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NEITHER FEAR NOR HOPE! The Second SS Division “Das Reich” Disclaimer-HOB has developed these scenarios for ASL Players. We are not trying to glorify this unit, bbut just write their unit history as we see it, and hhave created the scenarios in this pack for the en- joyment of the ASL hobbyist. What was to become the Second $§ Divi- sion ‘Das Reich’ can be traced back to the '$8-Verfigungstruppe which was formed from party security personnel in 1938 by a secret decree by Hitler which defined the size and task of the armed branch of the SS. It was ‘expanded eventually and became the two regiments ‘Deutschland’ and "Germania" with three batialions and three heavy weapons ‘companies each after service with the SS-VT. In 1939 the unit became motorized and it Panicipated in the invasion of Poland with "Deutschland" and part of Kampfgruppe Kempf, and “Germania” as part of the 14" ‘Army. "On the first day of the Polish Cam- paign the DR ‘Deutschland Regiment” was ‘ordered to force its way through the Miava Line INFWH # 1’Mave Stronghola “]andithen they spearheaded the attack on Zacrozym fang the fort on the outskins of town (NENH # 2°The Last Fort") With the fall of the Modlin forts DR campaiga in Poland came toan end. ‘They were sent back to Pilsen to be formed Into a full fledged division (now named the 8S 'V Division) with heavy weapons, artillery, mortar, MG, AT, motorcycle reconnaissance ‘troops, signal and combat engineers, plus supporting troops (medical, clerks, cooks, etc). ‘They then trained in West Germany for the next § months, The New Division then took paar in the invasion of Holland, called Opera. tion Yellow Fall Gelb], ang here assault group # 2of the motorcycle reconnaissance baltal lon went into action at Hater [NENH # 3°The Hatert Bridge’J and they performed well. They then were withdrawn and marched through Belgium and took part in the battle of Arras. ‘Another of their missions was assaulting a bridgenear Diessen, Holand (NENH'# 4 ‘Ora- goons in Holand’). Even though the unit was ot equipped with tanks they held off the ar- ‘mored attacks by the British and prevented the Allies from breaking out. Back on the al- tack again, another battle that the DR fought ‘was near the forests of the town of Nieppe, France [NENH # 5 "Foret de Nieppe'] Their last batlle ofthe French campaign took place at the Maginot Line where they engaged French troops trying to escape the fortress. A period of rest followed, which saw the "Germania" regiment transferred to other SS units, which eventually formed the 5" SS ‘Wiking’ division. “Das Reich" was reinforced with a bat- talion from the 1" SS division and renamed"Deutschlana ‘To avoid any confusion with the Amy “Grossdeutschlan division the unit was offcialy named “Das Reich” for the first time. The division's next campaign was in Yugosia- via, where they were assigned to the XLI Army Corps in Romania. DR was given one of their toughest missions to date, ordered through miles of swamps and marshes, ‘making @ 50 kilometer march to reach the town of Seleus, totally exhausted and having to go into battle, [NFNH # 6 "Yugo City'] while another unit of DR successfully cap- tured Belgrade with their own version of bitzkneg After short rest in Austria they were sent to Poland to take part in the invasion of Russia as part of Guderians 2" Panzergruppe in army group center. They were given 2 battalion of StuG assault guns forthe fist time anc took part in several successful engagements which encircled many Soviet troops, the capture of Yelna and Gorki where they knocked out 50 Russian tanks and took 1,100 pris- ners. Then, near Somry, they ran into battle-hardened troops, veterans of the Finish wars, [NFNH # 7 “Siberian Woods]. In September 1541 the DR captured the town of Romny and held off counterattacks for 5 days. Later they took part in the capture of Kiev and were in the drive ‘on Moscow. In October the OR cut the Smolensk high- ‘way and completed the encirclement of Moscow, and near there, by a small vilage DR engineers tackled the defen- sive line around Moscow (NENH # 8 "Wounded Three Times in One Day’], but General Winter took over. By November the DR had taken almost 7.000 casualties, and without adequate winter clothing and constant attacks by the Russians they had to retreat, wth just one of the nu- merous attacks being depicted in [NFNH # 9 ‘Jackboot Woods’). DR lost another 4,000 men and by March 1942, was sent to France for refting as a Panzer Grenadier division. ‘The newly equipped OR along with the 1“ and 3¢ were sentback to Russia in January 1943 as part of Aimy Group South. After advancing into Kharkov they were surrounded by Soviet roops, to hich Hitler repiea "Hold at al costs butthe Amy grouo commander Generel Heuser had other ideas and withdrew fram Kharkov defying Hie orders DR marched 60 miles to close the gap in the German tines ang oraw the Russians into @ trap. The rest ofthe 8S Panzer Corp attacked and after 5 days of fighting re- captured the iy INFNH #10 “Aces High’). The bate at Karkoy was also the frst time that the SS had Tigers in their divisions, This action stabilized the Iront fora ime, untl Kursk. Operation Citadel had OR attack as part of the 4” Panzer army inthe southein sector ofthe salient Equipped with the new Panthers and Tiger tanks they made good progress and mage their way to Prokhoravka Gn the 12” of July. the last cay ofthe biggest tank batle inFistory (Kurs) the "Das Reich’ handles themselves wel protecting the 1" SS flanks despite heavy losses. While their main regiment was in Germany geting Fite withthe new Panther Tanks the OR had to make do with captured equipment INENH# 11 ‘Surprise, Surprise’) After intense fighting the Soviets were forced to withdraw, but they had succeeded in draining the Germans of all their Tank and Infantry reserves. ‘The next three months saw many withdrawals and the DR had to fight more than their share of these dalaying actions, fone near Sharovka, Russia [NFNH # 12 “The Grim Reap- In December they were pulled back for refi and est. In January 1944 the division was sent fo soutnem France to be. re-formed after the heavy losses it had taken over the last 6 ‘months on the easter front. Betwean March and D-Day it lost one hundred men kilad during partisan raids, and here during thei retaliation of these they received a big black mar fon theirrecord, as many atrocities were committed by the DR,, and also during their march to the Normandy beaches after the Alied invasion. The DR killed