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The Gender Gap, Fertility, and Growth

Author(s): Oded Galor and David N. Weil

Source: The American Economic Review , Jun., 1996, Vol. 86, No. 3 (Jun., 1996), pp. 374-
Published by: American Economic Association

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The Gender Gap, Fertility, and Growth


This paper examines a novel mechanism linking fertility and growth. There are
three components to the model: first, increases in capital per worker raise wom-
en 's relative wages, since capital is more complementary to women's labor input
than to men's. Second, increasing women's relative wages reduces fertility by
raising the cost of children more than household income. And third, lowerfertility
raises the level of capital per worker. This positive feedback loop generates a
demographic transition: a rapid decline in fertility accompanied by accelerated
output growth. (JEL J13, J16, 011, 040)

Changes in fertility have long been recog- the aggregate production mechanism to affect
nized as important correlates of economic output growth.
growth. Indeed, the relationship between the Several recent studies of fertility and growth
level of fertility and the level of income per have focused on various mechanisms by
capita is one of the strongest observable cor- which the two variables are related. Gary S.
relations in cross-country data. The nature of Becker and Robert J. Barro (1988) consider
the relationship between development and fer- fertility in the context of a model of intergen-
tility has been studied from the perspective of erational altruism, in which the discount ap-
the theory of growth as well as from the per- plied to future utility depends negatively on
spective of family economics. Growth theory the number of descendants in future genera-
has focused on the negative effect of popula- tions. In their model, increased technological
tion growth on the level of capital per worker, progress will lead to a higher growth rate of
and thus on the level of output per worker. consumption and to a lower rate of fertility.
Family economics, by contrast, has focused on Becker et al. ( 1990) examine a model in which
the changes in the economic environment that a high societal level of human capital raises
lead families to reduce fertility as countries be- the return to individual investments in human
come wealthier. capital. In economies with high levels of hu-
This paper integrates these two strands of man capital, families find it optimal to have
literature. It combines a model of the house- few children, and to provide each child with a
hold's fertility/labor-supply choice with a high level of human capital. The high level of
growth model in which the wages of men and human capital also leads to a high rate of eco-
women are endogenously determined. The nomic growth, and thus economic growth is
main concern of the study is with how growth, negatively correlated with fertility. Costas
via changes in women's relative wages, affects Azariadis and Allan Drazen (1990) explain
household decisions about the level of fertility the decline in fertility in the face of economic
and women's labor force participation, and growth in a model where fertility is driven by
how these decisions in turn feed back through individuals' desire to provide for their old age:
an increase in market wages worsens the bar-
gaining positions of parents whose principal
asset is a family farm, leading to a reduction
* Department of Economics, Box B, 64 Waterman St.,in the value of children.'
Brown University, Providence, RI 02912. We are grateful
to Roland Benabou, Harl Ryder, the referees, and Preston
McAfee for their valuable comments and to seminar par- 'In the model of Michael Kremer (1993), the growth
ticipants at Brown University, Harvard University, He- rate of output is indirectly related to fertility via the effect
brew University, Kobe University, and the NBER Summer of the size of the population on the growth rate of output.
Institute for helpful discussions. See also Zvi Eckstein et al. (1989).


