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1. Answer in English.

2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references and outline.

3. Present your responses to the task in a SINGLE file (Word format). Adhere to the following structure:

i. Cover sheet

ii. Part I Task 1: Essay Outline

iii. Part I Task 2: Essay

iv. References

v. Part II: Proof of Online Class Participation

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 15 MARCH 2022.

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


There are TWO (2) parts in this assignment with THREE tasks. Answer all.



With the current pandemic (soon to be endemic) situation in Malaysia, homeschooling is gaining MORE popularity among Malaysian parents. Parents who

choose homeschooling are taking charge of their children’s education but to what extent?

It seems that half of the majority believe that homeschooling is the way forward for a more enriching education while the other half opposes this notion.

Based on the above statements, plan an essay to discuss the pros and cons of homeschooling in Malaysia.


The first initial stage of writing an essay is the Pre-Writing stage, where you brainstorm, list your ideas and prepare any type of drafts for the essay.

Write an outline for the essay.

Task Requirements:

1. Prepare an outline WITH a thesis statement. You can opt for the Sample Outline Format below.

2. The outline should be written according to the format of an essay: introduction, body and conclusion.

3. The outline must list the points that discuss the topic given. These points must be arranged in a logical and coherent order to show a good flow of




- Introduction to the topic

- *Thesis Statement


I. Point 1

A. Supporting Detail

i. Example

a) Sub-example (if any)

II. Point 2

A. Supporting Detail

i. Example

a) Sub-example (if any)

* (same structure for Point 3 and so on)


-The conclusion of the essay

*one or two sentences encapsulation of your essay's main point, main idea, or main message.

(this outline is NOT included in the assignment’s word count of 3000 words)

[Total: 10 marks]


Write the essay (between 2,500 words and 3,000 words) to discuss the pros and cons of homeschooling in Malaysia.

Elaborate comprehensively with examples in the Malaysian context.

Task Requirements:

1. The content of your essay MUST mirror the essay outline in Task 1.

2. Refer to the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieve cohesion and coherence.

3. Avoid plagiarism. You MUST support your essay with AT LEAST TWO (2) evidences from current and related literature (2016 – 2021). Use the APA

format for in - text citations and the reference list. There are many website and videos on APA referencing, this is one example:

4. Remember to refer to Topics: 3, 4 and 5 of OUMH 1203 Module

[Total: 40 marks]


Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions:

1. Based on Topic 2, can someone share the difference between sign and symbols? Is there any particular example you can share which is unique in


2. Based on Topic 6, below are possible persuasive strategies:

a) Emphasising Reader’s Benefits

b) Addressing Readers’ Benefits

c) Showing Sound Reasoning

d) Presenting Reliable Evidence

Can you elaborate on these?

3. Based on your experience in this course, which written communication is more difficult for you to write? Why so?

[Total: 10 marks]



Do the following:

1. Select the best FIVE (5) postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.

2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.

3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab below

4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.





Excellent Good Fair Poor Or

CLO Criteria Weight No response Max Marks


4 3 2 1 0

TASK 1 1 Essay Outline 2.5 Well-prepared outline with a Well-prepared outline with a good thesis A moderately-prepared outline with a thesis Outline is poorly written. No proper outline 10

comprehensively written thesis statement. statement. statement that requires further

Details are placed in a logical order and the Details are placed in a logical order, but the understanding. Wrong understanding of a thesis

way they are presented effectively makes way in which they are presented sometimes statement.

the outline very interesting. makes the outline less interesting. Some details are not in a logical or expected

order, and this distracts the organisation of Many details are not in a logical or

the outline. expected order. The outline is unorganised.

TASK 2 1 Introduction 1.25 The introduction very clearly states the The introduction clearly states the thesis The introduction states the thesis statement, There is no clear introduction of the main Introduction presents no 5

thesis statement and previews the statement and previews the structure of the but does not adequately preview the topic or structure of the paper. purpose.

structure of the paper. paper. structure of the paper.