over 600 French civilians, as the partisans delayed them from reaching the invasion forces. In Normandy, DR went into action in and around Saint Lo, where the DR engaged U.S. forces, Combat Command B of the 3° Armored (NENH # 13 “Snake Ready to Stoke’, and in August near Mortain. Later that month they helped hold ‘open tne Falaise pocket allowing many trapped German units to escape. DR participated in the Ardennes Offensive as part, of the 8” Army, and later was transferred to the 5" Army and, fought the American 82” airborne at St. Vitn. Many of the DR. were taken prisoner after they were cut off around Bastonge. ‘They refitted again and took part in Operation Spring Awak- ening in Hungary, and then retreated into Austria, defending the Vienna area until Apri, 1945, where DR records claim they ‘engaged the IS-Il or Stain JS-Ill super tank [NENH # 14 "The Bitler End’), Here we tended to favor the DR version of this, baltic rather than the Russian version and decided to include them in the scenario, The JS-II was a top- secret project that, they kept from the Alies, who frst saw them in a victory pa- rade in Berlin in September. The end of the war saw what remained ofthe vision fghting in Czechoslovakia where many Iwled to get to the American forces to surrender. There were ‘concerns that the SS would ignore the order to surrender, but that was not the case. Some elements of the DR surrendered to the Russians near Dresden After the war ended most ended up in American and Brit- ish POW camps and did not gel back to theirhiomes unt 1948, ‘Afurther irony was that all SS soldiers were denied a pension by their government, unlixe the German army, navy ang air force received. Also in 1951 war crimes trials were held to punish some of the DR for their brutal actions in France. ‘Twenty-one men were indicted, with lwo sentenced to death. Later all sentences were dropped within months, as by then the people had had their vengeance. The division's emblem was based on the ‘wolfshook" or “"Wolfsangel’ which was based on a Nordic rune that was said to possess magical powers, which could ward off wolves. The Das Reich soldiers reosivad 69 Knights Cross Medals, the ‘most awarded to any SS unit, The main combat units of the DR were: PzGren Regiment # 3 “Der Funrer’, PzGren Regi ment # 4 ‘Deutschland’ and Panzer Regiment # 2 and Arti lery Regiment #2 The Panzer Regiment of DR collected 20 Knights Crosses and 17 German Crosses in Gold during over 111 weeks of ‘combat, knocking out over 1,730 AFV’s against its own losses f $00 panzers. Is kill ratio on the Eastern front was 4:1 DR. had good leadership on the high levels, but where the division, stood out was its superb leadership at the company and pla- toon level. A number of graduates from the DR T- ‘ger company became leading aces of the 502 SS Pz Tiger unit. Eainst Barkman (Barkman's Comer scenario in Hedgerow Hell) was DR outstanding Panther ace scoring over 60 kills, Emil Seibold was in Some ways its most spectacular ace, while com ‘manding oniy T-34's and Pz IV's he managed to score 69 kills [Barkman and Seibold are AL in “The Bitier End, with Barkman the Panther that ikaly gets stuck in a shellhole, and Seiboid in a Pz IV] Recommended reading and our sources for the 44 scenarios in this pack: Das Reich Vol. 1 and 2, by Otto Weidinger-The first 7 scenarios are from these two books. Das Reich, The Miitary Roie of the 2° SS Division, by James Lucas- and a lille easier to come by. Das Reich, The March of the 2° SS Pz Division Through France, you want to read about the atraci- ties by the SS there, Grenadiers, by Kurt (Panzer) Meyer, who started in the 2" SS DR and later became commanding Gen- eral of the 12" SS Hillerjugend Infanterio Aces, by Franz Kurowski, an excellent article about small unit tactics and features ‘Wounded Three Times in One Day’ Sep Lanier. Comrades to the End, The 4” SS Pz Grenadier Regiment, “Der Fuhrer’ 1938-1945, by Otto ‘Weidinger not quite as good as OR Vol. # 1 and #2 but a decent work Armor Battles of the Watfen SS 1943-1945 by Wil Fey, where ‘The Bitter End’ and ‘Surprise Surprise came from SS Sturmbannfubrer Emst August Kreg, Das Reich, 1 booklet featuring SS Knights Cross winner Krag who was the Commander of the Das Reich Stug Units and is one of he armor leaders in “Aces High” ‘We would also like to thank Jason Pipes and the wus dellecaucum website. A highly recommended ‘source of information. Neither Fear Nor Hope Historical SCENARIO RULES: ‘These Seenario Rules apply toall scenarios in the Das Reich Pack unless excepted by SR on the Scenario sheet. 1. Crews: 1.1 SW Crows: All MMG, HMG must be operated by a 2-2- X Crew MMC and Lt, MTR, ATR muist be operated by 1 X Crews unless the Non-Qualified Use Penalty [A21.13] is paid. DC and FT must be used by Assault Engineer MMC unless the Non-Qualilied Use Penalty {A19.32] is paid If any SW is removed from play for any reason then that SW cerew must exit the board as per 1.2 below. 1.2 Vehicle Crews: Surviving vehicular erews from immo- bilized and/or destroyed vehicles must attempt to either re- enter the AFV ASAP or leave the playing area through the friendly board edge (Das Reich SR 3) using the most direct and salest route possible. These crews must move duri every MPh or are eliminated and VP ate acerued by the op- ponent. Crews that successfully exit the playing area do not incur any type of penalty for the owing player. 1.3 Carrier Crews: 2-2-8 Carrier erews may “deploy” into two 1-2-7 erews for removing the ATR and the AMG from British carriers. Carriers with 2-2-8 crews CVP value is 7 2 Routing: Normal Rout Rules are in effect except as amended herein, When a unit must Rout, it must Reut 1o- ‘wards its Friendly Board Edge if at all possible, Ifunable to oso, it will then Rout normally, (The Friendly Board Edge is defined as either the board edge where the units entered, for the board edge closest o the player where friendly units could setup). 3. S5 in Russia; Hand-to Hand CC is always allowed be- tween $S units and Russians exeept were noted in the SR. 4. Reverse Movement: Reverse Movement as described in Chapter F (F-11) is allowed in all Das Reich Scenarios that have qualifying vehicles in their Order of Battle. 5. SS ELR Reduction: ELR Reduction is in effect in see- narios where the SS side is listed with an ELR <4, When applicable, ELR reduction will follow the sequence... 