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In this paper we examine a different mech- ities as an instrument to overcome the endog-
anism linking fertility and growth, one that is eny of income and labor supply, finds that an
more rooted in preexisting models of fertility. increase in the relative wages of women
The model we present has three important played an important role in Sweden's fertility
components: first, the fertility decision of the transition.
household is taken to be a function of the rel- The second part of our story-the effect of
ative wages of women and men. Higher wages population growth on the level of capital per
for women raise the cost of children relatively worker-is a standard part of almost all
more than they raise household income, and growth models. Barro (1991) and N. Gregroy
lead to a reduction in the number of children Mankiw et al. (1992), among many others,
that couples choose to have. Second, the rate cite the effect of capital dilution to explain the
of population growth affects the level of cap- negative coefficient on the rate of population
ital per worker. Finally, the level of capital per growth in cross-country regressions of either
worker affects the relative wages of men and the level or the growth rate of income.
women. Higher capital per worker raises The final piece of our story is that an in-
women's relative wages. crease in the capital intensity of the economy
The first part of our story-the analysis of raises the relative wages of women. An in-
fertility in terms of men's and women's rela- crease in women's relative wages seems to be
tive wages-dates back to Becker ( 1960) and part of the process of economic development.
Jacob Mincer ( 1963). Children are considered In the United States, full-time earnings of
durable goods that appear in the parents' util- women rose from 46 to 67 percent of men's
ity function. The pure effect of an increase in earnings over the period 1890-1988 (Claudia
household income holding the price of chil- Goldin, 1990; Francine Blau and Lawrence
dren constant is to raise the demand for chil- Kahn, 1992). Although data are not available
dren. If all childrearing is done by women, an for all sectors of the economy, Goldin reports
increase in men's wages will have such a pure that women's relative wages rose significantly
income effect. Increases in women's wages over the course of the nineteenth century in
raise both household income and the price of both agriculture and manufacturing. Schultz
children, and so have offsetting income and (1981) reports that, although the data are of
substitution effects on the demand for chil- uneven quality, a similar increase is present in
dren. The overall effect on fertility of a pro- a sample of countries over the period 1938-
portional increase in men's and women's 1978. One explanation for this rise in wom-
wages is theoretically ambiguous. One way to en's wages is that as economies develop, they
draw the link between economic growth and are more prone to reward the attributes in
fertility declines is simply to assume that the which women have a comparative advantage.2
utility function is such that the substitution ef- For the purposes of our model, we focus on a
fect dominates and so fertility falls as countries simplified description of the differences in fac-
become richer. We take a more restrictive ap- tor endowments between the sexes: while
proach in this paper, choosing a utility func- women and men have equal quantities of
tion under which proportional increases in brains, men have more brawn. And, the more
men's and women's wages will keep fertility developed is an economy, the higher the re-
constant. Instead, we focus on a theoretically wards of brains relative to brawn.
less ambiguous channel: the effect of an in-
crease in women's relative wage in lowering
fertility. Examples of the application of this
2 For example, Goldin (1990) concludes that industri-
model are James J. Heckman and James R. alization at the beginning of the nineteenth century was
Walker (1990) and William P. Butz and responsible for a dramatic increase in the relative wages
Michael P. Ward (1979), both of which find of women. Further, industrialization is often associated
a negative effect of women's wages and a pos- with an increased demand for fine motor skills (for ex-
ample, textiles during the industrialization of the United
itive effect of male income on birth rates. Sim-
States and the United Kingdom, and electronics in present-
ilarly, T. Paul Schultz (1985), using world day Asia) in which women have both a comparative and
changes in the prices of agricultural commod- an absolute advantage.

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The three pieces of ourmodel model

in the case lead tostate
where the a of
itive feedback loop: increases in the capital/ ogy is constant, and where it is growing ex-
labor ratio raise the relative wages of women. ogenously over time.
Increases in relative wages lead women, in In Section III, we consider extensions of the
turn, to substitute out of childrearing and into model that match the U-shaped relation be-
market labor. Both higher wage earnings (and tween the level of output and women's labor-
thus savings) and reduced population growth force participation observed in the data. We
increase the level of capital per worker. Thus consider both the effects of constraints on the
high relative wages for women are both a supply of children due to low fertility and high
product of, and a causal factor in, economic infant mortality that face households in less-
growth. developed economies, and also the existence
In addition to providing insight into the of a productive technology that is not rival
relationship between capital formation and with raising children. Section IV concludes by
women's relative wages the paper sheds some discussing the robustness of the model to pos-
new light on the causes of fertility transitions. sible extensions, in particular the effect of in-
As long as women do not participate in the corporating human capital accumulation.
labor force, the level of output grows at a de-
creasing rate while fertility remains high. I. Structure of the Model
However, once the per-worker capital stock is
sufficiently high so as to support an attractive We consider an overlapping-generations
relative wage to women, they are induced to model in which people live for three periods.
join the labor force and the economy experi- In the first period of life, people are children:
ences an acceleration of output growth that is they consume a fixed quantity of time from
associated with a rapid decline in fertility. Ul- their parents. In the second period of life, peo-
timately, the growth rate declines as output ple raise children and supply labor to the mar-
converges to a steady-state equilibrium with a ket, earning a wage. For convenience, we
lower fertility rate and higher labor force par- assume that they do not consume in this pe-
ticipation by women. riod. In the third period of life people do not
The model may also exhibit multiple stable work, and they consume their wages from the
steady-state equilibria. In one steady state, fer- previous period along with accrued interest.
tility is high, output and capital per worker are The capital stock in each period is equal to the
low, and women's wages relative to those of aggregate savings in the previous period.
men are low. In the other steady state, fertility We model the economy as being made up
is low, output and capital per worker are high, of two kinds of people: men and women. In
and women's relative wages are high. Thus childhood and old age, the men and women
initial conditions may determine a country's are identical. In adulthood, however, men and
long-run steady-state equilibrium. Countries women differ in terms of their ability to earn
with a low initial level of capital per-worker wages in the labor market. Men and women
may converge to a development trap where are endowed with different proportions of two
high fertility induces lower per-worker capitalkinds of labor input. Workers can supply both
and output which in turn induces women, who raw physical strength and mental input. We
confront low relative wages, to maintain their assume that men and women have equal en-
high fertility rate and low labor supply. dowments of mental input to contribute, but
The rest of this paper is organized as fol- that men have more physical strength than
lows. In Section I, we formalize the assump- women.
tions about the determinants of fertility and Although we are concemed with the differ-
relative wages presented above, and incor- ences between men and women, our basic unit
porate them into an overlapping-generations of analysis is the couple, which is composed
model. We derive the dynamical system im- of one man and one woman. Couples are taken
plied by the model, and analyze the evolution to have joint consumption and joint utility.
of the economy along transitions to the steady There is no heterogeneity within a generation.
state. Section II considers the dynamics of the Rather than model the matching of men and

