be Light”. So we see Light coming forth from the Darkness,
causing a contrast of Light and Darkness, revealing to our minds, that something
exist, or existence has come into being. If we had no light and we remained in
darkness, we would never know it, till Light would come. In other words there is
no “Comprehension” without Light. It could have said, “Let there be Comprehen-
sion”, or “Let there be Understanding”. The Word tells us, “Light has shined into
Darkness, and the Darkness comprehended it not”.

Lets take a moment and rightly divide this Light. We say Light is an under-
standing, and this means a knowledge has come forth. So for our minds sake, lets
use a Word, we say a Word has come forth and this word carries a knowledge and
that knowledge is truth and it requires that the knowledge it carries to be received
in faith. So we see Light inside the Word, as what is spoken is truth and must be re-
ceived in faith, for that is its purpose for coming forth. It does not come forth to
meet with unbelief, for that would be a lie. So a Word is presented to someone,
they by faith receive the engrafted word and the hearing of faith from the heart
and the shell of the word is rent in twain and the life and light of that word enters
its resting place of intent. Now we see the one who receives has become “Enlight-
ened” and more bright with light or understanding.

However if that same word is heard and falls on deaf ears and meets unbelief,
then we see they receive the Shell of the Word, as to the Knowledge of that Word,
but they have rejected the Light of that Word by Unbelief, then they have changed
truth to a lie and now they hold righteousness in unbelief, hold the truth in Un-
righteousness. Simply by Unbelief. This is what makes the difference in the Two
Men in the Field parable. One hears in Faith, the other hears, but does not have
faith. One translated into the Inner Kingdom of God, the other cast out. Knowl-
edge is the Moon Light, Understanding is the Sun Light. When the doubters re-
ceive the word but rejects its light they are illuminated by a carnal religious moon
light, to a knowledge of knowing to do, but cannot perform, increasing their con-
demnation of guilt.

So now back to Before the Beginning. Back before Comprehension was. Before
Understanding came forth. God was not God. Though I see what the Lord is do-
ing and showing me this day, I am reaching deep and hard to find the proper
words to even begin to relate this to your mind. So even though we say, God was
not defined, as of yet, it goes so much richer and deeper than that. Before God
was Light, He was Darkness. He did call the Light forth from the Darkness. What
was that Light He called Forth? We can still see it today, at the end of Revelations,
The Great Light of the Ancient of Days, God revealing the end from the begin-
ning. Looking at this in a pictorial kind of way we can see the Light of the Ancient
of Days, shining upon the Cross and it casting a Shadow of Darkness back to-
wards Genesis. We say the Hinder Part of God or the darkness of that side of Cal-
vary which we say was the Law and Sin, and of course on this side we say Grace
and Forgiveness.

God being what is termed as an “Object of Worship”, we see for the Object to
be made known, their would have to be a Light to shine upon it and for their to be
light it was to cast a shadow from the Object as well. The Object of course was
and is Calvary, the Cross. The 33 Years of His Life as a man, as the Man Christ
Jesus who was God the Word made Flesh. This time of His 33 years is seen in
Revelations every time it mentions a 3rd of something. a 3rd of this dies, a 3rd of
these fall from the sky, and on and on, it all ties in with the Man part of Christ Je-
sus, when the Word became veiled in bloody Human Flesh. This created a Moon
Light realm of existence of a mixture of darkness and light.

So stay with me now as we go more into this, as we have said before, this ties in
with previous writings where we spoke of God being the Good and the Evil. From
a child’s perspective we see in its immaturity the child thinks it is hypocritical for
the Dad to shoot the gun and the child not able to. I am using this in a philosophi-
cal sense so we can show our point. So from the child’s view, the Dad is in one
sense Evil. He does what he tells the child He cannot. The child must go to bed

early while parents stay up. Dad is the punisher, as Mom is much more loving and
giving and trusting, Dad is more exact and spanks me good and He does not let
me get by with things as Mom does. SO we see from a Childs view Mom is as
Grace and Dad is as The Law, one is seen as Good and one as Evil, in the sense of
punishment and wrath. However neither one are those. They are both loving par-
ents working together to raise the child. All things work Together, unto those who
love the Lord. Therefore shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to His
Wife and they shall be One Flesh. So as we have said, God is both Good and Evil
from our childlike mind, until we mature in the Lord.

So in saying God is Evil then is certainly sounds blasphemous to say such, as

the Bible says, Woe unto those who call Evil Good and Good Evil. So we are view-
ing this from a more mature spiritual higher adult understanding and not as chil-
dren any more. Before the beginning there was darkness, so in one sense we always
say the darkness is referred to as evil or even as unto Satan. So it sounds like we
are twisting it all around and making God evil and Satan good, when that is not at
all what we are doing. It is the same careful way we have used the Spirit of Revela-
tion to show our Lord and Savior as Good as well as to show the other side of
Him that was made Sin and made Evil. It is a very fine line and only the God
Mind can lead us safely through such places. If before the defining of God He was
not God, then it is for certain if there was no God, there was certainly no Satan,
so it would as well be impossible to call the darkness before the light Satan. Lets re-
move Satan from the equation as He is not fit to be even mentioned in this perspec-
tive yet we see a darkness and when we say darkness and light came forth from
darkness, does not that make darkness a bearer of light? Light does not bear itself,
it is the darkness that bears as a burden the light. The light is certainly a burden to
the darkness for the light is the destroyer of the darkness. Now think on this for a
moment, “Light is a destroyer of the Darkness”. God who was darkness, before
the beginning, commands Light to come forth, making the darkness that God was,
a Bearer of the Light. God is a Bearer of the Light. The Light Bearer. The Bright
and Morning Star that shines at the edge of the end of darkness of night and the
coming forth of the light of day. So in this view we see the darkness which is God,

is the bearer of the light. Lucifer, the Light Bearer. Lucifer the Darkness. When we
see this in the view of the Moon it really makes sense because the Moon is a
bearer of Light, as the sunlight bears down on it and it shines a false light to the
world of darkness. Being that the Moon answers to the Law and to the Soul, we
see it is a reflected Light, thus indicating the Carnal Mind is a reflecting Light that
lies to us. It is a black light, or a dark light. If that light that is in you be dark-
ness....! So we know the same as a mirror lies to us and shows us the opposite re-
flection of truth and reality, then the carnal mind is totally a lie and the subcon-
scious Mind of Faith and Christ is truth.

