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Applications of ICT

Beenish Noor

MS Word Lab Task

Topics: Document creation, Text manipulation, Tables and Borders

Lab Assignment 01

Exercise No: 1

Create a new word document and type the following text:

i. Save the document as RegNumber_name.

ii. Insert the following text before the conversation between Alice and Bob

“Oh! Stop interrupting, Manku”. Aditi said angrily. “You’re are not supposed to participate in every

iii. Make the story heading bold, italic and 14 pts.

iv. Change the font style of entire story to Arial.
v. Select the heading of the document, cut and paste it at the end of the document.
vi. Undo the previous action.
vii. Select the first two lines of the paragraph and convert it to uppercase.
viii. Change all the uppercase letters to lowercase and vice-versa.
ix. Change the font style of the last paragraph 12 pts bold italic.
x. Copy this format to the first paragraph using format painter.
xi. Highlight the second paragraph (Hint: use highlighter or formatting toolbar)
xii. Change the font size of the entire text to 14 pts.
Applications of ICT
Beenish Noor

Exercise No: 2

Write the given text in a document:

I. Write the above text.

II. Draw the red dotted border around the text.
III. Centre the title “The Document” and change the font to Courier New, size 26pt font bold
IV. Use 6pt line spacing before and after the title.
V. Double space the lines throughout the document.
VI. Use 12pt line spacing after each paragraph.
VII. Change the font color of the word “Quick Styles” in the second paragraph to pink.
VIII. Select the “current theme” at the end of the second paragraph and highlight it yellow.
IX. Select the text “Quick Style gallery, Change Current Quick Style Set” in the third paragraph
and change the font to one of the following (Upper case, lower case, toggle case.
X. Justify align the entire document.
XI. Change the border color as “red” and width is set as “3pt”.
Applications of ICT
Beenish Noor

Exercise No: 3

Type the following text in a document in Microsoft word:

I. Write the above text.

II. Add a header to the document and write your Name and date.
III. Insert page numbers into the document.
IV. Write the heading Table and then create a table as shown below.

V. Insert a row between Bilal and Canyon and add the following data:

VI. Highlight the 2nd row and right-align the data

VII. Apply a hyperlink on Literary City.
VIII. Apply Drop Cap to “Literary City Bookstore Announces”.
IX. Set any picture as a background in the document.
X. Add any picture to the right side of the heading “Literary City Bookstore Announces”

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