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The news about the COVID-19 pandemic potentially being officially declared over is based on

the ongoing efforts to combat the virus and the increasing vaccination rates worldwide. This
news is considered real because it reflects the progress made in controlling the spread of the
virus and the hope that the pandemic could eventually come to an end.

As vaccination rates increase, more people are receiving protection against COVID-19, which
can lead to a reduction in the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Vaccines have
proven to be effective in preventing severe illness and reducing the transmission of the virus.
With a significant portion of the population vaccinated, there is a higher level of immunity,
making it more challenging for the virus to spread rapidly.

Additionally, the global community has been working together to implement various measures to
combat the virus, such as testing, contact tracing, and social distancing. These efforts, combined
with the vaccination campaigns, have contributed to the decline in COVID-19 cases in many

However, it is important to note that the official declaration of the end of the pandemic depends
on various factors, including the control of new variants, continued vaccination efforts, and
ongoing monitoring of virus transmission. The situation can vary from country to country and
region to region, and it is essential to follow the guidance of health officials and continue
practicing preventive measures until the pandemic is fully under control.

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