This is why we must cast down every thought and imagination, because it is a
lie. So God is darkness before Light. We find at Calvary this same thing. The
Christ being the Light and the Flesh or Jesus part being made our darkness, makes
Jesus a Light Bearer in that sense. Your body when born again, makes it in its unre-
deemed form still in the death of darkness a bearer of the Light of the Christ
within. At the Cross the Light utterly destroyed the darkness of sin. We see here at
the beginning Light comes forth and by its very presence, it is destroying the dark-
ness. God in the Old Testament called Satan a waster and a destroyer. Now when
we stand before a mirror, we see Light has to shine upon and into the mirror for it
to reflect to us that which we think we see. So Light striking the mirror, reflects the
light, in this sense. what you are seeing in the mirror is not a true light, but a re-
flected light. We say light shining in a positive way, yet when it strikes the mirror, it
causes the light to go into reverse making it a reflected light of negativity so to

So we see by this, using the mirror and light in this view that both the light and
the mirror are the reflection and they are a lie. So can you catch a glimpse of how
the word Lie is sounded in the world Light. Light can be used for deception as we
have seen in this view. It can be manipulated and it can be directed and redirected
and used to make false images. Now stay with me on this. Do you know what does
not lie? Darkness. Darkness in this sense is utter profound truth. It is what it is.

Darkness does not lie and give you false images and weird shapes of vanity. It just
is what it is. When you look up at the stars at night shining in the darkness, the
darkness has no power of the light to manipulate itself as to change light into
something it is not. In this sense the darkness is subject unto the Light. So we see
darkness is formed and takes shape by the light, not vice versa.

So what is it that can manipulate and change and form images into what so
ever they will, but Light. The only one that has the power to change darkness to
form it into any image is Light. Light in this sense is the Power of Change. The
darkness is always darkness. It can never be nothing but. So we see Light changes
things and darkness remains the same always. So in this view we see Darkness re-
mains unchanging and eternal, yet Light can be moved and changed and redi-
rected. In this view from Genesis, at the beginning we see Darkness was always
here as from the eternities and Light was birthed or created and brought forth. So
it would appear Light has a beginning and thus it has an end.

You can see this on a much simpler level as we always term the Law as dark-
ness and Grace as Light, We find that the Law appears weak and has to be done
away with so Light which is truth can come forth, so in this sense it surely appears
Law and darkness was not truth, but Light was. However when stepping back and
seeing a broader view we find Grace and the Days of the Gentiles coming to an
end and the Law coming back into view and the Jews. So Light it appears was not
the true, but the darkness of the Law was.

Women are given credit for the birth of life as to our children, and rightfully so,
but when we see from a higher view it is actually the man and his seed that begins
life in the woman and when the woman gives forth her child it begins to die a daily
death to the walk to the grave. What man gave brought forth life, what woman
gave brought forth death, we see this again easily in the Garden with the Serpent
and Eve. So we say Who was God before the beginning? He was darkness. He was
total and pure truth. He was the Law of Absolute and Perfection. It was a God
whom though undefined, it also meant it had no purpose. There was no purpose
for a God to exist. There was but the eternal darkness of unrevealed manifested
truth and power and eternity. God was not God, Nothing existed, for there was no
existence. As it has been said that “Existence dwelled in the body of the Preexis-
tent”. Yet if we say “Preexistence” we still miss the utter profound truth, that noth-
ing truly existed, yet all things existed, all at the same time. How can this be?

Because God was not God until He was revealed or defined to be. As I have
said before, suppose walking among us was an invisible ghost. Unless it did some-
thing to reveal itself to us of its existence, we would never know it existed. A Bil-
lion years can go by and it existing all the time but not to humanity. we say one
day it does something to make itself known, so it is now a recorded memory and a
substantiated truth formulated in the mind of man, of its existence, so we say well
in the year of such and such this ghost appeared or had its beginning. When we
see there is truth to this, but only a partial truth. It had no beginning and no end-
ing, EXCEPT, In the Mind of Man. So we see Existence is only existent as it is by
recording of Light upon a film. If Light is a revealer then Light must have a pur-
pose of revealing and that purpose must be to establish truth, and to establish
truth, there must be a recording of said truth, else there is no purpose of the light
to reveal. For in that Light contrast the darkness, it is, as to the contrast, revealed
the “Object of Creation” or it has made known “The Object of Existence”. Exis-
tence or even from a human standpoint of what we call between life and death as
temporal existence only exist by contrast of good and evil or light and darkness as
recorded in the Mind of Man. Man is the Film that Light uses to form the dark-
ness of the film and project to ourselves that which we call existence or life.

