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Cycling Biomechanics: A Literature Review

Cheryl A. Wozniak Timmer, MS, PT

w hether a cyclist's
goal is rehabilita-
tion, recreation,
o r racing, cycling
can play a primary
o r secondary role in achieving that
goal. Certain biomechanical aspects
need to be considered to ensure in-
This review of current literature on cycling biomechanics emphasizes lower extremity muscle
actions and joint excursions, seat height, pedal position, pedaling rate, force application, and
pedaling symmetry. Guidelines are discussed for optimal seat height, pedal position, and pedaling
rate. Force application in the power and recovery phases of cycling and the relationship of force
application to pedaling symmetry are discussed. The need for a biomechanicalapproach to cycling
exists since a great deal of the literature is primarily physiologic in nature. The purpose of this review
is to make cyclists and their advisors aware of the biomechanics of cycling and guidelines to follow.
This approach is also important because cycling is a very common form of exercise prescribed by
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jury-free, goal-oriented cycling. T h e physical therapists for clinic or home programs. Biomechanicalaspects of cycling should be consid-
rehabilitation of any of the lower ex- ered by cyclists at any level of participation and by physical therapists in order for goal-oriented,
tremity joints is often geared toward efficient cycling to occur.
increasing the joint's range of mo- Sports physical therapist, Competitive Edge Sports Medicine, 260 E. Highland Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202
tion and strength. Cycling can aug- Submitted in partial fulfillment for a Master of Science degree at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Health
Related Professions, Pittsburgh, PA 1.5213
ment rehabilitation and help control
Copyright © 1991 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

certain lower extremity stresses. Key Words: cycling, biomechanics, exercise

Whether recreational cycling is a
progression from rehabilitation o r a
long-term fitness activity, it may be during moderately fast running (2). values of 37" knee flexion at 180" in
the role of the physical therapist to Several researchers have examined the pedaling cycle and 1 1 1" flexion
advise patients on biomechanical as- total joint motions during cycling at the 0" crank position (2) (Figure
pects, including seat height, pedaling (Table 1). T h e smaller amount of 1). In an earlier study, Houtz and
rate, and/or pedal position. These hip flexion recorded was 28-30"; Fischer found 40-65" total knee
considerations become particularly the greatest amount was 90" (2,13). motion in cycling (I 3). T h e in-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

important for the competitive o r Instead of continuing to flex past creased range of motion reported by
cross training cyclist who focuses on 90°, the hip begins to internally ro- Cavanagh and Sanderson may have
overall efficiency. T h e purpose of tate and adduct. Additional hip flex- been due to the fact the riders stud-
this review is to discuss topics such as ion causes an unstable pelvic position ied were elite pursuit cyclists riding
optimal seat height, pedal position, due to the small base of support with their trunks positioned about
pedaling rate, force application and from the seat and the extended posi- 35" from the horizontal (2). T h e
symmetry, and the muscle actions tion of the opposite lower extremity subjects in the study by Houtz and
necessary for proper joint excursions (13). Fischer were riding stationary bicy-
in cycling. In a study by Houtz and Fischer, cles with upright handlebars (I 3).
the seat heights were 21 and 25 T h e knee ranges, along with those at
inches from the center of the pedal the hip and ankle, will change as rid-
REVIEW OF LITERATURE spindle (I 3). In Cavanagh and Sand- ing conditions change, such as dur-
erson's work, the seat height was an ing hill climbing, when the cyclist pe-
Joint Excursions experimental variable; however, spe- dals while off the seat.
cific measurements were not stated In terms of ankle motion, a dif-
T h e range of motion at the hip (2). ference has been found in what had
joint during cycling, unlike hip mo- T h e knee joint, like the hip been recommended and in what ex-
tion during other forms of exercise joint, never reaches full extension, perienced cyclists actually did. T h e
o r activity, occurs only in the flexion although maximum knee and hip ex- technique called ankling was often
part of the range of motion. For ex- tension occur simultaneously (13). recommended. It involved pushing
ample, the hip extends approxi- Cavanagh and Sanderson found 74" the pedal across the top of the pedal-
mately 35" and flexes about 25" of total knee motion, with the mean ing cycle (0") with the foot in the