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women, we assume that couples are "born" ginal product of mental labor proportionally
as such. more than it raises the marginal product of
physical labor. In other words, physical capital
A. Production complements mental labor more than it com-
plements physical labor. Zvi Griliches (1970)
There are three factors of production: phys- proposes just such an assumption to explain
ical capital, K, physical labor, LP, and mental the failure of the relative wage of educated
labor Lm. Physical labor is the kind of labor in workers to fall in the face of growth in the
which men have superior abilities to women, stocks of physical capital and educated labor.
that is, work requiring strength. Mental labor Whether physical capital actually reduces the
is labor in which men and women have equal marginal product of physical labor we con-
abilities. To simplify matters we will assume sider an open question, but the answer is not
that women have no physical strength, but the essential for our results.
results presented below will follow as long as The production function that we use incor-
women have less strength than men.: porates the above assumptions in a simple
Our key assumption will be that, the richer way: we assume that physical capital and men-
in physical capital is an economy, the more tal labor exhibit complementarity in produc-
highly rewarded is mental labor relative to tion, whereas physical labor is neither a
physical labor.4 To give a simple example, if complement nor a substitute for either of the
the only form of capital is a shovel, then men other factors of production. Specifically, the
will be far more productive in digging ditches production function is
than will be women. If there is more capital
available-in the form of a backhoe, for ex-
(1) Y, = a[aKP + (1 - a)(L-)P] "P + bLP,
ample-then the relative productivity of men
and women will be more nearly equal. The where a, b > 0, a E (0, 1) andp E (-oo, 1).6
reason for this effect is that, at least so far, Exogenous technological progress is consid-
physical capital does a better job replacing hu- ered in Section II.B.
man strength than it does replacing human Since only men supply physical labor and,
thinking.5 as will be justified below, men supply this la-
Other work in this area has placed far more bor inelastically, the total amount of physical
severe restrictions on the production function. labor input, LP, is equal to the number of
For example, Becker et al. ( 1990) assume that, working-age couples. We can thus rewrite the
holding other factors constant, there are in- production function in per-couple terms as
creasing returns to human capital over some
range of the production function. By contrast, (2) y, = a[akP + (1 - a)mP] "P + b,
we make the standard assumption that all fac-
tors have nonincreasing marginal products. where k,t KtILP is the per-couple capital
Technically, our assumption is that an in- stock at time t and m, = L7/LP is the per-
crease in physical capital input raises the mar- couple input of mental labor. Since the man
will always supply one unit of physical and
one unit of mental labor, and the woman will
3 We do not include human capital as a productive fac- supply between zero and one units of mental
tor in the model, but we discuss the effect of doing so in labor, the variable m will take values between
the conclusion. 1 and 2.
'For example, Goldin (1990 p. 59) writes "The labor
All factors of production are assumed
market's rewards for strength, which made up a large frac-
tion of earnings in the nineteenth century, ought to be to earn their marginal products. Given the
minimized by the adoption of machinery, and its rewards
for brain power ought to be increased."
' This idea-that the reward to physical labor is falling
relative to the reward to mental labor-has appeared in 6 p E (-cc, 0) implies that the elasticity of substitution
labor economics in discussions of the growth of the wage between capital and mental labor is smaller than one. As
premium to educated workers. See Lawrence F. Katz and p increases in absolute value the complementarity between
Kevin M. Murphy (1992) and Mincer (1991). capital and mental labor rises.