Now when we see this from the Life of Jesus, we see He is truly all things. He
was the Light as He said He was, He was the darkness as we know He was or be-
came, and we know He was the Man Christ Jesus, or God the Word made mani-
fest in the Flesh, thus He was Light, He was Darkness and He was the Film it was
to be recorded onto. We say Knowledge or making known a Knowing to be writ-

ten down or recorded upon a Ledger, or a Written Word. The Page of a Written
Word which we call Laws, then when it is written it is recorded and once recorded
and sealed by the authority at hand then the written word is become Law. So
when the Great Spirit becomes a Man or a Living Soul, writing its Laws upon the
Tables of the Heart, then we see Law is become Flesh, Word is become Flesh,
God is become Flesh. God who was up in the highest of heavens we say, hath
veiled itself in the form of a human soul and came to the level of a fleshly beast.
So we easily see a Father becoming a Son. The Adult becoming a Child. An Adult
knows all things, like Law, yet a Child knows not anything, as like unto Grace. Je-
sus or Grace, the beginning of the Creation of God, the God Child, the Man

Now see the Child in this perspective. It is darkness of not knowing anything,
yet it is Light as to it being the full potential of being the Father, knowing all
things, though it being ignorant and in darkness, it is also full of Light because of
Grace. So we see in this sense a Child, an Object of Creation, being both darkness
and light and the object of creation itself. God, the Object of Creation, being both
Darkness and Light. Yet not knowing yet as to comprehension, that it is any of
those things yet it is all of those things. Here it is being God, the Object of Crea-
tion, being fully Light, but not knowing it is Light, being in utter darkness, yet not
knowing it is in darkness. Yet it is all of those things yet neither of those things, un-
til the Film begins to record!!!! Existence is not made known or manifest until it is
recorded as such. When it is recorded as such, then it is Law. Then it is established
TRUTH! Now it is required! God using the Soul to write Himself upon the tables
of the heart. In one dimension it is Light writing itself upon the negative film of
the heart, in another dimension, it is the darkness writing itself upon the Light of
the Spirit. One is but the reflection of the other. As it is written, it is both Truth
and a Lie. As the negative is being filmed or recorded so is the Spirit being made
known.God is being created or revealed the same as Man is being made known or
created or revealed.
As In Heaven, So in the Earth! As Man write His Laws on Paper, God writes
His Laws on the Heart. The Light is writing the what the darkness is by revelation

and the darkness is writing what the Light is. It is revealing each to their own self !
When God revealed Satan as being Satan, he revealed it to Himself as such and
thus he became it as such. So He had to go and do away with it. Since God is the
Substance of all things, He, to allow Satan to be formed or existent, then He
would have to become it, and He did. Then he separated Himself from it. For evil
to exist, he had to become it, and He did, then He had to separate Himself from
it. God being both Light and Darkness, He being the Image revealed by the con-
trast of both, then by rending the veil, He separated Himself from both, Light and
Darkness, making Himself the Object of Creation that was void and without
form. So that which was the Object by contrast of Light and Darkness, by separat-
ing Himself from Light and Darkness, removing Himself as God from the Equa-
tion, by His Death at Calvary, doing away with the Object, we knew as God, “Son-
ship”, then He hath created all things, by recorded existence of the 33 years, yet in
death, hath removed Himself from creation by seemingly non existence, He hath
created absolutely nothing, or what we call the negative of creation, the Bottom-
less Pit of Infinity. In His Life He created all things, in His Death He hath created
nothing, but in this sense He hath removed that which man needed to define, and
though we say creation hath existed, by His own birth and Life and bringing to us
both Light and Darkness that revealed Himself as the Object of Creation, In His
Death, He hath removed the Object, thus eliminating the need for Light and Dark-
ness, thus leaving what was recorded on the film, to be none existent, because
there is no more Light or Darkness to contrast. Yet by allowing the film to record a
period of time we call time, which that was all time was, the beginning and ending
of the film, then it left on the film proof of its one time existence by contrast of
light and darkness upon the object or film.

So we see Calvary was the Light, it was the Darkness, it was the Object that
was to be revealed by the contrast of Light and Darkness and the Object hath
made itself known yet it hath by death, removed itself from recorded existence
and ended all things. There is both eternal life and eternal death, there is both
Eternal Heaven and the Bottomless Pit.

One man in Faith looks into the rent veil and sees The eternal Kingdom of
God, another looks and sees by unbelief the Bottomless Pit of nothingness and
darkness and emptiness. The rent veil is the end of the world and the beginning of
the Kingdom of God to one and the Bottomless Pit to another. Life and Death, ac-
cording to ones faith.
The Recorded Film of Jesus Christ of Calvary is a stepping stone of Stairs to
Heaven to the Elect, yet a stumbling block and rock of offense and stairs of de-
scent into hell to the wicked. Like the Rorschach Test, The Elect see Christ and
His Righteousness, for they are Pure in Heart and to them all things are Pure. To
the Wicked they see their own sinful image as the serpent on the Cross, and even
good is made evil to them and their conscious is defiled and all they see is per-
verted and evil and wicked. Destroyers they are.
The Film is the Book of Life. To the Elect it is the Lambs Book of Life, to the
wicked it is their names being blotted from even the Book of Life itself.

What is this Film to you? It is either Christ and Salvation or it is Satan and
damnation. It is the Lamb of God or it is the Serpent on the Tree. You choose this
day what it will be.
To the wicked, it remains in them a film of knowledge that contrast good and
evil revealing to them as a Law that they are the wicked and that film is their sinful
serpent soul bound them for eternity. To the Elect, it is the Serpent of their sins
that Christ became and paid for them and is a reminder of His Grace and Right-
eousness of who they are in Him. It seals one in their forehead as Elect, it seals an-
other in their soul as Satan himself.