468 94-4-7 or. 65-8 SAR Pe 7 6. Minor Ordnance: All Allied Minor weapons use the ‘Allied Minor counters provided in the ASL“ Doomed Battalions” module, 7. AFV: AILAPV's use standard armament: any optional (Such as optional AAMG a listed in Chapter II) weaponry ‘will be denoted on the counter and/or listed in the Scenario Rules.will be denoted on the counter andor listed in the Sce- nario Rules. Notes: ‘The decision to include rules for this scenario pack for crew counters for support weapons is a historically based deci- sion, In most armies of the era und extending to madern day. infantry support weapons, generally are served by crews. Infantry support weapons in this definition are Battalion Level organic Machine-Guns, Light anti-tank weapons and mor- tars, In infantry units ofall nations, individuals were usually picked lo receive additional training on the use and employment of support weapons. In this scenario pack the given counters are convenient vehicle to show the historical employment and tactics ofthese weapons. The “vehicle” crew is used 10 represent one or two man LATW, or Machine-gun crew. ‘These crews Irave a lower moral in some cases 10 represent the exposed nature oftheir job. The traditional Gun Crew is, used {0 represent crews of 3 to 5 men, who have additional support and more people around them to lend a hand when thrust into differing roles, Further evidence to support the use of crews for CSW is the basic TO&E of al the combatants during the war, Most list the dth company in an infantry Battalion as the weapons cont pany, and most companies havea weapons platoon, The Tune- tion ofthese units is to employ all ofthe units organic weap- fons other than the rifle, grenade, or handgun. Individual ‘weapons, Light Machine-gunsand Light mortars forthe weap- ‘ons platoon, and heavier Machine-guns and mortars for the weapons company, are attached and assigned for duties to sub-units as needed. Thus by using this rule players have the ‘opportunity to use tactics that are closer to actuality as they’ are not forced to use squads, or maneuver elements, for non. Iistorical roles of manning support weapons. Note that this is a differing concept than the BAR gunner as put forth in ‘other offerings. The main difference being that the Ameri- BAR gunner is an organi part of the rifle squad and though has additional training and responsibilities he i still part of the squad while crew served weapons are not organic toa rifle squad ‘Thanks to our playtesters: Phil Pomerantz, Steve Swann. Burnie Heedahl, Bruce Rinehart, Klaus Fischer, Jim Keefauver, ‘Alexander Schmundt, Xavier Vitry, Andreas Foehnig. Syldid Fortis, Martin Glos, Stefan Pielhau, Robert Herzner, Mixo Weber, Martin Moser. James P. O'Donnell, Emmanuel Dessanois, Christoph Ludwig, SIBERIAN WOODS SS-3 NFNH-7 Design: Steven Swann Battlefield Orientation: 5 aa fc Moor Nearer Sear Wind Tare Talsed Roa | — Soe SRZ Steam Saw Tactical Objective. To Win, the Germans must contol thee ofthe five buildings in hexrows Io of bourd 13 and accumulte > 30 CVP (Prisoners count double) Play Balance: Russian: Germans must Acquire German: Germans only nocd Aequire = 4 CP. 26CVP, Historical Special Rules L. AILNFNH SRs arein play, Raised Roads are ¥ level height obstacles and are treated as walls for TEM, LOS and Fire purposes. from adjacent hexes, AFVs are Hull Down when behind these Raised Roads. 2, Russian AFVs may set up HIP as if they were Guns if in suitable train, 3. Both German and Russianunitsare Elite 4, Russian Phone represents 70~ ART OBA with one Pre-registered Hex, Elements of the 100th Siberian Tank Brigade sct lup on any whole hex of Board 13 and/or on any half hhex/whole hex of Board 5 on/between hexrows A HAE Set Up on any whole hex of Board 5 fon between hexrows 1-5 Historical Perspective Near Somry, Resi, 7 duly 1981 The onder fo push trough immediatly was itven over te radio andthe $8-Rreginont "Der Fer" was att onthe move Up url now te Russians thatthe Das Reioh Division fed were il pepe il trained il-equipped and coud offer only ightresistnce. Today the it of any table weretabetumed asthe Der Furr rginent anno thet TOD Siberian ‘TankBrigae. Ths brigade wasauned and bloodied nt hatha learned sade ihe 1989-40 Winer Wer withinland. The Siberian were defending m swampy tnd wooded tenain where the Gennan armor would be rested fo ony few {A list he DF regiment ook ground and prisoners esl they advanced ito the Soviet oufpost ne, "Av the DF moved deeper imo the are, the Sibern ‘Sante sflened ws a rreared ambush vas la in the advancing SS troopers The bene lire ad the Hist appearance of Soviet lame throwing tank ally caused cic confsion among the SS squads and forced the DF to regroup. As he ‘DFeontinued wadvance the Siberis pee ore determined iit casas ‘onthe German invaders, The Soviet made effective use ofthe local embankments ndhadexeelenarlry supportincindng dec irs rom forwardartiny unt ‘The SS troopers finally bean to makesome headway when the ceived rer os inabileaileryinthe for ofasaultgunsandpaners-Aterpashngaheadal dey the DF ily fered the Siberian out ef thelr porns fate inthe afemoon Unknown to he 38 troopers, this fessiance was jus the fit tse othe Soviet Unions ably to make defensive bate costy bate German Moves First [ELR: 5] [SAN: 3] {338} III Battalion, Regiment, Der Fiihrer, 2nd SS Division (Mot.) Das Reich enter Turn | anywhere along the east edge of Board TURN Germans may use Column/Convoy Movement, YUGO CITY SS-3 NFNH-6 Design: Steven Swann Battlefield Orientation: EC Moderate Only R-GG are in play. Weather Clear N a ae Tactical Objective. The Germans win immediately i they have 10 Good Order Squad Equivalents in any buildings of Boant 45 Play Balance: @Yugoslavians: Add one 4-3-7 MMC to the Yugoslavian OB. German: Aéd a LMG to the German OB. Historical Special Rules 1. AINFNH SRs arein play 2, Yugoslavianunits Never Stray, However Straying DR is still made todetermine JitterFire. Yugoslavian MMC are“Normal”. 