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structure of the production technology,

children is time; footnotethe re-considers
12 below
turn to a unit of physical labor at time
the case where both timet,andwP,
goods are re-
and the return to mental labor at time
quired. Time t, w,,
spent raising are
children cannot be
spent working, and so the opportunity cost of
(3) wP = b children is proportional to the market wage.
We ignore any issues of child quality, focusing
(4) wtm = a( 1 - a)mtP- l
only on the quantity of children.9 We do not
assume that women are better at raising chil-
X [akP + (1 - a)mP]('-P)'P. dren than are men but, given the differences
in factor endowment between men and women,
Men earn a wage of wP + wm, while women the opportunity cost of raising children is higher
earn a wage of wm. Increases in the amount of for a man than for a woman. Thus, as in Becker
physical capital, holding m, constant, raise the (1985), a small difference in endowments can
return to mental labor thus reducing the pro- lead to specialization and to large differences in
portional wage gap between men and women. earnings. Adding an assumption that women are
superior to men in their child-rearing abilities
B. Couples' Decision Problem would not affect our results.
The household's income in the first period
Couples receive utility from the number of is wP + 2wm if the family does not have any
children that they have and from consumption children. Let z be the cost in time of raising
in the last period of life. There is no uncer- one child, that is, z is the fraction of the time
tainty and no bequest motive. The utility func- endowment of one parent that must be spent
tion is in order to raise one child.'0 If the wife spends
time raising children, then the marginal cost of
(5) ut = y ln(nt) + (1 - y)ln(ct+1) a child is z wm. If the husband spends time
raising children, then the marginal cost of a
where nt is the number of children that the cou-child is z- (w7m + wP). Consequently if znt <
ple has.7 Note that since the basic unit of 1 only the wife raises children, while if znt >
counting that we are using in this model is the 1 the wife will spend her full-time and the hus-
couple, nt is in fact the number of couples thatband part of his time raising children.
each couple has as children. Since the couple does not generate utility
We follow the standard "demand" model from consumption at time t, the couple's in-
of household fertility behavior (see Nancy come is divided between expenditure on child
Birdsall, 1988, for a summary) in assuming rearing and savings for future consumption, st,
that the household chooses the number of chil- so as to maximize their intertemporal utility
dren to have in the face of a constraint on the function. In the first period, the couple faces
total amount of time that can be devoted to the budget constraint: "
child-raising and labor-market activities.8 We
assume that the only input required to raise

7 The log-linear specification of the utility function im-

9 In reality, both decreases in total time spent child
plies that fertility decisions are independent of the interest
rearing and increases in time input per child are com-
rate. Utility from consumption in period t could have been
ponents of fertility transitions. Our model addresses
incorporated into the analysis without altering the quali-
only the former.
tative nature of this paper's results. In particular, if couples
'? The existence of economies of scale in raising chil-
had logarithmic utility from consumption in the two pe-
dren will not affect the analysis of division of labor within
riods of life, the fraction of output saved in period t to be
the household presented here. Since increasing returns to
consumed in period t + 1 would be constant. Thus the
scale in childrearing will affect men and women alike, the
dynamical system that governs the evolution of the econ-
division of labor, which is based on comparative advan-
omy would be altered only by a multiplicative constant.
tage, will not be altered.
8 In Section III we consider the effect of adding to the
"Alternatively, the budget constraint can be written as
model a "supply" constraint on the number of live chil-
dren that can be produced. zn,w7m + wPmax[O, zn, - 1] + s, : wP' + 2w7.

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cialized; women raising children full-time and
men working full-time.
Maximizing (5) with respect to n, subject to
B (6) and (7) it follows that the time spent by
parents on raising children is,

1 I/(wm+wp)

{ 2 + (wP/w7) }
if {2 + (wPw7)} s1,

wP+2wm St
2y if 2y > 1,
I otherwise.

