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Czerene Lyca Tobias

Subject: SSCR - Seminar 1

Schedule: Saturday (4:00-5:00 pm)

Assignment number 1:

a. What made you take up legal studies?

b. Among the living and dead lawyers, who do you admire, and why do you admire
c. What will be the best description of yourself as a successful lawyer?

To be honest, law school is not my first choice, nor is it on my list of plans after I
graduate or finish my college degree. It takes a lot of courage to enter law school and
embrace the law, especially when something, a factor, constrains me to do it. Because
of peer-pressure, here I am, struggling with my readings, which I did not choose in the
first place. But it does not end there. I wanted to share my motivating law school
journey. During the first week, I felt so overwhelmed with all the requirements because I
did not expect them to pile up. There are plenty of cases that I cannot understand in just
one reading. I cried a lot, I was tired, and my body clock is a mess. During my first and
second weeks, I wanted to drop all my subjects because I could not take them anymore.
I stared at the empty wall, feeling blue, then I prayed to the Lord. I asked for guidance,
courage, and wisdom. I told him “Lord, I wish I was taking the right path; please guide
me so that I can surpass this hardship of mine”. After that, I disregarded all my thoughts
about quitting and self-pity. I tried my best, I did everything, and I SURVIVED. On that
point, I realized that my motivation to become a lawyer is MYSELF. I am trying until now
for myself because choosing to enter law school and to get that A T T Y period is a
privilege. I admire my late grandfather, who was once a judge. Actually, he was the first
attorney and judge in our family, and I admire him for that. It was a good sign for me that
everything is possible as long as you have a strong fighting spirit and love what you are
doing. My ultimate goal is to understand, love, embrace, and pass the bar exam.
Hopefully, through his grace, I am to become a lawyer, and if I do become one, I will
describe myself as a lawyer who won’t stop until the justice of my client is served. I want
to be the voice of the voiceless, the sword of the weak, and the instrument of peace that
will benefit the next generation. I want to keep my word as a lawyer until the day I die.
because that is my duty.

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