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Visit to the World Bubble Exhibition

Nour Fog is a Danish artist born in Denmark in 1981. They have had several solo

exhibitions in Denmark however “The World Bubble exhibition is the first time they exhibit in

France. The exhibition features different clay sculptures with the aim of representing new born

infants and projecting their struggle adapting to life outside their mother’s womb. The “World

Bubble” specifically portrays the struggle of pre-maturely born infants and new born babies and

infants who require special care.

Nour Fog and their partner had a pre-mature infant and this exhibition was their way of

dealing with the intense feelings they experienced during that period. The various clay infants

created and put on display were different sizes and genders, effectively capturing the different

stages the newborn may experience. They display their desire to create a softer world where the

vulnerable and sincere can be justly accommodated. The art on display represent the

vulnerability as infants are one of the most vulnerable demographic of people.

The desire to protect the most vulnerable people in society that is portrayed by the works

on display exemplifies the ever present demand for equality and justice, which is gaining more

recognition with each passing day. The exhibit reminds us that we have a responsibility to

protect the vulnerable in an effort to lessen the divide caused by the unequal nature of the current

global system.

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