What a glorious unveiling our Lord has wrought. The purpose of Light is to
shine upon an object. If there is no object for the Light to manifest, then Light has
no purpose.
Now darkness can remain, for it has no need of what we call “purpose”, for it
just is. Light however, has to have purpose. Light is a revealer, so it must have an

object to reveal, else it has no purpose. Did you know Light is the exact same as
darkness. Darkness is the Absence of Light, as Light is the Absence of Darkness.
Now someone would say, No Light and darkness are very different. In the realms
of contrast it would certainly appear as so. How is it that one exist only by contrast
of the other, yet we make them in mortal enemies of one another. They are but dif-
ferent ends of the spectrum of one another. We have visible light, yet when we go
to one end of the spectrum of visible light, then suddenly light disappears, or goes
into the “Ultraviolet” stage of the unseen by the naked eye. When we go the other
way, to that extreme, Light actually becomes darkness as it enters the “Infrared”
state of light so faint and dense it can no longer be seen by the naked eye, only
measured or recorded by instruments. Just like sounds are, we have low wave fre-
quencies and high frequencies, our ears can only hear a certain measurement of
those frequencies. Yet a dog can hear sounds we cannot. Like we have microwaves
and radio waves etc all around us, but as human recording go we do not see them
or hear them. Unless we turn on a TV or a Radio do we know they are there. It is
the same in the Spirit World. Only through the Device of Calvary do we know
God exist. Calvary is the Eternal Film of what we call the “Burden of Proof ” that
anything that exist even exist at all. It is why man will never defeat Christianity or
Christ, because to end Calvary would end Man Himself and He cannot do it. Sa-
tan cannot and does not desire to end Himself. For it is in Calvary that He exist. It
is why He holds it up so high in the churches. You know who has created and fa-
thered more churchs that anyone? Satan! He gets life and existence by the contrast
of light and dark from Calvary. When Christ died, He ended Calvary and thus
ended Satan and in that sense ended God as well. Yet by His Faith in the record-
ing of His own Film will He return to establish the eternal existence of God Him-
self, through the recorded film of His own Faith and His Faith is Eternal. It is in
that realm of eternal faith that God eternally Exist! No longer does God exist in
the dark carnal film of fallen man. Jesus saved God. The Lamb of God. Oh Glory
to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth for such Love and Wisdom! Praise be unto
God and unto the Lord Jesus Christ! God saved the Soul of Jesus in Hell and Jesus
the Soul saved God from The Bottomless Pit of Non Existence. God or Christ
hath established but One Church, Satan the counterfeiter hath many!

If Light has nothing to strike and reflect it, it does not exist. It would just travel
for eternity and no one would ever know of its existence. When the sun rises, you
see the source of light and you see the reflection of that light upon the trees and
the clouds etc, but the in between, the light itself you do not see. Even when you
go into a dark dusty room with a flash light you say, I see the beam of light, yet in
all reality you are seeing but the light reflecting off of the dust elements. In a vac-
uum room where if we could remove all air and dust and we cut on a light, you
would see the source of light and you would see the end of where the light struck
as to a reflection to your eyes, but the in between you would not see but darkness.
Actually if they hid the source of light and the place of its reflection from you so
that light never reflected to strike your eye, you could be looking directly at light
and never ever see it. You cannot see Light, unless it strikes an Object. It has a pur-
pose, that is to reveal, or make manifest. You can no more see actual nonreflected
Light, than you can darkness. So in this light.... we can see Darkness existed before
Light and the existence of darkness automatically gave purpose for their to be “cre-
ated light”. Because in that Darkness there were “Objects”. If we go before the
Light came in Genesis, then we are before the beginning. So God became known
or existent upon the coming forth of Light. So he was non existent before. He was
nothing. I do not mean nothing as emptiness. I mean nothing as to no defining, un-
seen, unknown. So what did the Light do for the darkness? It began to create
God. We have already said there was darkness before anything and that Light
came and the purpose of light was to reveal the Object, so we see by this, all 3 are
eternal in this sense. Inside the darkness we say, the eternal object of creation ex-
isted. The Lamb was slain before the world ever was in the Eternal Mind of God
that has no beginning and has no end. The Fire of that Sacrifice never goes out.
That’s the Lake of Fire, Calvary.

So we have within the darkness, objects unknown. Because there is darkness,

and we have known that Creation is the Darkness that God veiled Himself in.
Then it stands to reason all things have existed eternally and none of them had a
beginning nor an ending. Now the shapes and forms they may take can be done

away with as the changing of Light and darkness do. Like the word Gay, used to
be defined as Happy, now it is defined as a perverted person. Same word, changed
by contrast of light and darkness to form or say something else. A fire may burn a
house down, but the original elements are still there and in that sense by a reconsti-
tuting of faith in rearranging the elements by faith, we can make the house all
over again. New Stars are born in the galaxy while old ones seem to die. In all real-
ity nothing ever dies, all is element and element simply changes forms is all. Life is
an ever evolving, ever changing contrast of Light and darkness upon the Objects
of Creation which are eternal. Science goes back to so many billions of years ago
to a Big Bang. They say the only thing that could have been was some type of sin-
gle cell and from that single cell it exploded and out came the myriad of elements
we have today that have formed creation. Some say, I wonder what that element
was? Well we already know the answer. Fire and heat are the only things that de-
stroy the shapes and forms of all elements and all they do to these shapes is de-
stroy the shapes, the original elements are still there and remain intact. So if fire
and heat cannot destroy the elements then nothing can. If nothing can destroy
them then they must be eternal. If they are eternal they have always been. Where
we mess up at is we think of creation in the view of a “Time Element”, and time
is the one element that actually does not and never has existed. If you must stay in
a realm of time then the only way you can view endless time which is another way
of saying eternity, you would have to make a Circle. No beginning and no ending,
it just is. So if we take all of the elements and place them in the loop of endless
time to try and go back to find their beginning, we are again at a loss, no begin-
ning and no end to the circle, it just is. The elements just are.

