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^ Rua Felisberto Botene, 13520000 São Pedro

And October 24, 2008

9 Female



Education and friendliness in serving the public,

Agility in carrying out daily tasks, Attention to details in making orders, Good
relationship and communication with colleagues and customers, Team spirit, focusing
on achieving goals, Good hygiene and personal cleanliness, transmitting a
professional posture Proactivity and motivation, Attention and patience with
customers, Excellence in customer service, Courtesy and sympathy Compliance with
the rules, procedures and standards of the company Good oral and written

Punctuality and attendance

Basic knowledge of mathematics Ease of communication and

Expression, Flexibility to deal with different situations, Dynamism to perform

simultaneous tasks.


Fundamental II

Maria De Fatima Do Amaral. São Pedro

Feb 2020 - current


Counter Attendant.

Oct 2021 - current

Delta Center Video, São Pedro

• Customer service at the store counter, presenting the options of available

products and describing the advantages of each one, in order to boost sales.

• Verification of prices and change of labels based on the reduction or increase of

values, according to the guidance of the team.

• Receipt of orders and separation of products according to customer demand and

team guidelines, promoting effectiveness in sales processes.

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