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NCM 332 | Medical- Surgical Nursing 2

Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disorders

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Score: ________________
I. Labelling.

II. Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of your choice in response to each question. No erasures, alterations,
and/or superimpositions allowed.
1. Which of the following organs produce bile?
a. Pancreas b. Liver c. Gall Bladder d. Spleen
2. Which of the following substances produced by the pancreas is NOT involved in the organ’s exocrine function?
a. Amylase b. Lipase c. Insulin d. Trypsin
3. Which pancreatic digestive enzyme breaks down carbohydrates (CHO)?
a. Lipase b. Creatine kinase c. Trypsin d. Amylase
4. Which pancreatic digestive enzyme breaks down proteins (CHON)?
a. Amylase b. Trypsin c. Lipase d. Protease
5. Which of the following statements BEST describes the function of the gall bladder?
a. It stores and concentrates bile.
b. It produces bile and digestive enzymes.
c. It facilitates conversion of glucose into glycogen.
d. It dilutes the digestive enzymes produced by the liver and pancreas.
6. The liver has the ability to store glucose in the form of glycogen. Which of the following processes pertains to the
conversion of glucose into glycogen?
a. Gluconeogenesis b. Glycogenolysis c. Glycogenesis d. Glycosynthesis
7. The exocrine pancreas produces and secretes highly alkaline substances which aids in the digestion of
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These substances are then released into which part of the gastrointestinal tract?
a. Stomach b. Duodenum c. Jejunum d. Ileum
8. The breakdown of amino acids produces a waste product called ammonia, a substance that is highly toxic when
found in high concentrations in the blood. Ammonia cannot be excreted in itself by the body. Part of the function of
the liver is to convert ammonia into which of the following substances in order to eliminate it through the kidneys?
a. Urea b. Creatinine c. Lactic acid d. Bilirubin
9. The liver stores certain types of vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins are primarily stored in the liver. The following are fat-
soluble vitamins, EXCEPT:
a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B12 c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin K
10. Which of the following stimulates the secretion of pancreatic digestive enzymes?
a. Secretin c. Cholecystokinin
b. Bicarbonate d. Lactic Dehydrogenase

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