2 Content: Pros of 2.0 Fully addresses all aspects of the writing Adequately addresses the writing assignment. Generally writes about the topic but with a Some attempt to address the writing A weak attempt at 8

homeschooling in Malaysia assignment. Some ideas may not be arranged logically and few digressions in parts of the writing. assignment. addressing the written

Ideas are very comprehensive, coherent coherently. Development of ideas is adequate. Organisation of ideas lacks clarity and may assignment.

and organised logically. lead to confusion.

The explanations are supported by The explanations are supported by clear and The explanations are somewhat supported

authentic, clear and appropriate examples appropriate examples in the Malaysian by a few examples in the Malaysian context. Lack of examples in the Malaysian context.

in the Malaysian context. context.

An excellent attempt to discuss points all A moderate attempt to discuss points.

throughout the paragraphs. A good attempt to discuss points throughout

the paragraphs.

2 Content: Cons of 2.0 Fully addresses all aspects of the writing Adequately addresses the writing assignment. Generally writes about the topic but with a Some attempt to address the writing A weak attempt at 8

homeschooling in Malaysia assignment. Some ideas may not be arranged logically and few digressions in parts of the writing. assignment. addressing the written

Ideas are very comprehensive, coherent coherently. Development of ideas is adequate. Organisation of ideas lacks clarity and may assignment.

and organised logically. lead to confusion.

The explanations are supported by The explanations are supported by clear and The explanations are somewhat supported

authentic, clear and appropriate examples appropriate examples in the Malaysian by a few examples in the Malaysian context. Lack of examples in the Malaysian context.

in the Malaysian context. context.

An excellent attempt to discuss points all A moderate attempt to discuss points.

throughout the paragraphs. A good attempt to discuss points throughout

the paragraphs.

1 Conclusion 1.25 Conclusion skillfully presents a neutral The conclusion is recognizable and neutral in The conclusion is recognizable, but does not Conclusion shows bias either to pros or Conclusion is out of topic / 5

approach of pros and cons and gives summarizing the pros and cons. sound neutral at some points. cons. unrecognisable.

closure to essay.

1 Language/ 2 Sentence style fits the paper’s purpose. Sentences are generally clear, well structured, Sentence structures are generally correct, Contains several awkward or Contains many awkward 8

Sentence Skills Sentences are varied, yet clearly focused, though some may be awkward or but sentences may be wordy or repetitive. ungrammatical sentences. Sentence sentences. Displays general

structured and carefully focused. ineffective. Frequent errors in grammar, lexical choice structure is simple or monotonous. inability in writing

Language is excellent with hardly any error Language is satisfactory with some errors in and punctuation, which may impede Very frequent errors in grammar, lexical grammatical/meaningful

in grammar, lexical choice and grammar, lexical choice and punctuation, understanding and clarity. choice and punctuation that seriously sentences.

punctuation. which do not seriously impede understanding impair understanding and clarity. Errors in grammar, lexical

and clarity. choice and punctuation are

too frequent and severe,

making it highly difficult to

understand the message.

2 References 1.5 A reference of more than 2 relevant A reference of 2 relevant articles. A reference of 2 articles, but not necessarily A reference of LESS than 2 articles, but not No articles used as 6

articles. Most of the references are effectively used, relevant. necessarily relevant. reference.

All the references are effectively used, correctly cited and correctly listed in the References are sometimes not effectively References are inappropriately/unclearly References are not

correctly cited and correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style. used, and/or correctly cited and/or correctly incorporated. incorporated or

reference list according to APA style. listed in the reference list according to APA incorporated

style. inappropriately.

Total 12.5 50

*QN = Question Number



*QN CLO Criteria Weight Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max Marks

4 3 2 1 0

1-3 3 Quality of Postings 2.5 All five comments are good, appropriate, Four of the comments are good, appropriate, Three of the comments are somewhat good, None of the comments are good and No postings given as proof of 10

relevant, meaningful, and relevant, meaningful,and appropriate, meaningful,and respectful relevant. / Comments are short participation in discussion

Learning Domain: A4 respectful respectful responses that are not substantial nor

meaningful. Minimum effort (e.g. “I

agree with Tina”)

Total 2.5 10

*QN = Question Number / *NS = Nombor Soalan

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