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Peecok – Hey welcome to our news, today we're

going to welcome a very special guest. Our interview

will be via zoom with Cynthia and Scarlet
MacDonald ,two sisters and
victims of a flood that happened on September 16,
Scarlet -Hey. I am Scarlett MacDonald
Cynthia-Good morning I'm Cynthia MacDonald,
unfortunately we were victims of a flood in Alabama
and Florida after hurricane Selly.
Peecok -Hey, what you doing before during and
after the flood happened?
Cynthia -Before flood we
made an emergency kit and made a communication p
lan with my family ,
I raised the electronic devices so they wouldn't shudd
er because I live in a higher risk zone .
we went to a high place and kept an eye on the
news on the radio and television, we were aware that
the streams and other areas that can flood
quickly, so we stayed away.
Scarlett- and after we
avoid moving water, damaged areas and wait for resc
ue teams.
Peecok- how many milliliters it rained in Alabama
and Florida?
Cynthia - The storm dumped almost 30 inches
of rain in Orange Beach, Alabama, and 24.80 inches
in Pensacola , Florida .
Peecok – how many days the flood last?
Scarlet – the flood las 2 days.
Peecock -have you heard a lot of damage?
Cynthia- almost 500,000
homes and businesses have been without power,
hears many windows,
roads and other destroyed infrastructure.
Peecok-were there wounded and killed?
Scarlet-Emergency crews have been called in to
rescue or evacuate hundreds of people along the
Gulf Coast, particularly in Escambia County, that
includes Pensacola, Florida.

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