So stay with me as we delve a little closer on this. Since we have seen the pur-
pose of Light was to contrast darkness and without their being darkness we would
not know light, then in one sense we see we have no purpose for darkness either, so
how do we rid ourselves of darkness as to it having no purpose that we may lose it.
If we have no darkness and no light then we have nothing in that sense. Without
defining we cannot see, so if we cannot see then we are as we say in darkness yet
we have said there is no darkness, so we see by this that the darkness we speak of

by not seeing is not darkness at all because darkness is only revealed as darkness
when it is contrasted by Light. So again if we have no light and light never existed,
then we have no darkness either. So before God was God we have said He was
darkness, yet we find without Light we do not have any darkness. Comprehension
is key and how we comprehend is paramount, as we have said before, Perception is
Key. How we perceive is just as important as comprehension is itself. So when we
remove darkness and light, then all we have left is the eternal object. The self
same object that has always been and had no beginning and has no end, without
Mother and Father. We have called it the Object of Creation. We may narrow
them down to the level of Elements, as we say elements are eternal, as they cannot
be destroyed. Paul said the natural was first then came the Spiritual. A Great Mys-
tery right there too!

We know those with Eternal Life cannot be destroyed. We know that even the
wicked will one day be raised from the dead and cast alive, in their bodies, into the
eternal Lake of Fire. Satan, the False Prophet, the Anti Christ, The Beast and on
and on, they will be burn alive eternally in the Lake of Fire. Their smoke ascends
up forever and ever. They will be tormented in the presence of the Saints and the
Holy Angels. Does that means the Saints and Holy Angels are in Hell with them
or does it mean the wicked are in Heaven with the Saints and Angels? See there is
a much broader dimension to this, it is neither, yet it is both. So we see nothing
can actually be destroyed. Only rearranged. Now Faith is the substance of all
things. What Faith is the substance of all things? Christ Jesus. His Faith was and is
the “Beginning of the Creation of God”. His Faith of Light defined God. We say
it like this, God the Father was Creation and God the Son was the Light or re-
vealer of that Creation. So God created Man and yet Man created God, the Man
Christ Jesus. Remember as in Heaven so in Earth. If God is eternal and He is
heaven, then that means The Earth is eternal and abides forever else Heaven can-
not. I know heaven and earth pass away but that is just the fire of rearranging, we
also see a new heaven and new earth coming forth. Heaven is eternal, then the
Earth is eternal! Creation is eternal!

There is no time with God so if He is Creation itself and as we have said He
veiled Himself in all of Creation, then we are saying Creation is eternal. We are
saying Creation is God and God is Creation.

So when we refer to Creation as the Darkness God veiled Himself in, then we
certainly know what God was before He was God. He was the Darkness of Crea-
tion. He was the Objects of Creation. We say a Ghost threw a sheet over itself. Yes
in one sense this is true. However when we say God is the Object of Creation and
that Creation is eternal as we have proved already. Then we have said that carnal
minded man has by intellect caused a negative defining of that Creation and by
that unbelief hold Creation in a prison.
When we consider Creation is God and Creation is made up of Elements that
consist of Molecules and Atoms etc that are so far apart that it has been said all
that is in existence if it were to be condensed and compressed into empty space it
would only fill maybe 1 percent of all empty space that exist. So that means with
all that exist that takes up Space fills only 1 percent of the entire Universe already.
Clouds of Gas so huge and massive that just one section of that cloud takes over 1
Billion Years for Light to go from one side to the other and that’s not counting the
cloud itself. Stars so massive you could fit over 1 Million of our own Suns into it
and we could fit 1 million earths into our own sun.

It was said by a scientist recently that if we could enlarge an atom to the size of
a human fist the nearest molecule or element would still be 3 miles away. So what
we think is solid as to what we call solid is actually not at all but very porous and
actually contains more empty space than it does viable solid mass. So we see it was
a very simple thing for Jesus to pass through walls and walk on water and ascend
into the air. The elements and molecules and atoms etc. are subject to His Faith.
Light rearranging the form by changing the Light of Faith it automatically
changes the form of the Darkness. Nothing is impossible, for all things are possi-
ble. it is according to your Faith. Now we have the Faith and the Mind of Jesus
Christ! He became One with God because He was God. When you was as we say

a Natural Person, it was revealed to you the Divine Element of Faith via Calvary.
Thus you was no longer darkness as to a Created being, you have become the
source from which that Creation is formed. Say what you will! The Light of Faith
controls the Creation of Darkness. Part the waters Moses, Stop the Sun Joshua, By-
pass The Grave Enoch. Ascend to the heavens John. Command the fiery chariot
Elijah! Rise from the Dead Jesus. There is no such thing as death. You ascend to
the heights of heaven or descend to the depths of hell according to your faith.

So God is. God is all things. He veiled Himself simply means He created Him-
self, He changed His form to appear as Creation. Then He gave us the secret to
unlocking Him in Creation when He gave us Calvary and revealed The Faith to
us. The Thunders of Creation, Let There Be...and there was...and it was Good!
Faith is Light and Light is Good, regardless of what form of darkness it may ap-
pear, as a butterfly on a child’s nose or a deadly virus in the body. A fire can be
used for good and life and food and warmth, or destructive as evil and torment.
Nothing is evil or unclean of itself, it was all meant for good. Christ hath defined
God. By being the Light, He hath revealed the darkness. He is the man who dis-
covered the Magic Lamp and rubbed the Genie to come forth. Truth testifies of
itself. God is truth and He is all things. Thus all things testify of Him. Thus from
the darkness of creation we see the Light of Revelation coming forth that eternally
defines God. Light can change, the darkness remains. Darkness has subjected itself
unto Light, saying “Command Thou Me”! So we see Darkness is God, and also
Light is God, for these two work together to define the eternal object which is also
God. The 3 are One!

So what was God, He has always been exactly what Christ has revealed Him to
be. Christ revealed God before the world ever was. For in that darkness before
Creation as we know it came. we find within God, Calvary, Both Light and Dark-
ness within the Object. In the Ark we find both Good and Evil or Life and Death,
Light and Darkness, Man and Woman. Both are but reflections of the two sides of

the One Object. So very much more can be said about this. Stopping right here to
bring about to your remembrance a few things.

