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My Performance Cilinaye Dance

On March 10, 2022.

Last month for the first time I danced on pura penataran ped. I thought it would be very fun,
but apparently not. It was the kindest day that lets me go.
I drew a dance cilinaye, in a 3-month preparation before performing.
First, that day I had to come this morning. With lack of sleep making my body limp. Not only
that because it must come in the morning, I forgot about my breakfast as a result, my
stomach hurts so much, there was something kind enough to give me food. After that I had to
wait for 6 hours for my make up, imagine 6 hours at the place you don't know, can't sleep
and just wait. I came at 11 am while I was just make up at 5 pm and the performance at 7
pm. Honestly, it really pisses me off and wants to be angry, why did they told me to come at
11 am if the stage is 7 pm. Ahead of my performance is very nervous, I'm afraid that I can't
show the best performance. On the other hand, my body is very tired of waiting and haven't
eat enough, even so I still have to be enthusiastic. And when my dance was summoned
honestly I wanted to fly. All of my emotions are mixed into tired, fear, nervous. When my
stage didn't dare to look at the audience. My mind was absolutely empty. Fortunately this 3-
month preparation was not in vain, even though I didn't dare to look at the audience other
than that all I made was the best. I was getting a lot of compliments from my dance
appearance. It was nice to be praised. After finishing all the dance appearances, we all did
photos together. Everyone seeks to take pictures with us, honestly feels strange when I is
contested to ask for photo. Could this be felt by artist?
After that it's all done. We took off dance clothes and were getting ready to go home,
before going home I stopped by a few shops there used to buy some food. That day was a very
tire day but also fun in the end. It was a new experience for me to appear in front of many

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