Volume 14 Number 3 *September 1991 JOSPT


Total Total Total MUSCLE ACTIONS

Hip Motion Knee Motion Ankle Motion

Muscle actions enable the previ-

c a G a g h and Sanderson (2) 43' 74" 50"
Houtz and Fischer ( 1 3) 20-40' 40-65"
ously mentioned joint excursions. A
study was conducted t o determine if
TABLE 1: Lower extremity joint excursions during cycling. highly successful competitive cyclists
could be distinguished from less suc-
cessful, but trained cyclists on the ba-
sis of selected muscle and/or meta-
bolic characteristics. No difference
was found in these two groups in the
percentage of slow-twitch o r fast-
twitch muscle fibers o r in the total
area of the two fiber types (1). T h e
results suggest that an extremely
high percentage of fast-twitch o r
slow-twitch fibers may not be a re-
quirement for competitive cycling
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success, similar t o the results of some

studies on running (1).
In a related study, Suzuki exam-
ined the mechanical efficiency of
fast- and slow-twitch fibers during
cycling. When cycling below 8 0 per-
Copyright © 1991 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

cent maximal oxygen uptake
FIGURE 1: The two phases of the pedaling cycle. (Adapted from Faria and Cavanagh (91) (VOfmax) a t 6 0 revolutions per min-
ute (rpm), efficiency was unaffected
by the muscle fiber composition.
dorsiflexed position and pulling T h e efficiency of the slow-twitch
across the 180" point of the cycle A simple vertical group decreased at 100 rpm com-
with the foot plantarflexed (9). pared to 6 0 rpm. Conversely, the
Houtz and Fischer indicate maxi- force is the least fast-twitch group showed increased
mum dorsiflexion occurs with maxi-
effective angle of efficiency at 100 rpm. At high pedal-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

mum hip and knee flexion during ing rates, the predominant use of
the 337-23" crank position. Plantar- force application to slow-twitch fibers may lead t o an in-
flexion is said to occur maximally a t crease in energy expenditure (19).
the end of the hip and knee exten- the pedal.
sion phase, just as hip and knee flex-
ion begins past the 180" crank posi- Hip Muscle Actions
tion (1 3). T o e clips were not used in
this study. Electromyographic (EMG) stud-
In the study of elite riders, the ies in cycling have documented mus-
pedal orientation went only slightly vanagh and Sanderson conclude that cle activity and the timing and dura-
below the horizontal into the heel- this ankling pattern is anatomically tion of muscle activity during the
down, dorsiflexed position. T h e and mechanically impossible if the ri- revolution of the pedals. At the hip,
heeldown position occurred a t the d e r remains in the seat. These re- the gluteus maximus works t o ex-
90" position of the crank. T h e maxi- searchers found the total ankle mo- tend the hip only for a brief period
mum plantarflexed position oc- tion to be approximately 50". T h e of time (Figure 2). During the first
curred a t approximately 285" (2). range, with 90" being equal t o the 45" of the pedaling cycle, beginning
Traditionally, studies have suggested neutral position, was 103"-53". As a t the 0 " position of the crank, the
that the heel should be dropped stated earlier, the maximum dorsi- gluteus maximus acts alone to ex-
(dorsiflexion) during the 330-30" flexed position (1 3") occurred at the tend the hip. During the last 45" of
position, and the toes should d r o p 90" crank position, and the maxi- hip extension range of motion, end-
(plantarflexion) across the bottom mum plantarflexion (37 ") occurred ing just past the 180" point of the
part of the pedaling cycle (2,13). Ca- a t the 285" crank position. cycle, the hamstrings work alone.

JOSPT Volume 14 Number 3 September 1991


FIGURE 3: Knee muscle activity during a pedaling

cycle. (Adapted from Faria and Cavanagh (9) and
Houtz and Fischer (131.)
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crank position, the hamstrings gen-

1800 erate a crank turning effect at the
knee, contrary to the dominant ac-
FIGURE 2: Hip muscle activity during a pedaling cycle. (Adapted from Faria and Cavanagh (9).)
tion of knee extension at this point
in the power phase. In order to carry
T h e gluteus maximus and the ham- Knee Muscle Actions out their action of hip extension, the
Copyright © 1991 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

strings work together during the hamstrings generate a turning effect

middle part of the hip extension ac- Although knee extension is very o r moment about the knee. This
tion, which corresponds to a crank important for the power component adds to the actual crank turning,
angle of approximately 45- 125" (9). in cycling, the role of the knee flex- which is regulated by different lever
T h e hip flexor muscles, the ors cannot be ignored. T h e vastii lengths and muscle actions. Altera-
iliopsoas, and the rectus femoris are group, which are the primary knee tions in seat height and pedal posi-
partly responsible for the motion of tion can affect the cyclists' ability to
the leg during the recovery phase. turn the crank (9).
T h e recovery phase occurs when the Houtz and Fischer found identi-
pedal is in the 180-360" position.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