For a sufficiently low relative wages of

mental labor, (8) implies that women raise
children full-time. As the relative wage of

(6) w,zn, + s, ? wP + 2w, if zn,? 1mental labor increases, women may join the
labor force and increase gradually the fraction
w' + (w' + wP)(znt - 1) + st of their time devoted to market labor. In the
limit, as the wage of mental labor rises, women
wP + 2wm if zn, 1. spend a fraction min( 1, 2y ) of their time rais-
ing children. Note that if y > "2, then women
In the second period, the couple simply con- will not supply labor and will devote them-
sumes the value of their savings with accrued selves to raising children, no matter how high
interest: the wage of mental labor. Since we observe
that women do supply labor when their wages
(7) c =+ I-s,(l + r,+ 1). are sufficiently high, we will restrict y to be
less than l2. This assumption guarantees that
The only decision that the household makes for some low enough ratio of (wP/w7) women
is how many children to have-alternatively, will supply labor. Furthermore, as follows
the household can be seen as deciding what from (8) this restriction implies that znt is nec-
fraction of its time should be spent working, essarily bounded from above by one and con-
and thus saving for future consumption, and sequently men allocate their entire time
what fraction raising children. endowment to work and do not participate in
Figure 1 shows the kinked budget constraint raising children. Figure 2 shows the effect of
facing the couple. There are three possible op- an increase in the relative wage of women on
tima: first, if an indifference curve is tangent the couple's choice of fertility and saving.'2
to the lower portion of the budget constraint,
at a point like A, the woman will work part-
time and raise children part-time, while the
man works full-time. Second, if an indiffer-
2 The model can be extended to allow for fixed pro-
ence curve is tangent to the upper portion of portions of time and goods in child rearing. Let x be the
the budget constraint, at a point like B, then cost in terms of goods of raising one child. As follows
the man will work part-time and raise children from the household maximization problem, as long as the
part-time, while the woman raises children husband works full-time, the optimal number of children
full-time. It is obvious that both of these two
conditions cannot hold at the same time. Fi- n = min[l, y(wP + 2wm)/(zwm + x)].
nally, if neither of these conditions holds, then Thus an increase in capital per couple, which increases the
the couple's optimum will be at the kink point wage for mental labor while holding the wage for physical
C, where men and women are completely spe- labor constant, reduces fertility if x is not too large.

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Thus, given that y < 1/2,


(9) zn, = min[1, y{2 + (wP/w7)}],

and the couple's saving is 1

(1 - y)[wP + 2w'] if zn, 1 1- ~\

(10) s, =
Lwp + w7 if zn, =1.


Lt Lt(2 - znt)
(11) ) M mLt
tLPt = =2-n

it follows from (3), (4), (9), and (11) that,

for y < /2,
C. The Dynamical System
(12) znt = min[1, y{2 + b/(a(1 - a)
The stock of capital at time t + 1 is deter-
X (2 - znt)P-[aktP + (1 - a) mined by the aggregate supply of savings at
time t:
X (2 - znt)] P)/P)}].
(16) Kt+ =Ltst.
Let G(znt, kt) znt - y{ 2 + bl(a(1 - a)(2 -
znt)P-1[akP + (1 - a)(2 - znt)P]( -P)P) = The number of working-age households at
0. Following the implicit function theorem time t + 1 is
since OG(znt, kt)IOnt is strictly monotonic and
nonvanishing Vkt,-? 0, there exists a differ- (17) Lt + I= ntLt
entiable and invertible function 4i(kt) such that
Thus, using (9), (10), (11), (17), and the def-
(13) znt = min[ 1, i(kt) ], inition of k*, it follows that kt+ I-Kt+ IILPt+l
is given by4
where 4i'(kt) < 0 Vkt ' 0.
Since znt = 1 if and only if kt s k*, where
(18) k,+ '
(14) k* = 4i`(I),

it follows that { z((l - y)/y)w7 if k, 2 k*

z[wP + w7] if k, < k*.

ri(kt) for ktck* The dynamical system is governed by the evo-
(15) znt= 1
lution of the per-couple capital stock from an
LI for kt kc*
historically given initial stock of capital. Using
(3), (4), (11), (15) and (18), the dynamic
where 4i(kt) E (0, 1] Vkt-k*. k* is thus the
equilibrium sequence {kt, Io is determined
highest level of capital per couple for which
by (19), where the initial level of per-couple
women will raise children full-time.

'3 Note that as follows from (8), if zn, = 1 then w '1/wm = 14 Note that as follows from (8) and (15) k, = k* (and
(1 - 2y)/y. Consequently, for zn, = 1, the equality (1 - thus zn, = 1) if w'I/wm = (1 - 2y)/y. Thus, for k, = k*,
y)[wP + 2w,m] = wP + wm is indeed satisfied as is requiredthe equality z[(l - y)/y]w - = z[wP + w,] is indeed sat-
by (10). isfied, as required by (18).