3+ All German Units are permanently under a CX counter while on Board 13, They immediately lose CX status at the end of its movement after entering a hex of Board 45. German units are always LAX, Yugoslavian Sets Up First (ELR: 4] [SAN:4] {137} TURN German Moves First [ELR: 4] [SA Elements 6th Yugoslavian Army set up on Boards 13] Historical Perspective Seleus, Yugoslavia 11 Apri 1941 Forthe invasion of Yugoslavia, the ney renamed 3nd $6 vision ‘Das Reich (Motorized) vas asia spt ofthe XLU Army Corps cited is Romans. The Corps esignment wa to eos the Barer an proved tthe ciy of liunar wher a well pt major bighvy an southo the Yapslavian capa, Belgrade. The 2nd SS Dv Reich was given Some of the most impose eri fora motorized uni the vast swamps and trarhes ofthe southeatem Banatare, Undismayed,the SS trooper ofthe Der Fier Regiment dismounted from tei vhieles and mad «foes march through Oifometersof marshes reaching the outskirts of Slew 2230 hous then ‘Gr reathing Seles, te ted and cary $8 toopers were amazed thatthe Yagorlsian amy was tend) to defend the town but they Were. Afr a phyla exhausting mach the DF Regimen wentover attack formation off theamarchenfenng Slous. Afra had fought ba inthe sect oF Seek, tired SS defeated te weakly ed buttoutheuredy Yagolav,captring several turdred Yugosavan solders 1 {2623 Elements of the SS Regiment Der Fuhrer, 2nd 'SS-Division Das Reich enter Turn | along the north board Edge of Board 13 on/between GG10 and R1O: FORET de NIEPPE 'S-3 NFNH-5 Battlefield he Design: Steven Swann Moderate = Weather Cea wind Tone GranlOrchard Ti Season Siream Shalow ‘Tactical Objective. To win. the Germans must amass 60 VP, ‘VP are earned by inflicting CVP upor the British normally and by exiting nits off the North edge, For every 2 CVP inflicted on the ‘Germans by the British, add to the German requited tot Historical Perspective Play Balance: * Forét de Nieppe, France, 27 May, 1940 Thenuinabjective ofthe SS F LA British: Add 6 sinale squad foxholes to the at sian OF mm German: Increise German SAN to 3 jorical Special Rules 1. AIINENH SRareinplay [EXC:NFNHHSR3). Driish Mk VIAs mastsetup Dugin{D9.54), Carrer Apersonnel consist of 2-4-8 Inf HS. Cartier B personnel consist of 2-2-8 crew counters, Cartier ws may selup outside their vehicles, If they do Division this day wa the Franco-Belgian border, reaching it asa further step towards the constrietion ofthe Dunkirk pocket and destruction oF the Allied forees there. ‘The SS- Regiment ‘Germania’ received the most ‘ficult mission; clearing the Foret de Nieppe of British iwops. Believing the woods to be weakly held, the SS infancrymen attacked with ‘only artillery in suppor. While most of the SS V Division made rapid progress in less forested areas of Niepae, the SS Regimes" Germania’ met well dug in opponent who was willing o fight forthe woods. Here inthe ‘heavily comaarmented, unvdservable terrain of the Forét de Nieppe, the ‘Queen's Own Royal West Kenis were to prove fo be a serious obsiacle, thy mnt sip within 3 hee of rears. Up i 3 sh rea waaecemenh taar pout ke caster of any stacke Anglo-French-Belgian forces at Dunkirk, the British soldier showed that sese hgh a conaler sso Catan Brak te meted ir rath gmntotesvo ar he uli ponde paste ee ee ene ce et ody tas wonton ac rcbeetunes te Wer Kore Set ceane toons py ay rave chp fot a re er ee cent as Bat eeneoeh eet us Bou kane ge upitcloex buts meeaaewthe st ae Ch Oe ekg” Der hase 5 Regina hae 89 ‘Smoot tes tans ‘Squad Equivalents may set up HIP along with them. 3. British Radio/Phones consist of a SINGLE 76mm+ MTR OBA module with one Pre-Registered hex (HE only), See text box inside British OB box. The German Radio represents one module of 100+mm ANOBA (HE only) with Plentiful Ammo, British Sets Up First [ELR: 4] [SAN=4] {233} Elements of the Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment set up concealed on/north of the road 425 |-GG5 of board 42. German Moves First [ELI LISAN: 2] {418}, Elements of SS-Regiment Germania, SS V Division enter on Turn lalong the south board edge of board British MTR OBA may be calledin by either Rao, but ‘only ome Radio may place OBA ata ime Trench = DRAGOONS IN HOLLAND SS-3 NRNF-4 Design: Steven Swann Battlefield Orientation: = N re Moderate sy Weather ~~ Clear Wind Tone lo River Deep Ss Steam Shallow Current | West, Moderate Bridge | Lane, Stone Tactical Objective. The Germans win by havinz 30 VP of iendly Historical Perspective ison the south side ofthe Bridge before the Bridge marked witha Diessen, Holland, 12 May 1940. Tchad already bee three frststing days oe Blaze counter (HSR 3), ‘The German layer wins inmnedately ihe ihe SS Division, salfering delays in moving nto combst becathe of the ses bath flame counter ha tart the gate a8 pe (HR 2) constant replacement oF ion bridges. At about 1600 hous on the 120, the . bridge at Orshot was repaired ad © agin on the march fora whi Play Balance: | {AL 1730 the J/SSD. which was lead reported that Diessen French: May set up one Squad/Equivalent (and any SMC/SW was being defended by two squadrons of the French 4th Regiment de Dragons stacked with it) HIP, Portes, Ist Light Mechanized Division, while the bridge across the Dominel M1 German: Increase German SAN to 3 bbumed, The SSD was ardered to capture the bri its destraction while the SSD bypassed tthe south, Historical Special Rules THe iHISSD bovame involved na ively fe-ighe wit the French 1. AUNENHSRarein play Dragoons, gradually wearing the French down, Atabout 800 hots, the 2, Each hex of the Bridge (40Q2 and 40Q3) is marked witha Flame Freach resistance grew noticeably weaker, Sensing this weakness, the 18D 1 (40Q2 and 40Q5) is marked with a Flame ie bre, crossing over the Dre! River and entered Dissen Counter. No attempt to turn the Flame counter into & Blaze counter {ho face of continuous assaults and a growing shortage of amenition, the can be made until Turn 6, Beginning in the frst AFPh of turn 6 and French withdrew ffom Diessen at 1830, leaving behind 1S priwoners, so Sorta chee the French Player makes a 20hine-gns, nda disabled armored eae With the French defenders go BLinlouch sstscqnent AFEN, te ExeDeiu! Kes 8 Ssengincer beth to clear the min feted oad an paths so tat the ain Spreading FireDR. IFany Bridgelocation turns rom Flameto Blaze pady Soutd comove is purvat of te Prove the scenario immediately ends. Hl A French Sets Up First [ELR: 3] [SAN:4] {89} German Moves First [ELR: 5] [SAN: 2] {266} Elements of the 4th Regiment de Dragoons Portes Elements if III Battalion, SS-Regiment (RPD Dragoons) set up anywhere south of the Deutschland enter on Turn | anywhere along the Canal or within 8 hexes of the North Bridge counter TURN} north edge of Board 17 on the North side of the Canal: 4 immediately and prevent 6 i 3 Raft Unit enter on/afier Turn 2 from anywhere along the North edge of Board 17: NO) 61,10) THE HATE RT BRIDGE SS-3 NFNH-3 Battlefield Orientation: [40 cc Moserate Weather Clear Wine Nowe ‘Orchards Wy Seas0 Canal Dose [ Bidge | Sine Hoc toar as Builaings | Ground Level Oniy Tactical Objective. The Germans win if t Counters with > 1 Good Order Ingomiry MMC a1 the end of any Game Tw. Hatert, Holland, 10 May,1940 For the invasion ofthe Low Counties, the SS: Play Balance