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Video games have unquestionably become a necessary part of most of our lives, whether as a pastime

or for pleasure. Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann invented video games in 1947. Through the
development of the Cathode Ray Tube amusement gadget, they produced the video games. It wasn't
until the 1970s that it achieved broad popularity.

Video games have significantly evolved throughout the years. Before the well-known systems like Xbox
and Playstation, there were other inventions. They started out as simple joystick controllers and have
since undergone major development. Since most people spent their younger years using joystick
controllers, consoles are often associated with happier times past.

The development of one's abilities, strategic thinking, rapid learning, cooperation, creativity, etc. are
some benefits of playing video games. While stimulating our minds, video games also serve to de-stress.
Video games with a learning focus and others with a risk reduction focus allow players to prevent or
reduce risk before the actual event.

There are also negative effects of video games, but all are manageable when one’s mind have discipline
and responsibility. Video games are always there for us, they are not going anywhere. Treat them as a
reward after doing your important stuff, rest and do your work until you finish them.

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