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[za(1- 1 -y akP + (1 - a)[2 - ktPl')l

(19) k+ = 0(kt) = [2- q(k,)]'-
1z{b + a(l - a)[akP' + (1- a)]"( P'P} if k, t k*

Ia-AkP-' [2 - q(kt) +ktqi'(kt)J > 0 if kt,e=(k *,o

(20) () = r Ak - l[2 - lp(kt)]2 -P{akP + (1 - a)[2 - (kt)]p } 2 -I p
aAkP- '[akP + ( 1- ) ]("lp)-2 > 0 if k, E (O, k*)

capital stock, ko, is historically given.

bor and Along
capital is relatively small), 4(k,) is
the dynamic path k, evolves monotonically strictly concave over the interval (0, k*);
according to (20), where A za(l - whereas as long as p is negative (that is, the
a)(I - p). degree of complementarity between mental la-
Furthermore, (19) and (20) imply bor and capital is relatively large), _((k,) is
strictly convex over the interval [0, k) where
(21 ) o(?) = z[b + a(l - a) "lP] > 0; k E (0, k*).

lim4'(k,) = 0; D. Steady-State Equilibria

and, A steady-state equilibrium is a stationary

level of the per-couple capital stock k, such
(22) 4,"(kt) that

ceAkP 2[ ( I- a)(p -1) - apktP] (25) k=?(k).

[atkP + ( 1- a) ]3-( (l/p)

As follows from (2), (11), and (15), k deter-
mines uniquely a stationary fertility rate nf and
Vkt E (0, k*).
a stationary level of the per-couple output -y.
Consequently, The stationary fertility rate is given by

( <0 if pE[0,1)
(23) klim4."(kt) > ifp(? ) (26) n = f f(k)/z if k-k*
ki- 0 >0 if pGE (-cc,O0) Il/z if k k*.

and Generically, the population either grows or

contracts at a constant rate, depending on the
(24) 4/(kt) < 0 Vkt E (0, k*) value of z. The introduction of a productive
factor, such as land, which cannot be accu-
if pE[0,1). mulated in proportion to population could
lead to a steady state in which the level of
Thus, as long as p is nonnegative (that is, the population, rather than its growth rate, was
degree if complementarity between mental la- constant.

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kt+l kt+l

*(kt) *(kt)


k* k kt ki k* k2 kt



Since 4(k,) is a continuous function of kI, a equilibria; a low-output, high-fertility steady

steady-state equilibrium exists if 4(O) > 0 and state and a high-output, low-fertility steady
there exists k, such that 4(k,) < k,. As estab- state.
lished in (21) 4(O) > 0, limk,OO4t (kt) = 0, The existence of multiple steady-state equi-
and therefore 4(kt) < kt for some kt > 0. Thus, libria in a one-sector overlapping-generations
a steady-state equilibrium exists. However, the model is consistent with the neoclassical
steady-state equilibrium need not be unique. assumptions concerning preferences and tech-
Given the strict monotonicity of 4(kt) and nology (for example, Galor and Harl E. Ryder,
given that 4(O) > 0, multiple nontrivial stable 1989). The multiplicity of equilibria in the
steady-state equilibria exist if kI* > 0, current model occurs because of an accelera-
4(k*) < k*, 3kt > k* such that 4(kt) > kt, tion in the rate of growth that is associated
and limk,4,' (,kt) = 0. Noting ( 19) - (24) and with women joining the labor force, even un-
noting that 4(k*) < k* implies that k* > 0, der a set of parameters that would guarantee
it follows that for some range of parameter val- uniqueness in the conventional one-sector
ues the system is characterized by multiple overlapping-generations model."5
steady-state equilibria. In particular, for any
feasible set of values for the parameters, a, b, II. The Joint Evolution of Fertility and Output
a, y, and z there exists a sufficiently large neg-
ative value of p such that multiple steady-state A. Constant Technology
equilibria exist.
Furthermore, as can be verified using equa- The joint evolution of fertility and per-
tion (20) the slope of the dynamical system in worker output is governed by the dynamical
a close neighborhood to the right of kI* is system explored in Section I. The evolution of
greater than that in a close neighborhood to the per-couple capital stock I k, I o deter-
the left of it:

(27) lim 4'(kt) < lim 4'(kt).

k,- k _* k,- k +* 5 In the model as presented here, the increase in the
growth rate of output when women enter the labor force
Figure 3 describes the dynamical system in is discontinuous. Such a discontinuity is not necessary for
the case where there exists a unique steady- the existence of multiple equilibria, however. If there were
some heterogeneity across couples in endowments of
state equilibrium. Figure 4 describes the dy-
physical or mental labor, then the relative wage at which
namical evolution of the economy in the case
women entered the labor force would vary across couples,
where the dynamical system is characterized and the growth rate of output would be a continuously
by multiple stable nontrivial steady-state differentiable function of the capital stock.