Autaungsturann(Recomasance Baton) was ssgnel fo Gro i «ouch. Frave, along with he [Sth MG Battalion and the 167th Anilery Regiment pPreeh Taesees Dutaty SN 10 3 ‘The group's mission was to capture at least one bridge across the Maas Waal © German: Add 7-0 and Increase German Canal and a bridge ai Grave, The SS Aufklarungssttumbann formed five SAN 103, diferent assault groups fox its compliment of armored cars and motorevele platoons. “Each assault group would attack one of the Bridges at Nijmegen, Historical Special Rules ‘Neerbosch, Hatert, Malden ard! Heumen; each assault group would be followed bbyanarmy unittoconsolidateany gains made by the SS. groups. On Mas 10, the SS moved out towards their assignments. At Nijmegen, Malden, ‘and Thisisatwo kine Neerbosel bridges, the Germans arrived in time ro watch the Dutch blow tbern lup in theie faces. At Heumen, the bridge had already been taken by a “Brandenburg” special operations group shen the SS rived ‘Assault group #2, which was commanded by Ustuf Vogt reached the Hater bridge and discovered thatthe Dutch hadatempted to destroy the Bridge, but had only damaged it. Seeing thatthe bridge was ail usable, Vogt ordered an immediate wack by the Angored Cars and the attached M/C platoon. Supported bby HE fired from the Anti-Tank guns, Vout leada team of four troopers across the bridge, capturing the Bridge guards, Other S$ troopers then advanced on the Dutch Pillboxes under the covering fre ofthe AT guns. Just few mimuts later: the leading elements of the {Sth MG Btalion arrived and helped to establish bridgehead acrossthe Maas-Waal Canal irst [ELR: 5] [SAN: 2] 1, AIINFNHSRareinplay,. Hillsdo NOTexist. 2, Place Stone Bridge Counters in hexes 40Q2: Stone Bridge. Hills do nocexist, Treat as Ground Level Dutch Sets Up First |ELR: 3] [SAN:4] German Moves Elements of the Ist Battalion, 26th I ‘ Aufklarungsstrumbann, SS Vervundingung enter} Regiment set up west of the canal: in one or two Convoys [E11] on road hexes 6Q10 and/or 6Y10 on Turn |: Germans Convoy may only disband afte ts fred upon or the is within dhexes ofthe 40Q2-03 Bridge. Dutch Player may set up one Squad/Equiv. and any SWISMC stacked with it HIP. The Dutch AT Gun suffers Low Ammo atter the first fire phase in which it is used forthe remainder ofthe scenario THE LAST FORT SS-3 NFNH-2 Design: Steven Swann Battlefield Orientation: N g + Wester a Wind Tone ie Deeray XIE | Place on ese 5 ‘Theron’ | “igexces Seam | — ator Tactical Objective. The Germans win athe end of any Game Turn iF they contol > 32 Building Hexes on Board 41 o ll Stone Locations East of the Seam on Boar 4 Play Balance: (9 Polish: add 8 "7" to the Polish OB. German: German SAN is Historical Special Rules 1, AIINFNH SRareinplay. Overlay X16 representsa”Fort™ ‘This Fortis Fortified Building onall levels and Locations witha total or+5 forlFTandOBA. The non-fortifiedinterior TEM is +3. The Fortis at Level | andhhas Level 2 locations above its base level. The fort can only be entered from Hex 41BB4 through the BB4/BBS hexside. Elements of the 8th Infantry Division, Army Modlin set up on any whole hex of boards 41 and 24: Boresighting is allowed, 3 Polish Squad/Equivelant and all SMC/SW stacked with them may setup using HIP. Fortress ‘Troops may never leave the Fort for any reason. They are immediately removed from play if they leave. HOB results of Beserk, or Surrender result in Battle Harden instead. External Polish units may not enter fort. Polish Elite and Ist Line Infantry have Assault Fire capability. (A25.9] Historical Perspective Zacrozym, Poland 29 September, 1939 Ali brcaking through the Polish Mlava Fortified Line, German forces, with overwhelming strength forced the Polisharmies farther into Poland inert, Army Modlin was ordered to metge swith Army Warsavs and bean its rtret tothe River Bug, On September 9, the Polish line along the River Bug was broken, Elements of Army Modlin ws cencitcled a Tomaszow and eliminated. Three days earlier, Poland's eastward defenses had been destroyed as Warsaw was encircled by German forces ‘Tatered remnants of he Bib Infantry Division struggled to set up defenses ssteiched from Kazun to Nowy Dwor, which included the fortress city oF Zacrozym. Hoping to bring the Polish Campaign toa speedy conclusion, the ‘German military forces began a series of rerror bombings of Warsaw, designed to break the will of the people. The bombings worked and Army Warsaw surrendered the city on 28 Septeminer. Now the only organized Polishresistance ln the west sas the battered and depleted Polish 8th Infantry Division. A 0615 ‘hours.on 29 Septemier the Germans opened with a short Bombardment, closely followedby anattack by theSS- Regirnent Deutschland. Flame-throwing detachments spearheaded the attack by the SS. troopers and soon forced a passage into the small town, As the to foroes mel the fighting broke dowa into a series of individual fire-figh's for blocks and buildings. The Polish command ordered the surrender of Polish forces, but athe confusion, some nits didnotreceive the order. The forress garison, was one of those units, and it continued to resist even ater the city’s surrender. The ‘Germans placed heavy alley bombardment on Fort No.1 and the last Polish ‘occupants were forced to surrender. By 1400 hours on 29 September, the last elements ofArmy Modlin were finally takeninto captivity German Moves First [ELR: 5] [SAN: 3] {398} Elements of SS-Regiment Deutschland, Panzer- brigade “Kempf” enter Turn | anywhere along the North edge of 24 or West edge of boards 24 and 41 between 24GGI and 4110: "The German Radio receives one module of 80+ MTR OBA, German 8-3-8 MMCs are Asseult Engineers ‘The Germans also cecieves 100+ Art OBA (No Smoke) with 1 Pre-registered Hex and Plentfal Ammo using an OfF-board Observer at Level 3 along the North map edge MLAVA STRONGHOLD Design: Steven Swann SS-3 NFNH- Battlefield Orientation: Tactical Objective. the Germans win immediately upon controling 2 2illbox Hexes provided that here is not >2 Good Order Polish ual oquvalens in any one bung on Board 22 ‘Add a Six “2” t0 the At Start Polish OB. mt German: Add a MMG and 2-2-8 Crew to the At Start OB. Historical Special Rules [LAILNFNH Speci Rule rin ply 2. The Pash Phone and German Ratio both represen 8Osmm OBA [Xo Smoke), The Pah Phone has Penal Ammo and one preregister how ror beth iow any Red Bary econ ht dam rior oe placement that side’ ist SR N'A, The OBA sequence is immetiately ended and the Red Chit reat the ra Pie 5. All Crags epost concrete A-Tohsaces. Vehicle movement is