cal timing of action potentials in the

T h e remaining half of the pedaling The nature of the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and
cycle is called the power phase, from
0-1 80" (9) (Figure I). (The activity
asymmetry exhibited vastus medialis muscles. T h e dura-
tion of the rectus femoris and vastii
of the iliopsoas is an estimation, since in 20 subjects was activity was almost twice that of the
deep anatomical position makes hamstrings (1 3). Additional EMG
monitoring the activity difficult.) unrelafed to limb studies indicated the rectus femoris
During the last half of the recov-
ery phase, the rectus femoris con-
dominance and and the vastii to be active through
approximately 180" of the pedaling
tracts, flexing the hip. T h e rectus varied day to day. cycle, from 295-1 15", and the ham-
femoris is also active during the first strings to be active through approxi-
60" of the power phase, even mately 155" of the pedaling cycle,
though the flexion action at the hip from 45-200" (9).
is contrary to the dominant exten- T h e hamstrings turn on and off
sion action occurring at this time in extensors, contract at the 3 15" point in relation to the rectus femoris and
the pedaling cycle (9). Ericson et al of the 360" pedaling cycle (Figure vastii muscles. T h e rectus contracts
state that the rectus femoris is most 3). When the crank is 15" past the first at 295", followed by the vastii
important as a knee extensor during horizontal, o r 105", the vastii relax at 3 15" in the cycle. T h e hamstrings
cycling, since this muscle's primary while the knee flexors continue to contract at 45", followed by the rec-
action occurs during the power work. T h e hamstrings and the vastii tus femoris relaxing at 67" and the
phase when the hip and knee are ex- muscles are both active for a total of vastii relaxing at 1 15". Lastly, the
tending (8). 70" of crank movement. At the 70" hamstrings relax at 200" (9,13).

Volume 14 Number 3 September 1991 JOSPT


Ankle Muscle Actions ion, and relaxes at about the 88" po- Researchers have attempted to
sition (13). Ericson et al found the determine an optimal seat height by
Even though the powerful plan- tibialis anterior to be active during varying seat heights and measuring
tarflexors attach to the calcaneous, the 300-60" phase of the pedaling maximal oxygen uptakes. Seat height
the calcaneous bone is not a p a n of cycle (8). T h e concept of dorsiflex- was altered and examined in the fol-
the true ankle joint. Since the integ- ion occurring at the 0" crank posi- lowing studies. No mention was
rity of the foot and ankle is so de- tion has been the traditional belief made of seat angulation o r handle-
pendent on ligaments, the forces to that has been discounted by Cavan- bar position.
the pedal from the gastrocnemius agh et al(2). One method to determine opti-
and soleus must be transmitted to mal seat height is 109 percent of the
the forefoot via the tarsal binding cyclist's inseam leg length measure-
ligaments. T h e concept of force ment. T h e numerical value is then
transmission is different from the T h e action of every lower ex- used as the distance from the top of
muscle activity at the hip and knee, tremity muscle during cycling may the seat to the pedal in the 180" po-
where muscles act directly on bones be changed when the seat is raised sition, measured along the seat tube
t o provide the force output. T h e o r lowered. Adjusting the seat height diagonally (9). One hundred and
contribution of the muscles that act changes joint angles and ranges of nine percent of inseam leg length
directly on the metatarsals is small; motion and alters length-tension re- has been found to be an optimal seat
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they cannot generate the forces that height guideline for power output,
the gastrocnemius and soleus can. with 107 percent of inseam leg
T h e gastrocnemius and soleus con- length being called optimal for mini-
tract after both the hip and knee ex- the rectus femoris is mal energy expenditure (12). How-
tensors are activated. T h e soleus is
active through 27-1 45" of the pe-
more important as a ever, a discrepancy in the optimal
values for seat height determination
Copyright © 1991 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

daling cycle, while the gastrocnemius knee extensor during exists (Table 2). No single optimal
is active from about 35-260" of the position exists for all riders at all
cycle. T h e gastrocnemius contracts cycling, since this times.
for the longest period of any of the
muscles studied (Figure 4). Gastroc-
muscle's primary Nordeen-Snyder (16) obtained
maximal oxygen uptake measure-
nemius activity during cycling is con- action occurs during ments and described kinematic pat-
troversial. Houtz and Fischer found terns of 10 women cyclists at three
the gastrocnemius to have a rela- the power phase different seat heights. T h e heights
tively short contraction phase. when the hip and used here were 95, 100, and 105
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

According to these researchers, percent of the distance from each

the tibialis anterior contracts at knee are extending. cyclist's greater trochanter to the
about the 270" position, as the hip level ground. One hundred percent
and knee approach maximum flex- of the greater trochanter height was
found to be the most efficient. Re-
lationships of the lower extremity sults of the kinematic studies showed
muscles. T h e result is that the cyclist no change in the total hip range of
consumes more oxygen and works motion when the seat heights were
harder with decreasing efficiency (9). altered; however, the hip angles at
An optimal seat height probably ex- the 0 " and 180" positions in the pe-
ists for which energy consumption at daling cycle did change. T h e total
a given power output is minimized range of motion for the knee and
(2). ankle increased 14" and g o , respec-

Researchers Optimal Seat Height Measurement

Faria and Cavanagh (9) 109 O/O inseam leg length
Gregor and Rugg (12) 109 O h inseam by length (for optimal power output)
107 O/O inseam by length (for minimal energy expenditure)
FIGURE 4: Ankle muscle activity during a pedaling Shennum and devries (18) 103-104 O h inseam leg length
cycle. (Adapted from Ericson et a1 (8) and Faria and
Cavanagh (9)) TABLE 2: Optimal seat heights.

