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Homework/Assignment 8

(# of Kanban)

Full Name of submitter:Nguyễn Tấn Quang Student ID: IEIEIU20080

Your Group number is: 7

Title of your Group project is: Adaptable Kanban System
List of team members (Student ID & Full name)

Nguyễn Tấn Quang IEIEIU20080

Nguyễn Thị Thanh Huyền IEIEIU20059

Võ Nguyễn Hoàng Khang IEIEIU20060

Lê Nguyễn Quốc An IEIEIU21084

Nguyễn Đoàn Nhật Nam IEIEIU19058

Đào Minh Hậu IEIEIU19049

Nguyễn Hoàng Long IEIEIU18052

1) List down each types of Kanban and its purpose and application

2) What are principle in identifying number of Kanban


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Production Kanban

This type of Kanban is probably the most basic one. We see that type of card used everywhere,
from manufacturing to software development. Production Kanban starts with a comprehensive
list of all items that need to be completed at a specific time.

The workstation provides a production card to an area in the facility requesting the types of
materials (or tasks) they need. The production Kanban card signals the production system to
start, explaining the quality and quantity of the things that need to be produced. Additionally, the
production cards contain information included in the withdrawal of Kanban cards.

Withdrawal Kanban

The withdrawal or conveyance Kanban system is concerned with the movement of items and
components. Whether the company produces physical or digital products, different parts of it
need work done by different teams in different areas. And when one team is finished, the ‘part’ is
transferred to the next team and production area.

For that purpose, teams use withdrawal cards or movement cards to alert people that an item is
finished and ready to move from one section to another. When the team is ready for more work,
they send the withdrawal card to the previous section signaling they are ready for more work.
Also, the card usually specifies the number of items that need to be taken to the workplace where
they are needed.

Supplier Kanban

The supplier Kanban card is an unusual type of Kanban that allows companies to include
suppliers as part of the system. That way, the supplier cards go out of the organization and
straight to the supplier, requesting a new batch of a specific item to be delivered.

The supplier cards streamline the process by cutting out the long wait times necessary for
making a supply request. So, instead of sending a request to the procurement department and
waiting for them to pass on the request, teams can communicate with the supplier directly and
get the items and materials they need without further delays.

Emergency Kanban

Emergency Kanban deals with an unexpected situation that needs immediate attention.
Emergency cards usually signal the need for replacement of a faulty or defective part or a sudden
change in the quantity of input (product) required.

This card is most commonly used when a problem with a part or series of parts is discovered to
signal the team that was previously working on the items what kind of problem exists, so they
can make sure the rest of the items don’t have the same issue. If the problem is serious, the
emergency card can even signal the whole team to stop working so they don’t create a backup
while the team dealing with the problematic items can address the issue. That way, teams won’t
generate waste, and production will keep running smoothly.

Express Kanban

Similarly, to emergency Kanban, the express Kanban system also deals with situations that must
be resolved immediately. But unlike emergency cards which signal problems and defects,
express Kanban cards signal the shortage of a specific item.

Teams can send emergency cards if their supplies run (very) low and might even that production
needs to slow down. In extreme cases, emergency cards might even require that production stop
completely until specified items or parts are delivered. Like the emergency cards, express cards
are also important for maintaining a constant process flow, and ensuring there is no slowing
down, nor stopping the process.

Through Kanban

The through Kanban system and Kanban cards are a combination between production and
withdrawal Kanban in situations where two different production teams that work together are
also physically close to each other.

That way, instead of having the teams pass two different cards between each other, one to signal
the start of work, and the second that the next team is ready to receive more work, the teams
would use one though card to signal both of there actions, accordingly. This saves time and
makes work more efficient.

The principles for identifying the number of Kanban in a system are:
 Pull-based production: The Kanban system is based on a pull-based production approach,
where the production of a product is triggered only when the customer demands it. This
means that the number of Kanban cards in the system should be determined by the rate of
customer demand.
 Flow efficiency: The aim of the Kanban system is to improve the flow of work through
the system. Therefore, the number of Kanban cards should be set in such a way that it
maximizes the flow efficiency of the system. This means that the number of Kanban
cards should be set at a level that prevents overproduction and reduces waiting time for
the customer.

 Lead time: The lead time is the time it takes for a product to move through the system
from start to finish. The number of Kanban cards should be set in such a way that it
minimizes the lead time. This means that the number of Kanban cards should be set at a
level that enables the production of products in a timely manner to meet the customer
 Work-in-progress (WIP) limit: The Kanban system aims to limit the amount of work-in-
progress (WIP) in the system. This means that the number of Kanban cards should be set
at a level that prevents the accumulation of excess WIP in the system. Setting a WIP limit
ensures that the system is not overloaded with work, which can lead to delays and
reduced efficiency.
 Continuous improvement: The number of Kanban cards should be reviewed regularly and
adjusted based on the performance of the system. This means that the number of Kanban
cards should be set in such a way that it enables continuous improvement of the system's
performance over time. Regularly reviewing and adjusting the number of Kanban cards
can help identify areas for improvement and prevent the system from becoming stagnant.

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