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Colobong, Reynel John A.

PED 7-18 Aug 28,2023

Reflection on the use of technology in online learning

Throughout the past year, I have gained a newfound appreciation for the role of
technology in online learning. As someone who was initially skeptical about the
effectiveness of virtual classrooms, I have come to realize the immense benefits that
technology can offer in facilitating educational experiences.

One of the most striking advantages of technology in online learning is the increased
accessibility it provides. With traditional face-to-face classrooms, individuals who faced
physical barriers or lived in remote areas often struggled to access quality education.
However, the integration of technology has diminished such limitations. Now, individuals
from various backgrounds and geographical locations can easily participate in online
courses, broadening the reach of education and promoting inclusivity.
Moreover, technology has transformed the way content is delivered and consumed.
Online platforms allow for a variety of multimedia elements to be incorporated into the
learning experience, such as videos, interactive quizzes, and simulations. These tools
enhance engagement and active participation, making the learning process more
enjoyable and effective. In my own experience, I have found that the integration of
multimedia has significantly increased my understanding and retention of complex

Additionally, technology in online learning enables flexibility and personalized learning

experiences. Asynchronous learning, where students can access materials and
participate in discussions at their own convenience, has proven to be invaluable. This
flexibility accommodates various schedules and responsibilities

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