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evolution of the per-couple capital stock is not

monotonic. The pace declines as the capital
k .0000000 kt stock grows towards k*, accelerates once k*
is passed, and declines once again as the econ-
omy approaches the steady-state equilibrium
k* ...* k. Thus, as long as women do not participate
in the labor force (that is, kt < k*), the rate
of growth of output declines over time, the
level of output remains relatively low and the
level of fertility remains relatively high. How-
ever, once the per-worker capital stock is suf-
ficiently high so as to support an attractive
relative wage to women (that is, once the level
of per-couple capital stock exceeds k*), the
economy experiences accelerated growth that
t* t
is accompanied by a declining fertility rate.
Ultimately, growth slows down and the econ-
omy converges to a high-output, low-fertility,
steady-state equilibrium.
Consider Figure 4 which describes the evo-
lution of an economy that is characterized by
multiple steady-state equilibria. In one steady
state, fertility is relatively high, output and
capital stock per worker are relatively low, and
AND FERTILITY women' s wages relative to those of men are
low. In the other steady state, fertility is lower,
output and capital per worker are higher, and
women's relative wages are higher. The two
mines uniquely, via equations (2), (11), and steady states differ in their levels of female
(15), the evolution of the fertility rate labor force participation: women spend all of
{nt }t = o as well as that of per-couple output their time raising children in the lower steady
{yt} I o. The dynamical system may exhibit state, while in the higher steady state women
multiple stable nontrivial steady-state equilib- work part-time and raise children part-time. In
ria. Regardless of whether multiple steady this case initial conditions determine a coun-
states exist, however, the model generates in- try's long-run steady-state equilibrium. Coun-
sights into the dynamic behavior of output per tries with a relatively low initial level of
worker and fertility. The dynamical path to- capital per worker may converge to a devel-
wards a steady-state equilibrium is consistent opment trap where high fertility induces lower
with the inverse relationship between per- per-capita capital, which in turn induces
capita output and fertility. Furthermore, the women, who confront low relative wages, to
model generates a pattern of rapid fertility de- maintain their high fertility rate and low labor
cline accompanied by an increase in the supply.
growth rate of output that is consistent with
what is seen during a demographic transition. B. Technological Progress
Consider Figure 3, where the economy is
characterized by a unique globally stable In the absence of technological change, a
steady-state equilibrium. Figure 5 shows the country trapped in the low-output, high-
time paths of capital, output, and fertility for fertility equilibrium will remain there forever.
an economy moving from an initially low cap-In this section we show that technological pro-
ital stock toward the steady state. In the figure,gress will eventually eliminate such a devel-
t* is the time period in which the per couple opment trap, leading to a period of rapid
capital stock surpasses k*. The pace of the output growth and to a rapid fertility transition.

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Suppose that in every period the economy on the model that could produce such a
experiences exogenous technological change: relationship.

