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Q. Describe the annexation of Sindh?

4 marks
The British were fearful of the Russian expansion into
Afghanistan so much that the British agreed with the
ruler of Punjab Ranjit Sindh that Afghanistan should
remain independent. The British hoped the Ranjit would
help them establish a Pro-British rule in Kabul but that
did not happen, so the British went on their own.
However, a rebellion in Afghanistan in 1841 led to all
British troops in the country being killed. The British felt
that their pride had been hurt by this loss in Afghanistan
so they decided to turn on Sindh. Ranjit Singh had been
following a policy of extending his kingdom and this had
worried the British, so they decided to annex Sindh, all
they needed was an excuse so Sir Charles Napier
provoked Sindh so much that they attacked the British
which gave the British an excuse for war. Sindh was
Annexed by the British.

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