NA, Int Mif=1, TEM=1 LOS hndrance +1 and is concealment tern, 4, Polish Elite and st Line lntantey have Assault Fite capability. [425.9] Polish Sets Up First [ELR: 4] [SAN:4] {148} Elements of the 20th Infantry Division, Army Modlin sct up concealed on any level one or greater hex(es) on board 9: Two Polish Sods (and any SW, SMC may setup HID.MMG must secup ina Pillbox. One Pillbox nus be setup on gach ofthe three hills oF board Polish Reinforeements enter on the Polish Player Turn that is secretly descrmined Pre-game by a dr: dr = 1-2 enter on Tum 2, dr lon Tum 3. dr 5-6 enter on Turn 4, Calva South oF West boa edge of hoard 9 betwen hexes AS and GGS all 1d must aerp to end their 1 IN a German occupied hex. ts must enter using Gallop (A13.36] N EC Moderate Stream Dry 2047} TURN German Moves First [EL Historical Perspective Zavadshi, Poland 1 September 1939 On the fist lay ofwhat would become a ‘World War the Batalion, RogimentSS- Dewschland was ordered to force ts ‘way through a series of Polis forttietions known as the Mlava Line’. The Mlava Line's snanned by the Polish 20th Infantry Division ‘and Was an entrenched postion fortified with Wire, AT Obstacles and Bunkers, After frossing their star lines the SS troopers moved rapids. down the road to “avadski meeting very litle sistance Departing Zavala the Is! Batalion attempted to assault Point 195, hl just south of Zavauski, where the Mave Linewas sited along the crest. The advance eame to ahaltwhea the S troopers reached the slopes of Point 195 and came under a deadly hat of fire fro the prepared postions of the defending Poles, A second esssul failed Just as {Quickly prompting the Brigades commander to order up Panzer and atillery Sippoa Yor yetancther assatiat 1300 ht ‘The promised armor suppor tumed out to be less effective than the SS troops expected, as just few Panzer Is and Ils were availble, Afiera shor arilley Sirk, the Panzers moved forward, As the German tanks eave ints sight oF te Polish defenders, Polish artillery responded tothe attack pinning the SS infantry and wteakinghavge on teGerman tanks, The Polish A-T obstacles constructed “of railway seetions embedded in vement prevented passage and chonncled the tanks into the Polish artillery. One afler anotber the tanks were destroyed encouraging the high corsa to salloffthe attack. The SS woopers Who sere feaught i the arlery ad mesnsshile worked thelr way up the slopes ofthe hil. ‘When the order o withdraw was given, some of the SS infantry were win 156 yards of the objective. Even though the 20th Division was able to hold their positions, other Polish units did not fare so wel. Ta the Fllowing days the 200 Division was" outttanked and forced to fll back southward, and evetimaly int ‘Warsaw, whose surrendered an September 28 | ISAN: 2] {280} 1 Battalion, Regiment SS-Deutschland set up on board 22 with no more than two MMC per hex and no more than one SW per location: THE BITTER END SS-3 NFNH-14 Design: Burnie Hegdahi Battlefield Orientation: EC Wind Bridge River i Tactical Objective. The side with the most AFV's exited from 40Q1 isthe winner. 4 Tie isa Russian win, Russian AFV nnst have functioning Ma Play Balance: ® German: Add 3 AT Mine Factors to German OB. Russian: Add 9-1 Amor Leader to Russian OB. Historical Special Rules 1. All NENH SRareinplay. 2, TheBridgecannotbe Blocked. Road Bonus is NotApplicable. ing is NA. German units. suffer Ammo Shortage. $S AFVs suffer Low Fuel (KGP If) and are Elite, SS_ infantry may Frocly Deploy at setup, One German 10-2 AL enters the Game in a PrMk V. This particular AFV must travel along a road until it enters board 43, In each road hex of Board 19 this AFV. must make aDR. On a 10-12 this Pz V is placed IN. a shelihole, marked as Immobilized, and is considered Hull-Down for the duration of the scenario, The second 10-2AL must enter the game in anOBgiven Pz. MkIVAFV. AFV with GermanAL may repair theie MAonadrs2 4. Russian AFVs are Elite, Russian I Russian AFVs enter in three “waves” in Tuns 1,2,and3 with at least AFVs por turn sntry must enter as Riders, Enter on Turn I between I9A1-19GGI M Ri Historical Perspective North of Vienna 13 April, 1948 The 2nd S$ Panzerdivision was backed up to the Donau Canal and fighting for their very lives. Under ‘constant assaults from the Soviet Sth Guards Tank Corps as well as the 9th Guards Mechanized Comps from the soutl, the remnants of the 2d SShad nowhere to retreat to, Here, in these Final days, the survivors of the Das Reich met the most fearsome Soviet tank attacks of the war Against these monster tanks and fresh Soviet troops. the SS. wer fighting for pure survival even as they were running low on ammo, jesand morale battle was never in doubs, it was only a matter of how long could the ‘SShold off the constant Russian atacks. One by one the tanks of the Das Reich, crewed by the best tankers left to the division, were put out of action. Bockman’sby driving into a shellhole and Siebold's going out of action just after his 65th kill. As theie defenses erumbled, the last tanks of the 2nd 85 attempted to eross the canal under the withering fire af the Russian’s newest tanks, As the last oftheir tanks were destroyed, the 2nd SS Panzer Division ceased toexist. Atlas, after 4 years of war, the so- call Russian Untermensch had reaped their own reward, » he Elements of the 2nd Guards Army enter per HSR 4 on Turns 1, 2, and 3 between 19A5 and 19GG5: SNAKE READY TO S SS-3 NFNH-13 Design: Burnie Hegda Battlefield Orientation: TRIKE ahl 5 VP ‘Tactical Objective. The Americans win by gain’ (ithe by German CVP o US units exited off enst ed 4 hexes from the west edge of the play areca: Historical Perspective Near Marigny, France 26July 1944. As part of “Operation Cobra", Combat Command B, US 31d Armored Division, received orders to take the town of Marigny and the surrounding aca. CCB had planned a rapid dvance afer the pre-assault bombing, bur plans oni ast until they’are initiated. Bomb craters And roadblocks made the few roads almost impassable, Alternative routes though the French farsland was justas bad ifmotharder. Each a the hedgerow ‘chelsea fields were defended vigorously hy its German defenders. ‘Nearing Marigns, the Americans came face to fice with the 2nd S$"Das Reich! Panzer Divison, Here the US advance was brought 0 even slower pace as an ended tank Fight ensued. After several attacks the Americans were gradually wearing down the SS troopers, who could not replace thei grenadier losses \without calling upthe cooks, supply. anal clerk from the divisional