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Chapter 4: Length, Mass and Capacity

Video Tutorial:

You should always choose appropriate units of measurement to measure

and estimate length, mass and capacity.
When you read a scale you need to work out what each division on the
scale represents.

On this scale there are four divisions

between 0 and 100 g.
Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Chapter 7: Fractions
Video Tutorial:
The number at the top of the fraction is the numerator; the number at the
bottom is the
denominator. You can simplify fractions into equivalent fractions by
dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number. This number
must be a common factor of the numerator and denominator. When you
simplify a fraction, if you divide the numerator and denominator by their
highest common factor, your answer will be in its simplest form in one
step. Simplifying fractions is also called cancelling fractions.

To write a terminating decimal as a fraction, follow these steps.

• Write the number in the place-value table and look at the value (tenths,
hundredths, ...)
of the last digit.
• Write this value as the denominator of your fraction.
• Write as the numerator the digits that come aft er the decimal point.
• Cancel the fraction to its simplest form.
Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
An improper fraction is sometimes called a top-heavy fraction. An
improper fraction can be written as a mixed number. A mixed number
contains a whole number and a fraction.
To add or subtract fractions you want the denominators to be the same.
When you add or subtract fractions follow these steps.
• If the denominators are the same, simply add or subtract the numerators.
• If the denominators are different, write the fractions as equivalent
fractions with the same denominator, then add or subtract the numerators.
• Cancel your answer to its simplest form.
• If your answer is an improper fraction, write it as a mixed number.
You work out a unit fraction of a quantity by dividing the quantity by the
denominator of the fraction.

Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
When you are working out a division, the number you are dividing by is
called the divisor and the number you are dividing into is called the
Example: In the division 163 ÷ 12, 12 is the divisor and 163 is the dividend.
When the answer to a division is not an exact whole number, there will be a
Example: 163 ÷ 12 = 13 remainder 7
The remainder can be written as a fraction of the divisor.

8 Symmetry
Video Tutorial:

Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Solid shapes are also called 3D shapes, as they have three dimensions:

length, width and height. Vertices are corners of the shapes. Each corner is
a vertex.

This trapezium is symmetrical. It has one line of symmetry. You use

dashed lines to show lines of symmetry on a shapes. If you fold a shape
along a line of symmetry, one half of the shape
will fit exactly on top of the other half.

A shape has rotational symmetry if it can be rotated about a point to

another position and
still look the same. The order of rotational symmetry is the number of times
the shape looks the same in one full turn.

Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
11 Percentages
Video tutorial:
Per cent just means ‘out of 100’.
• 25% means ‘25 parts out of 100’.
• 25% is another way to write 1/4 .
So a percentage is just a different way of writing a fraction.

12 Construction
Video Tutorial:
Perpendicular lines are lines that meet at a right angle (90°).
You show that lines are perpendicular by using a small square symbol in
the corner.
Parallel lines are lines that never meet.
The perpendicular distance between the lines is always the same.
You show that lines are parallel by using an arrow symbol (→) on each line.
Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
You can use a ruler and set square to draw parallel and perpendicular
In the first, you are given two sides and the angle between them.
This angle is the included angle. This is known as SAS, which stands for
Side Angle Side.
In the second, you are given two angles and the side between them.
This side is the included side. This is known as ASA, which stands for
Angle Side Angle.
You need a ruler and a protractor to draw these triangles accurately.

Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
14 Ratios
Video Tutorial:
You write a ratio in its simplest form by dividing the numbers in the ratio
by the highest common factor. To share in a given ratio
• Add the numbers in the ratio to _ nd the total number of parts.
• Divide the amount to be shared by the total number of parts to _ nd the
value of one part.
• Use multiplication to work out the value of each share.

Two quantities are in direct proportion when their ratio stays the same as
the quantities increase or decrease.

