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A week with travelling my team

Hi my name is Zwe Pyae Sone and I am 14 years old when I was ten, I started played badminton. At first,
I was played for my healthy so is not really important. When I was a beginner at badminton my coach
said you had to play in completion, I said I can’t play in completion because I am new my coach said try
it even If you can’t win you can try it is not making you worse you even got the experience and I played
in completion and I lost. Well, this is my first math and I would say Is pretty fun and then one and half a
year later I so much better that my beginner level. In during one and half a year there are a lot of
completions I had a lot of memories and I remembered one of my best memory. A course is travelled
with my team. When I travelled with my team is so much fun and is never get old. I remembered my first
time travelled with my team and it so much fun. My coach said we got a completion next moth I was so
happy and at the same time I was a little bit nervous because I need my parents’ permission when I got
home, I told my parents right away and my parents said yes but my grandmother said no so I not happy
about that and then after a long argue I finally got permission to go with team and I was so happy and
that all. I just kidding there are so many things to write so sit down relax and just continued reading.
First day of my trip is so excited I can’t even sleep at night I woke up 4 am and I ready for my trip. When
I got there, I thought I was first but everybody was already there and I guess that how my trip was
started. I though travelling with bus was so boring but my guessed was wrong it was so fun and we ate a
breakfast at 0 mile and continued the journey. We arrived the Yangon we didn’t need to find a place to
stay because we already had one it was my coach friend apartment. The apartment was not bad it not
new but it a clean place I actually liked that because I never stayed in an apartment so for me is a new
experience. And we set up everything and went to the completion. When I arrived, there was a lot of
people and the stadium was pretty big it got two floors for stadium and if you want to go second floor
you can choose elevator or stairs. I prefer choose elevator because if you choose stairs you need to
climb like six floors. The completion started unfortunately I lost on my first math but my friends won
the first math I happy about them but for me I guessed I need to train harder and in afternoon we go
out for a lunch and we found a pretty good restaurant and we ate there and go back to the
completion. We asked the coach if there any math for today my coach said no matches left for today so
we back to the apartment and rest. In the night we went out to the night market and is pretty fun.Day
two I woke up at 5 o’ clock and I brushed my teeth and I washed my face and I woke up everyone ready
for the completion we arrived stadium at 8 o'clock it a little bit too early so we went for the breakfast.
We ate there and go back to the stadium .Second day is usually as first day we raced in compilation but
some of my friends are lost a few of them made a next round and I don’t want to write another two
days so I skip to the last day. I don’t know who win but I think my friend got second that all I know
about completion so we back to the apartment and we packed everything we brought from the home
and we ready to leave. I don’t know how long going to be go to trip like that but I like this kind of trip so
in the further I hop we going to be go like that with all friends and I want to say everybody who reading
right now don’t wast your time for nothing the time is important when you older you don’t really get
so much time so when you are younger use your time very well and be happy.

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