headquarters After several unrelenting hours of combat, CCB finally reached the northern ‘edge of Marigny while inflicting sovere losses to the"Das Reich TURN Americans Moves First [ELR: 4] [SAN: 3] {188} Elements of CCB, US 3rd Armored Divison Ente: on the West edge of the play area on Turn | aad —a a a2 ea emf g3 FA sal se] 2a fa eon 2S THE GRIM REAPERS $S-3 NFNH 12 Design: Burnie Hegdahl Battlefield Orientation: 19 N ey 7 Weather Clear Wind None TT Woods are Brash Grain Ta Season Kindling ww Tactical Objective. The Russians win immediately upon destroying 7. . three (3) German tanks and exiting three (3) Soviet tanks off the Historical Perspective south board alge Near Sharovka, Russia 13 August, 1943 After the Kursk offensive . there were many smaller armor battles almost Forgotten wien compared to the historical significance of Kursk. One such batle was ouside the Play Balance: small village of Sharovka, where 40 Soviet T-34 attacked a Das Reich mw German: Add an 8-1 Armor leader to the at start OB heavy tankunitata distance of2,000 yards. The Soviet I-34's atacked in Russian: German sets up only 4 AFVs HIP. aline abreast formation though an enormous sunflower ied standing 6 to 8 feet tall, While the Soviet tanks were almost hidden by the Historical Special Rules sunflowers, Bochman, commander of the German tank unit, deployed his Tigers, Panacr Ill, and TVs to cover the expected Soviet exit point of| 1, All Special NENHSR areinplay thesunflowerfeld 2.Bothsidesare Elite “The Soviet tanks, which could not observe the Germans while crossing the sunflower field, emerged to find themselves in the middle of| aan ambush. While attempting to engage the German armor the Soviets, lost many oftheir best Guards tank units and crews. Intwo weeks during and after the battle of Kursk, the Soviet Ist Tank Army and the Sth Guards Tank Army lost over 800 tanks, and became ineffective units, German Sets Up First [ELR: 5] [SAN: 0] es 2 Elements of the schwere Panzercompany, SS- Elements of the Sth Guards Tank Army Enter Panzerdivision Das Reich set up using HIP any- long the north Board edge where south of hexrow Q ofall three Boards: Use T34 M40 counters for the Additional T34-M4l that are needed. NIO|or/4 [o//=) SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! Design: Burnie Hegdahl ap SS-3 NFNH-11 Battlefield Orientation: ‘oN Weather Clear a Wied Tore a) ‘AlWoods | ae Brush Budings | ~Do Not East Orchards a =e == : Tactical Objective. The Russians win immediately upon gaining 80 VP. VP are awarded for Russian units exited off the west board edge of Board 33 and for CYP inflicted on German units Play Balance: + Russian: Must Exit Gain 75 VP. & German: Russians Must ExivGain 85VP, Historical Special Rules 1. AIINENH SR ae in Phy 2. The four Russian T34M43 Tanks represent eaprured tanks by the 2nd SS. Div (hen spotted by the Russian forces, the Russian commander thoneht that ‘they were part of his own forces) These are manned by SS crews tained in Russian tanks, They may be placed on any hil hes onbetwveen hexrow A-P- fon Board 2 at any rine during the game The following rules apply 10 these four tak: 4, Germans DO NOT suffer Captured Use Penalties, 'b Atmmo Depletion ivas listed, Use BLACK 76) To Kill numbers. q a ave radios use Black To Hit Numbers as if German Tanks. _ Russian 3.2-8s ae Assault Engincers. The Russian Player may sceredy record any SW/SMC as being possessed by 2 particular unit ‘The SW is revealed when used, German Sets Up First [EL | ISAN: 4] {160} Elements of SS-Regiment Der Fithrer, 2nd SS Panzerdiyision set up on/west of hexrow Q on Board 33: Historical Perspective Kursk, Russia July 12, 1943 On the lst day of Operation Citadel, the Das Reich was onthe Hank ofthe Js 5S. While the 3nd P: Rar was acquiring ts new Panthor aks in Germany, Das Reich had wo make do witha number of captured Soviet T-34 tanks repainted in German colors and commanded by Emil Seibold ‘ith 69 killsto his credit. Meanwhile the 1st SS engaged the Sth Guards Army feven as the Das Reich was aitacked by the 2nd Guards Armored Division. A column of sixty Soviet tanks attacked along hollow in an attempt wo Breach the lines ofthe Der Fulver Regiment [As the Soviets moved through the halls, Soibolds 348 appeared aver the crest of love range ofhillson the Soviet Rank. Believing th the approich tanks were Soviet, the Russian commander continued hs attack against the DF Ret. Seibold’ tanks then attacked the Soviet flank placing many well directed shots imo the rear fuel tanks ofthe Soviet T-34s, In justa few minates, ver S0 of ‘the 60 Soviet tanks were set ablaze by the accurate Germa fire, One ofthe Bist Soviet tanks hit as that of the brigade commander. The sudder loss of the Soviet commander confused the remaining Soviet anks a And the rapid demise ofthis Soviet Force. host TURN _ Russian Moves First [ELR: 4] [SAN: 3] {126} Elements of the 2nd Guards Army enter on cast edge of Board 33 on/after turn one with all infantry as Rider Use any othe: T34 counters forthe additonal T34 M41 and 734 as tanks tat are requies, ACES HIGH SS-3 NFNH-10 Battlefield Orientation: Burnie Hegdahl N= rv wz, [ee] Soman IX [wire Noe Canal Frown ‘Tactical Objective. To win the Germans must control a Continuos road from east to west with no Good Order Soviet MMC’ Vehicles (with Functioning MA) on/adjacent to the road Play Balance: Historical Perspective German: Add a MMG and 2-2-8 to the Group | OB. Kharkov, Russia 12 March, 1943 Paul Hiiusser’s new SS Panzer Korps was Russian: Add a 3-3-8 Assault Engineer {H1.22] and FT. ready recapture Khaskoy. The SS Panzer Korg was formed wit he J SS Historical Special Rules ‘ofthis asa, the ne "Tiger tanks ould bused by the SS forthe rs ime on Te ATINENH SRarein play thoeastom Fron. Although the Rusin defenders of Kharkov were supertnm 2. Priortosetupeach player alternatively places six (6) (Russian places First) ina stone wooden building locaton, lig fr falling rubble i rsquired [B2412}, 3. Geanan friendly board edge is East‘West,Russianis NowthSouth 4 AFVs forbothsides have Winter Camouflage. German Group 2 is under Ammo Shortage until any ether German Pull Squad MMC enters the23Y 7 Buildin 6. German Group 1 AEVs suffer Fue turer and equipment ty sould not itend the 88 assaults, Teva Assis the Ist al and Gunde Tanke Cope were hummered and boken to Several groups, Elements of he and SS Das eich and av SS SAI Ted by Foshen Feet en moved fo Tink yp wih ther at SS tents led by Kit Pant Meye towed Rusanensance within karen i stug_ Tnebattced cman of he st nds