Remember darkness never changes, only Light does. Light veils the heavens
from us, though it lightens up the Earth. Only at night time can we see the natural
heavens and its stars and comets and moon. God the Father is like the unchanging
darkness of Night and Christ is become the Light of the World. Light is forever
changing the darkness, so we say Light is always changing when it is actually the
darkness that changes. Yet we see the darkness never changes but it is the Light
changing that causes the appearance of the darkness to change. Neither actually
change as to their essence, Light is always Light and dark is always dark. You are
God and according to your faith both Light and Dark are under your subjection. I
speak of those born again. Those not born again are a God as well, but the evil
god of this world that is in their dark hearts. Divine Will is the Key in the Heart,
Say what you will and doubt not and whatsoever you say shall be done. God Bless

PHN 100715

The Definition Of God

Before the beginning, God was not God. He was the invisible incomprehensible
all sovereign spiritual mass of unmanifested reflexes and impulses of love, joy, com-
passion, peace, righteousness, and power. He was perfection, or the perfect state of
being, the fountain of life, the pre-existent one. I said before the beginning be-
cause the word beginning means the start or verge of creation or tangible exis-

tence. The merging of time. The word God means object of worship. It is man’s
terminology for the incomprehensible or unmeasurable one. Deity earned title be-
cause of the creative creatures just like the Jehovah titles of the Bible, or Father,
Son or Holy Ghost, but his name and image is the Lord Jesus Christ. God is omni-
present, omniscient, omnipotent God, El Shadiah, the Breasted One, from everlast-
ing to everlasting. He was, He is, and He forever shall be. The Rose of Sharon, the
Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star. The Day Spring from on high
that hath visited His people. The great knowledge light that no man can approach
except through Jesus Christ the veil, the Word. He created the heavens and the
earth, comprehended the dust in a measure, held all the waters in the earth in the
palm of His hand. The wind is His cherub, the clouds the dust of his feet.
There is no finite existence except in the mind and knowledge of God. His infi-
nite foreknowledge in comprehension formed existence. God is non-existent in the
realm of comprehension except as recorded by human instrumentality of expres-
sion or activity, thus God is manifested. The only mind or knowledge God has as
for existence is the human recording in mortal life of the expressed attributes
through humanity. All creation is nothing more than a composition of mass mat-
ter and energy of atoms and electrons held together by friction and gravity. Ob-
jects produced by contrast of light and darkness and formation of shadows that
make colors which is composed or decomposed by God’s thoughts or desires. Mor-
tal life is a breath of inspired consciousness which caused stimulated movement
and human activity which generated friction and heat causing light and darkness
to be recorded by the nerve system which caused comprehension of objects. A
spirit is a nature or a character attribute or characteristics which develop through
human maturity by process of time and take form in God’s mind or knowledge
thus becoming existence. When surrendered from the body it becomes oneness
with God if disciplined by the Word, or else part of projected perversion.
God who is a Spirit, is comprehended by eyes of understanding and not seen
by eye nerves, manifested by human intelligence, seen only by human instrumental-
ity, so that when matter is decomposed or dismantled, God will still be existent by
spiritual comprehension of past experience, also manifested in the body of Christ.

Fire is released combustible energy that is caused by friction which dismantles,
decomposes, or rearranges objects causing them to return to their original state of
Satan is a mental comprehension of perversion in all things which was consti-
tuted by the merging of invisible spiritual life, (knowledge) that made existent or
manifested the invisible Deity by contrast of light and darkness, which formed a
negative and produced the object of creation or eternal existence.


When God Was Not Part 2

When God Was Not 2

When we hear the sentence, as it has been spoken to us,

God has veiled Himself in darkness.
We see Light has been veiled in darkness.
What this means is, is that God who is a Spirit, which is the great eternal mind
and thoughts of omniscience, has verily clothed Himself in the endless array of all
that exist, or what we call "existence", also known as "Creation".
So we see the known and unknown universe and all its dimensions is God.
So in that we term "Darkness" in the sense of "Creation", then we easily see
what was the darkness in the beginning.

It was God. God was and is Creation. As we have said in a previous writing,
darkness is what it is, it is only changed according to the light. Light can change
the shape and form of the darkness, as darkness is subject to light.
All creation is made up of elements, that can not be destroyed, only rear-
ranged. As we have said fire destroys the form or appearance of some type of ob-
ject, but the original elements always remain. So we see, in that elements cannot
be destroyed, then they are eternal as well.

When we say, God veiled Himself, it was not that He was a certain thing and
then He changed Himself via the process of time into another thing. No, He has
always been exactly what He was and is. Creation. Christ was the only man to
whom this darkness we call creation ever fully without measure revealed itself

This explains why Paul said, that which was "natural came first, then that
which was spiritual". We see from Genesis, that there was darkness first, then came
forth the command for "light to shine out of the darkness". This means for Spirit
or Understanding, what we may say the "spirit of revelation" to come forth and be-
gin to unveil the darkness of creation, a rent veil, that has happened, to cause spiri-
tual, divine, comprehension, to be made know or manifest.