(28) a, = ao X; b, = bo X; X > 1. A. Supply Constraints: Low Fertility

and High Infant Mortality
The technological change is neutral with re-
spect to the different factors of production Combining the model presented above for
(mental labor, physical labor, and capital), decreasing fertility at high-income levels with
that is, it raises all of their marginal products a model for increasing fertility at low-income
equally. levels provides a theory that is consistent with
Modifying the analysis in the previous sec- the U-shaped pattern of female labor-force
tions, it follows from (12)-(14) and (19)- participation observed."6
(24) that such technological change will shift At low levels of output, couples are "sup-
the function 4(k,) upward in a proportional ply" constrained in the number of live chil-
manner. However, the value of k*, the point dren that they can produce. Thus at low levels
at which the 4(k,) function kinks upward, willof income, increases in income raise the actual
not change. In the case where there is a single number of children to be closer to the desired
steady-state equilibrium (Figure 3), the qual- level, and thereby increase the amount of time
itative nature of the dynamical system will that women spend childrearing and decrease
not change. However, if multiple steady- women's labor-force participation. At high
state equilibria exist (Figure 4), this possi- levels of income, however, the supply con-
bility will ultimately disappear. In particular, straint is no longer binding, and the actual
the lower of the two stable steady states will number of children is equal to the desired
no longer exist for sufficiently productive number.
technology. A country which is at the lower Suppose that the maximum level of capital
steady state at the point in time when mul- at which the supply constraint is binding, k,
tiple equilibria are no longer possible will is below k*. Then the time path of fertility and
eventually experience a fertility transition women's labor-force participation will have
and a period of rapid output growth (similar the shape shown in Figure 6: for capital less
to that depicted in Figure 5) as it moves to than k, (that is, t < t) accumulation of capital
the unique steady state. will bring actual fertility closer to its desired
level. Between k and k*, (that is, t < t < t*)
HI. U-Shaped Female Labor Force Participation actual fertility will be equal to desired fertility,
and will be constant. Finally, as capital grows
The model presented above suggests a pos- beyond k* (that is, t* < t), increases in wom-
itive, monotonic relationship between income en's relative wages will be sufficient to lower
per capita and women's labor-force partici- desired fertility. Corresponding to this path
pation, and thus a negative relation between of fertility will be the U-shaped pattern of
income and fertility. While such a model may women's labor-force participation shown in
be a good description of the determinants of Figure 6A.
fertility in countries currently undergoing fer-
tility transitions, or in the United States over B. A Nonmodern Production Sector
the last 100 years, it is not universal. Goldin
(1990), examining data for the United States A second modification of the basic model
for the period since 1790, finds that the labor- that makes it consistent with the U-shaped pat-
force participation of married women fol- tern of female labor-force participation is the
lowed a U-shaped trajectory. Similarly, John existence of a second technology for female
D. Durand (1975) and Goldin (1994) report production which is not fully rival with raising
that the cross-sectional relation between in-
come and female labor-force participation is
U-shaped in large cross sections of countries. 6 See Randall J. Olsen (1994), for a thorough discus-
In this section, we discuss two variations sion of supply and demand approaches to fertility.

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Desired fertility

* * Fcmale labor force participation


* 0 Actual fertility *
* *~~~~~ n *-.. nt

t t* t t t* t


and back to low fertility. The model is stripped

of children. Goldin ( 1990 p. 46), discussing down to highlight the effect in which we are
the reduction of women's labor-force partici- interested, but even in its simple form it pre-
pation during the nineteenth century, writes, sents fairly rich dynamics. In this last section
"Early industrialization and the expansion of we discuss extensions of the model to incor-
cities rapidly led to the specialization of tasks porate more realistic descriptions of the deter-
within the home and within the lives of minants of the key variables.
women. Married women in an era of high fer- The two key effects in our model are the
tility could be engaged in family labors only positive effect of capital accumulation on
if work were done at home, and the progres- women's relative wages and the negative ef-
sive separation of home and work made their fect of women's relative wage on fertility. In
paid and unpaid labor less feasible." each case we have used a simple model of the
Suppose that there exists a technology causal relationship. For the effect of capital ac-
for producing market goods (presumably at cumulation, we have posited a production
home), in which time spend producing can function in which capital is more complemen-
also be used for childrearing. Production at tary to the factors with which women are en-
home does not involve capital, and therefore dowed than it is to the factors with which men
women's marginal product in this sector will are endowed. For the effect of relative wages,
not be affected by capital accumulation, while we have examined a simple demand model of
the women's potential wages in the modem the fertility choice, in which higher relative
sector will rise with capital. As capital accu- wages for women raise the price of children
mulates, family income increases via men's by proportionally more than they raise the cou-
wages, while female wages in the home sectorple's full income, and thus lead to a reduction
do not change, and thus fertility rises (and fe- in fertility. In both these cases, however, it
male labor-force participation falls) due to the seems likely that the models we consider are
income effect. Once the nonhome sector is suf- proxies for more general tendencies which go
ficiently productive (due either to capital ac- in the same direction as the models we have
cumulation or technological progress), the used. Although difficult to incorporate into a
effects explored in our basic model take over: model, these broader effects are important to
capital accumulation raises women's relative note.
wages and thus increases female labor supply. In attributing changes in women's relative
wages over time to an increase in the level of
IV. Conclusion capital, we do not intend to deny the impor-
tance of legal and social changes that have ac-
We have presented a general equilibrium companied the emancipation of women. At the
model in which there is a positive feedback same time, we would suggest that many of
from low fertility to higher capital and output these legal and social changes are in turn, at
per worker, higher relative wages for women, least partially, consequences of economic

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growth. Here are two examples: first, a capital- Higher relative wages for women will increase
rich economy may require a more sophisti- their expected time spent working. This will,
cated mechanism for the enforcement of in turn, raise the optimal amount of human
property rights and law generally than will capital which they accumulate, raising the op-
arise in an economy with low capital accu- portunity cost of children, and further lower-
mulation, and the existence of a law-centered ing fertility.
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