Tk Cops were caught inasquccze German Group AF Vs sale Fel ShorageonaDR=12- DRismadefer yy eyo 5 Kamplarippen le by wo of Germanys best and were fore fo ON attempt a desperate breakout of Kharkov. After five days of intense street German Sets Up First [ELR: 5] [SAN: 6] {172} fighting, Kharkow was finally in German hands once again, but ata terrible cost Elements of the Ist and 2nd SS Panzerdivisions| this victory proved boos to German Morale, which had allen ae the set up as indicated: Stalingrad disaster. This was the largest Waffen SS vietony in WWI butst as Group 1, It SS “LSAH” Se Up onwitin she Road Network | sbotelastfFsivestzcssby Germann agustalageciy inthewar ‘bound by 21HI-H: TstSS“LSAH™ Sel Up in Building \_Russian Moves First [ELR: 3] [SAN: 6] sit Elements of the Ist Guards Tank Army Set Up anywhere except within the German setup areas with at least 3 squads on each board: IGroup 3, 2nd SS “DR” Enter along the West edge of board 20 on, Turi: Group 4, Ist SS “LSAH™ Eater on the east edge of Board 23 on after Tum 2: JACKBOOT WOODS SS-3 NFNH-9 Design: Bruce Rinehart Battlefield Orientation: All hexes of Board 17, and A-Q of both Boards 5 and 10 are in play: Historical Perspective March 23,1842 Near Rehes, Rusia A oiorycle ecomaisance anita Das Reis advance collided witha Russian Human Wave tack hat colored brown what hod once Been snow covered ground Wave afer wave of Russians atacked. Most ofthe Ist wave had no ‘reupons. canna fodder to use up Das Reich's ammunition, Tne Second wave was lke the Fist excep hata ew tore of them ad files. They ssere all shot dossn. Then came the 3rd, th, and Sth waves. Las Reichs men, nearly out of ammunition, had to radio for reinforcements, artillery. andair support, bu nothing case? By nw i ‘was down to hane-to- hand combat. Then the Russians sent in thet Boards Sand 10 must A ec a be folded under. Weather | Ground Snow tanks. There ws nothing lefto tap themn, not even one AT gun. Then the Suka's madea very inely appearance. Tankafler tank wasblown Play Balance German: Add a MMG and 2-2-8 to the OB. > Russian: Inerease Russian SAN to4 Tactical Objective. The Gennans win i here are no Good Order Russian Infertry MMCs on any whole hex of Board 17 at Game End Historical Special Rules AILNPSHL SR ace in plas 2. The Geman Ratio represent one mde of nm that may Be se afer the anil of Grp L Thin module alveys has Sear Ammo. ‘Germans suffer An Shrug solar Perth anialof Gop Sor6 [EXC-OBA haere] 3. All Gorman Ground units ae equigned wth Winter Camofiage ” Gemun ‘infercemert Groupsemerby drain een pe rn una unsere. THe iid sarson Tur 4." Porosctupthe Russian Player mskesade foreach Rubble estion: de otis NE 6 {Space alae counter that ation, dis pace Blaze counter tha lation ‘Not altuldings rubble Scena Variables Tel. German Sets Up First |ELR: 3] [SAN: 4] {136} Remnants of the 2nd SS-Panzerdivision “Das Reich” set up on any Whole hex of Board 17: PELE apart and then the panzers arrived with supporting infant The counteratack with the help ofthe Stuku's and wanks drove off the Russian threat for another day. This was just che beginning of the Das Reieh's defense ofthe areas near Jaekhoot Woods, as many ‘more assaults were To be made over the IO-kilometer front tha the DR had ta cover over the next few Weeks 5. Allgood onder Russian Infantry units (Exc: Commissar) must HW all gate tums toward German ns, reatdles of Uistance or LOS, During German tars, Rassias suffer PPNAM FFMO pele during all German fre. Russians fre as AGvaneing Fen phases. Each infantry wave moves enc pose smatancoin Keeping ‘oftheivown MI septa. AR They MERGE inoune wa, Prisoner coutter ae treated as amied Rossin nis, Russian ants may’ not ote bok AAI CC between Infrty unis i automata Handt- Hand ve At Than Waves get ajc ech he, Russian Moves First [ELR: 3] [SAN: 3] {194} Elements of the 30th Army Kalanin Front set up and enter by waves ag indicated (See HSR 5): ‘Wave 1 scp het fom Hoard 7 (vboe Hex) Tis] ate | sar | ozs a4 Theres from Baad 17 (ahele Hes) rls Sando 1 War 5 Fier Ture 2 slong the wast cee of Hors andor 1: Wave 6 Enter Cum Pafong the en ce of Bases Sandor 1s WOUNDED THREE TIMES IN ONE DAY SS-3 NFNH-8& Battlefield Orientation: Only Hexrows A-P De: Burnie Hegdahl HOB : aa Sa | Kindiing —] nA Tactical Objective, he Cermans wn immediately when there ar MMC on Bourd after Tum 4 oF if they have exit Fast edge at game end Play Balane Russian: Inerease SAN to 5 German: Adda 2-3-8 HS to the German OB. Historical Special Rules 1 unbroken Russian 10 VP off the 1, AILNENH SR are inplay: Place overlays in the following manner: B4 on N6/O7, BS on L6/M6, G3 on M9/N9, Gd on FI/GI, GS on D2/E2. Note due to the tall grasses Grain exists despite the time period and weather conditions 2. Each BI-SM34 Tank musts Trenches ate not revealed (if in con up Dug-In{D9.54) alment terrain) until the ‘occupying unit performs a Concealment Loss activity. The Russian 6-2-isan Assault Engineer 3. The At Start German 8-1 SMC starts the game Heroic and will suffer Elimination only ona Wound Severity dr of 6 for any K/MC even if previously wounded. The German 83-86 are Assault Engineers. Pecan Russian Sets Up First [ELR: 3] [SAN:4] Elements of the 20th Infantry Division, set up HIP {if in Concealment Terrain) IN/on hexes with a coordinate > 3: TURN Historical Perspective Moichanovo, Russia 14 October, 1941, The Der Fuhrer Regiment ofthe 2nd SS was on the road to Mosca, with Winter just beginning to sot, ‘na fll on October 6th, calohing the SS troops without winter clothin Tight sweaters, Josef Lanicr, . prepared his squads to attack one of the fixed defenses jascow Trenches, bunkers, and din tanks were ust some ofthe ‘obstacles Facing Lanier’s menas hey lefteir stat positions a first Theassaultunitshadonly acquireda few hundred yards of ertory when they ‘were pinned dawn by several Russian machine-gun positions, Most of Lanier’s squad was either dead ot wounded ashe took command of the squad's MG and the platoon, Lanier suffered a slight wound eaty inthe corsbat but refused 10 nmand of his unit, Aor being revived by a cup of coffe, Lanier ‘off mother Russian attack hy his accurate shooting. Along withthe vo MG, the Soviet attack eame toa standstill but in the process ‘suffered another sound, this one seriaus. Later was evacuated back to Gorman where hereeeivedthe Wound Badge in Silver German Moves First [ELR: 5] [SA T Battalion, SS-Regiment Der Fuhrer, 2nd SS (Mot.) Division Das Reich enter alo edge on turn One:

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