So in this sense we see Light, overlapping the darkness, as what is the "Object
of Creation" begins to be unveiled and comprehended and understood, that light
has shown forth from the darkness, through the rent veil of divine glory and hath
caused to be recorded onto the film of the soul of man, the existence of God. God
using spiritual unveiled light to strike the film of the soul of man, by means of con-
trast of light and dark that uses faith as its writing instrument so it snaps the image
the light has shown from the object via the divine light and produced a negative
on the film of mans mind or soul. In this sense, we then say, God is now become
existent. Like the old adage of if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it
fall. It is what we loosely term as an "oxymoron", or a question that cannot be an-
swered because it does not exist, so it cancels itself out. We say from past memory
or knowledge that we know trees do fall in forest and if we was there, we seen and
heard it. However if we say we have never been to the forest and never heard or
seen a tree fall, then we would never know to ask such a question. This if a tree
did fall and we never knew of such a thing as a tree falling, then did the tree actu-
ally fall? No, because as to us in our minds it has never come into our mind of
such a thing as a tree falling, as it has never been formed to come into existence in
our minds as to being recorded on our film. Like we said of an invisible ghost that

has never revealed itself. Unless it does so, we will never know of its existence. So
we can nver know of what is unknown, till that which is unknown makes itself
known, then once it is revealed, it is comprehended, and thus a recording of its ex-
istence upon the Law of the Film.

So before God was revealed as to being God, he was not God as to a terminol-
ogy of defining and never had His presence been recorded, as there was not yet
light to contrast that darkness to snap the image upon the film. So we see the invisi-
ble unknown non existent God, using light to reveal himself, and thus recording
himself as he does so so that He is substantiated as God eternally. If suppose He
reveled Himself via Light and there was no recording of the light revealing the
darkness of creation, then there once more would be no purpose of light to reveal.
So light has to reveal and what it reveals has to be recorded, for what is recorded is
what we call existence. We have darkness and light and now the negative film to re-
cord it with. Then we take that negative and process it through intellectual defin-
ing of the red light of carnality, which basically is the film itself and apply the blue-
print of Calvary as the Master Key of unlocking the film and via the hidden invisi-
ble light that changed places with us, out comes the new Positive or the True Im-
age of Light or the actual Picture.

Now when we consider this, in the light of Adam in the Garden and Christ at
Calvary, we can easily see the darkness, the film and the light and the actual true

So when we see the old story of the man discovering the genie and the lamp, we
can grasp a great revelation. We know the genie or the darkness of creation is
God. And via the Word or the Lamp comes divine Light of revelation and the
Man who has the lamp by divine comprehension is also God, because the Genie
has subjected itself to the Man, and the Man to receive Light must humbly submit

to this God. We know the Genie is all powerful as we say God the Father is. Yet
when He has subjected Himself to the Light and Faith of the Man Christ Jesus,
then we see By His Light of Faith, that God has submitted Himself unto, this
makes the Man Christ Jesus God also. So we see Darkness as God, we see Light is
God, and we see the Film of recording is God and the produced positive Image of

Now we also view the negative film as being Satan. This is true in one view. But
we know Satan is just the shadow or the in between realm of the unknown to the
known, from the mystery to the revelation, from the child to the adult.

So based upon this and so many other revelations, we see the soul is the nega-
tive film and it is Satan in our first birth. We are holding truth in unrighteousness,
we have changed truth into a lie by our first born state of unbelief.
Once we come to the Calvary of our Life, then a change takes place. Now see
the film in this view, it is no longer a negative film of Satan, it is now the changed
and true image of Christ Himself. You have now become the Man Christ Jesus.
You was Adam and now you are Christ. You was darkness and now you are light.
As your body was in the image of the negative film and the perverted image was
projected upon the body by the moonlight of the soul, we find since Calvary and
the New Birth, the Body is now the True Image itself and is the Positive and can
never die anymore! Eternal Light from the Christ hath shined into the dark nega-
tive of the Soul and corrected the perverted image from the fall and raised Man
back to the Image of Christ. This once again proves that when was born again,
that our body was changed right then to be His Eternal Body and Image.

So to make this more simple to understand, God was darkness, before He was
revealed by the Light, as He was the Light as well, this Light in contrasting with
the darkness, revealed the object of creation, which automatically caused that
Creation to become the Negative Film itself. All of Creation being recorded by
comprehension of invisible spiritual light. This this was how God the Light in that
sense became veiled in the darkness. In the film which had to come first, we find
creation is now bound and imprisoned in the negative view first. God knew and al-
lowed this to happen. This was why He made Adam. This was why and what the
Tree of Knowledge was in the Garden. It was the Film. The Film was the darkside
or negative of Creation or of Calvary, the Hinder Part of God. This was what
Moses was seeing and revealing to the Jews. It made them the Tree of Knowledge
and the Serpent as to the recorder. So they became the negative. So they had to
suffer and go into the darkness and be outcast and be made sin. It was inevitable.
Grace came and caused the film to be revealed, as to the very image itself, bring-
ing about from a different view the knowledge of the truth to the Gentiles. How-
ever this makes the Gentile sin, by knowing very truth itself and rejecting it, while
shielding the Jew as they only seen in part as to they only seen the negative and
not the very image itself.

When can view this in so many other dimensions and bring this out on so
many other levels, it is endless. I hope this addition helps further opens our eyes
and establishes truth in our hearts of the greatness and wisdom of God Almighty,
in Jesus Christ Name. Amen

PHN 100915

Thank You, 

Patrick Nichols
C H A P T E R 90

Proof And Perception

Proof and Perception

Some have asked me the “proof ” of how the body was changed, when we was
born again and we just have not recognized it. Well for one, those that new my Pas-
tor, I have sent out verbatim quotes where he said this very thing. Plus as I was pon-
dering some things this day, I thought of this.