16 Probability
Video Tutorial:

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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
For some simple activities or events, such as spinning a coin, throwing a
dice or picking a card from a pack, there are various results, or outcomes,
that are all equally likely. With a coin the two outcomes are ‘heads’ and
‘tails’. With a dice the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all equally likely
outcomes. The mutually exclusive outcomes cannot both happen at the
same time.
Words such as ‘likely’ and ‘unlikely’ can be used to describe results
involving chance. The probability of an outcome is a number from 0 to 1.
Probabilities can be calculated using equally likely outcomes. Probabilities
can be estimated using experimental data. Experimental and theoretical
probabilities may be different.

17 Position and movement

Video tutorial:
Shapes remain congruent after a reflection, rotation or a translation.
When you draw the reflection of a shape, you use a mirror line. Each point
of the shape moves across the mirror line to the point that is the same
distance away from the mirror line on the other side.

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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
The mirror line is a line of symmetry for the whole diagram. When you
draw the reflection of a shape, you use a mirror line. When you draw a
rotation you need to know:
1 the number of degrees or fraction of a turn
2 (if the turn is not 180°) whether the turn is
clockwise or anticlockwise
3 the coordinates of the centre of rotation. When you rotate a shape you
turn it about a fixed point
called the centre of rotation.
You can rotate a shape clockwise or anticlockwise.
You must give the fraction of a whole turn, or the number
of degrees, by which you are rotating the object.
The turns that are most often used are a quarter-turn (90°),
a half-turn (180°) or a three-quarters turn (270°).
When you translate a shape you can move it right or left and up or down.

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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
18 Area, perimeter, and volume
Video Tutorial:
Area is measured in square units such as square metres (m2), square
centimetres (cm2) and square millimetres (mm2). The conversion factors
for area are: 1 cm2 = 100 mm2, 1 m2 = 10 000 cm2.
The formula for the area of a rectangle is: area = length × width.
The perimeter of a shape is found by adding the lengths of all the sides
The formula for the volume of a cuboid is: volume = length × width × height.
The surface area of a cube or cuboid is the total area of all its faces.

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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
19 Interpreting and discussing results.
Video Tutorial:

In a bar chart, you use bars to show data. When you draw a bar chart you
must make sure that:
• the bars are all the same width and the gap between bars is always the
• each bar has a label underneath it
• the bar chart has a title and the axes are labelled
• you use a sensible scale on the vertical axis.
A pictogram uses pictures to represent data. A bar chart uses bars to show
data. A bar-line graph is like a bar chart, but the bars are replaced with
thick lines. A frequency diagram is the same as a bar chart except that the
data has been grouped. A pie chart is a way of displaying data to show how
an amount is divided or shared. You can use pictograms, bar charts, bar-
line graphs, frequency diagrams and pie charts to compare two sets of
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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 1

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 1- Answers

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 2

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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 2- Answers

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 3

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 3- Answers

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 4

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 4- Answers

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 5

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 5- Answers

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 6

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 6- Answers

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
Worksheet 7

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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
1. The rectangle has been translated 7 squares left and two squares
2. The rectangle has been translated 2 squares
right and six squares down

Worksheet 8
1. The following pie chart shows some activities of students do in
their tablets. Read it and solve the following questions
1. Which activity is done by most number of students?
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Revision Pack Year VII (2022 2023)
Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
2. Which activity is done by least number of students?
3. If there are 200 students in total, how many students watch news?
4. How many students do Social activities?
5. Can you find the angle of 45%?
1. Games 2. News 3. 6 4. 40 5. 90

2. The given bar graph represents the frequency of a, e, i, o, and u in a piece of English writing.

(a) Which letter occurred the maximum number of times? a
(b) Which letter occurred 40 times? i
(c) Which letter occurred less than 30 times? u
(d) Write down the five letters in the decreasing order of frequencies. A, o, e, I, u
(e) Which letter occurred the minimum number of times? u

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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti
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Prepared By: Ms Mahwish Bhatti

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