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**Role of Extra-Regional Powers in the Middle East and North Africa**


- The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has long been a focal point of international politics
due to its strategic location and vast energy resources.

- Extra-regional powers, including the United States, Russia, India, and China, play significant roles in
shaping the dynamics of the region.

- Their interests range from energy security and economic partnerships to political influence and regional

**1. United States (US):**

- The United States has been a dominant player in the MENA region for decades.

- Key Interests:

- **Energy Security:** The US is a major consumer of Middle Eastern oil, making the stability of the
region crucial for its energy security.

- **Counterterrorism:** The US has been engaged in combating terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS
in the region.

- **Israel-Palestine Conflict:** The US is a strong ally of Israel and has played a role in peace

- **Military Presence:** The US maintains military bases across the region, including in countries like
Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain.

- **Diplomatic Initiatives:** The US has often acted as a mediator in regional conflicts and brokered
peace deals.

- **Criticism:** Its interventions in Iraq, Libya, and support for authoritarian regimes have been sources
of criticism.

**2. Russia:**

- Russia has been reasserting its presence in the MENA region, especially in recent years.

- Key Interests:

- **Syrian Civil War:** Russia's military intervention in Syria has bolstered the Assad regime and
expanded its influence.
- **Arms Sales:** Russia is a major arms supplier to several regional actors, including Syria and Iran.

- **Energy:** Russia seeks energy cooperation and access to Mediterranean ports.

- **Geopolitical Ambitions:** Russia aims to establish itself as a key player in the region, countering
Western influence.

- **Alliances:** Russia maintains relations with various regional powers, including Iran and Turkey.

- **Military Bases:** It operates naval and air bases in Syria and has discussed establishing more bases
in North Africa.

**3. India:**

- India's involvement in the MENA region is primarily driven by economic and energy interests.

- Key Interests:

- **Energy Security:** India imports a significant portion of its energy resources from the region,
making it vital for its economy.

- **Diaspora:** A large Indian expatriate population resides in the Gulf countries, contributing to

- **Counterterrorism:** India cooperates with regional partners on counterterrorism efforts.

- **Non-Alignment:** India traditionally follows a non-aligned foreign policy but seeks to balance its
relations in the region.

- **Economic Partnerships:** India engages in trade and investment partnerships with countries like the
UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

- **Challenges:** India faces challenges in navigating the complex regional politics, including the Iran-
Saudi rivalry.

**4. China:**

- China's role in the MENA region has grown significantly in recent years due to its economic ambitions.

- Key Interests:

- **Energy Imports:** China is the world's largest energy consumer and imports a substantial portion
of its oil from the region.

- **Belt and Road Initiative (BRI):** China's BRI includes infrastructure projects in the region,
enhancing connectivity and trade.

- **Stability:** China seeks regional stability to protect its investments and interests.

- **Diplomacy:** China maintains relations with both Iran and Saudi Arabia, balancing its engagements.
- **Economic Investments:** China invests in various sectors, including infrastructure, construction, and

- **Security Concerns:** It faces security threats from Uighur extremists who have sought refuge in
MENA countries.


- The Middle East and North Africa continue to be a focal point for extra-regional powers, with varying
interests and strategies.

- These external actors play pivotal roles in shaping the region's politics, economics, and security
dynamics, often influencing local conflicts and alliances.

- Their roles evolve with changing geopolitical realities and regional developments, making their
presence a defining feature of the MENA region.

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