When a Husband has relations with is Wife, we see the Man or the typical Law
with its serpent, entering into the 2nd heaven of the secret place of the woman.
She receives His Seed and bears His Child. As we know from the Bible, it is by the
birth of the child that the woman has an “Inheritance”. If she does not bare a
child she has no inheritance. So the proof, she as a Body, belongs to and has be-
come ONE, with Her Husband, is the fact that She has born His Child or Image.
The Birth of the Child, “Being Born Again”, indicates She is One and is the Bride
of Her Husband. In this respect we see that she became His Body, One with Him
in the act of relations behind the secret veil, and that the birth of the child is the
Proof that She is One with her Husband. So the moment we conceived of the
Seed of Christ in our hearts, we as His Body and Bride and Him as our Husband,
then We became One with Him, the moment we repented and conceived of Him.
See how the Natural or Physical proves the Spiritual and vice versa. The Birth of
Christ in you, is proof your Body is become One with Him and if He be in
Heaven as the scriptures say He is, then our Body is become One with Him, then

is our Body, Your Body, In Heaven as well. He hath translated YOU, into the King-
dom of His Dear Son. Where He is, There you are also! We are they that dwell in
Heaven. Jesus was in Heaven, though we say in our carnal perception that His
Body was in the Earth. Well he certainly proved us wrong so many times, by pass-
ing through the walls, in His Body, walking on Water, in His Body, He also transfig-
ured, His Body, showing it was in Heaven. He said, “eve the Son of Man, who is
in Heaven. His Body, Soul and Spirit, were all 3 in Heaven, because they were all
One. In One Place. Notice the separation came as to when He was made sin and
crucified and then when He became our darkness, we see the shadows that sepa-
rate made known, as we suppose, His Spirit went back to God who gave it, His
Soul, went into Hell, and His Body into the Grave. However we see once the 3 re-
united, that death, nor hell or grave could separate them any longer. In the Light,
they are One!

Remember Perception is Key. When I say Perception, I am speaking of Faith,

according to the divine revelation of the Lord. Seeing things the way they are in
His Mind, not in our own mind. However as Children of God, we do have the
Mind of the Lord. We as imperfect humans see life or existence as good or evil. In
God however there is no good or evil, but just His Will. In talking to someone re-
cently, they was telling me of how they found out the Courts charged them “ille-
gally” and that they were soon going back to court to show the court how it itself
charged them with guilt when in turn, what the court did, in charging them, was
an illegal way in itself, and the court or the “Law” itself was guilty in that it
charged one with guilt that was not guilty, in the sense that it was not possible for
the Law or courts to charge this person in the systematic way it did so. Now that in
itself is one incredible divine revelation, concerning God and the Law and the
charging of guilt to us by the Law, in a systematic way that we should not have
been charged. Thus the Law was guilty by breaking the law in charging humanity
as it did, thus it had to cancel out itself, and in doing so, we say the Law died by its
own sword. He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. I will write more on
this later.

I want to move on to a key of perception if you will. In talking to this certain
person who was in prison, we was speaking of, well you know Prison is Hell, only
because of the contrast of life in general. If we had been born and raised in
prison, we would not know it was hell. But coming from a life of no prison and en-
joying liberties, we see in entering prison, that it is hell. See a person not being in
prison, then by unlawful means, comes to be in prison, they have, in that sense,
made it a necessity for society to create a prison. Thus we as humanity, we created
hell, by our own disobedience. Hell was created, the Bible tells us. Lucifer was liv-
ing life as we say in general, enjoying the habitat of heaven so to speak, then He
breaks a Law, making it necessary for a Hell to be created, a bottomless pit. Now
He is become as we say Satan, and Hell was created for and by them, Satan and
His Angels. Being cast OUT of the Mind of Light, they created a world of Unbe-
lief, of darkness, of Evil and Pain and suffering. God did not create Hell, though it
was created, it was Satan’s Unbelief that created it. Heaven is the Faith of Christ,
Hell is the Unbelief of Satan. Sin cannot dwell in heaven, God cannot look upon
Sin, He is Faith and Faith cannot see Unbelief. So this sovereign of unbelief, in
sharp contrast to the shadow of the Law, we find a dark world created that the first
couple had fallen too, God said, Adam, where art thou?

Now lets look in another view and see that we are born in sin and shapen in in-
iquity, that in this sense we are born in the prison of sin itself already. So we are in
hell, but we just do not know about it yet. We say sin is not imputed, until the Law
comes. Sin is there but not recognized or charged as Sin. So a typical heaven of
sorts. One day after living in the sin prison, we hear about someone who paid our
debt and went to court for us, on our behalf and we have now be acquitted from
our Sinful State. We are now given a Change of Clothes, and we exit the House of
Prison, which is just on the other side of the Middle Wall of Partition that kept us
in prison, and we exited those walls and entered Heaven itself. Heaven was all
around us to begin with. Hell was a prison we kept ourselves in by the shadow of
unbelief. Perception is Key, According to Your Faith so it is unto You, As YOU
think in your heart, so you are. You was born with the Mind of Satan and Sin and
Darkness and now born again you have the Mind of The Lord, of Faith and Love

and Light. Two in the Field, One translated by Faith in the Word of God and is in
Heaven, the other left in the dark world to face tribulation and hell on Earth. Faith
is Paramount! Faith is the Eternal Pivot Point of it all. Faith must be cherished and
nurtured like a new born baby. Do not let any unholy things come before its pre-
cious eyes.

So we easily see the revelation of God is true, that we did and do indeed
change the body at the point of our new birth. We see it also in the other realms
as proof that the Body becomes one with the head at conception. We know God
or Christ only enters His Seed into His Bride and not the whores of the world. So
we see God proving His own words by these various means and showing us the in-
delible key of perception is what makes the world of difference in Heaven or Hell.
This world was created in the Fall, as Hell was Created in the Fall. This world that
has been placed in the heart of our first birth, is ended with the brightness of His
Coming into our Hearts. We pass from the Blood Fire by Night world and enter
the Day time of the Cloud by Day World.
We have crossed the Jordan and we are they that do indeed dwell in Heaven.
Our Body is already changed and dwells in Heaven with us. We are no longer in
the world and are already kept from the evil. God is Heaven and no man can
pluck us from His Hand, and His Hand is in Heaven, in which we are hidden.
Amen and Glory to God.

PHN 100415


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