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Task #2 Question

From the Ang Pinaka Feel good viral story on education 2019, what struck you the most and

After watching the video “Ang Pinaka: Feel-good viral story on education”, the story that struck
me most is the story of “SUPERMAN TATAY’. This story implicates on how parents loved their children,
they will do anything to make their children to be happy. Parents make extraordinary penances for the
consideration of their kids. For quite a while, guardians shield their kids from risk, go to their cries, and
console their youngsters after a terrible dream. Guardians surrender numerous necessities for their
youngsters everyday. The father shirt really symbolize his character. A father who will do to protect their
love ones like what superhero is.
I agree with the quote “Not all superheroes wear capes, genuine hero live in the core of little
kids with dreams.”
This is what we call “unconditional love”.

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