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Vega, Mikyla D.

LESSON 4: Story Writing

“Genuine Love”

The saying, "feelings are not permanent" is one I believe too. I'm a
student at the University of Pangasinan and go by the name Mika.
Due to my own experience with love, I once considered putting an
end to my emotions since I kept being hurt. As a result, I no longer
believe in genuine love.

I had feelings for this guy at first named Justine. But for some
reason, it didn't work out. I've always believed that he would help
me understand what genuine love is like. But in the end, because of
how toxic our relationship has become, It doesn't work. I still don't
think that love exists since I keep being hurt.

When I first met Stell at school, the man who altered my life. "Hi,
I'm Stell. How about you what's your name?" Stell asked me. "O-Oh
H-hi I'm Mikyla, Mika for short". As we shake hands, I may infer
from it, that it was a love at first sight.

As the months pass, Stell and I are starting to develop a

relationship. He constantly compliments me and always makes time
for me. After an awful love experience, a woman who had no idea
about loving again. Stell showed me how to fall in love again. Stell
showed me a light into my love life.

Before Stell, I always felt wounded since I knew that the guy I
believed was the one. Turned out to be poisonous, and breaking up
is a really painful life lesson. After knowing Stell, everything
changed. Stell taught me what genuine love is through the amount
of affection I felt from him.

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