JOSPT Volume 14 Number 3 September 1991 109


tively, as seat height increased. T h e of the cyclist's inseam leg length appears to be closest to a vertical po-
knee and ankle positions at the 0" (18). sition in the last 20" of the power
and 180" crank positions also Although no agreement as to phase. T h e tibia appears angled an-
changed. Plantarflexion at the 180" one superior method for determin- terior to the vertical for the majority
crank position increased by 10 per- ing optimal seat height exists, clearly of the pedaling cycle. When the tibia
cent as the seat height increased. an improper seat height can affect is angled anterior to the vertical by
T h e major adaptions to increasing the knee. Knee pain is often identi- more than g o , the tibial plateau
the seat height occur in the knee and fied as the most common complaint slope is anterior and the femur tends
in ankle plantarflexion (16). of cyclists (6). Knee pain, usually due to slide anteriorly. T h e anterior slid-
Skilled but untrained cyclists to excessive patellofemoral pressure, ing motion is controlled by patello-
were used to determine the effect of patellar tendonitis, o r bursitis are femoral forces of the quadriceps,
seat height on oxygen consumption common complaints of cyclists. A with the posterior cruciate ligament
(VO*) during ergometer cycling. finding related to such complaints making an insignificant contribution
Maximal oxygen uptake was one of was too low of a seat (6). to control of the tibial motion in this
the parameters examined at seat position (14). T h e only effective
heights equal to 100, 103, 106, 109, Kinetic Changes with Seat Height mechanism for retaining the femur
and 1 12 percent of the cyclist's in- on the tibia when the femur tends to
seam leg length. Oxygen consump
slide posteriorly is the combination
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tion progressively increased as the Seat height variations have been of the anterior cruciate ligament
seat height increased, with the great- used in an attempt to control stresses (ACL), meniscotibial ligaments, and
est value occurring at the 1 12 per- at the knee. McLeod and Blackburn a small contribution from the ar-
cent setting. T h e most efficient posi- (14) contend that cycling removes cuate and posterior oblique liga-
tions, indicated by the lowest VOn the deceleration forces that occur ments.
value per unit of work, were the 100 with running by allowing the seat to While pedaling, forces are ap-
Copyright © 1991 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

percent and 103 percent settings, absorb such forces. Controlled accel- plied to the ACL, the capsular liga-
with no significant difference be- eration forces at the knee, produced ments, and the posterior structures
tween the two. After examining by muscles, are used by the cyclist of the knee joint as the tibial plateau
other physiologic data, the research- and can be regulated. When the tibia is tilted posteriorly. T h e more poste-
ers determined that the seat height is vertical, the tibial plateau has a rior the angle of the tibia, the
of choice for efficient cycling should posterior slope of approximately 9 " greater the tendency of tlle femur to
be approximately 103- 104 percent (15) (Figure 5). In cycling, the tibia slide posteriorly and the greater the
load on the ACL (14). T h e muscles
acting on the knee can modify these
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

forces, and since the seat height can

influence the muscle actions, the seat
height can affect the stresses on the
knee ligaments. By varying the seat
height and pedal position, the knee
ligaments can be relieved of harmful
stresses. Particular attention to pro-
tecting the knee ligaments from
stress is important in the early phases
Posterior Anterior of rehabilitation but also comes into
play later in recovery when cyclic
stressing of the ligaments may help
increase the ligaments' strength.
When two seat heights were consid-
ered-the lowest possible and a seat
position high enough so the cyclist
could just reach the pedal with the
heel-the major difference with the
higher seat position was the tibia a p
FIGURE 5: A medial view of the femur and tibia showing the tibia with a posterior slope of approximately 9". proximated terminal extension, caus-
(Adapted from McLeod and Blackburn (14)) ing a greater stress to the ACL and

Volume 14 Number 3 September 1991 JOSPT


meniscotibial ligaments (I 4). With ing; novice riders typically pedal at factors influence cadence, including:
the lower seat position, the tibiofem- lower revolutions per minute (2). Er- I ) the type of bike used, 2) the posi-
oral joint called on the patellofemo- icson et al found that increasing the tion of the rider, 3) whether toe clips
ral joint for stabilization (14). Possi- pedaling rate increased activity in or cleats are used, 4) speed, 5) gear
bly, it appears that the lower the seat the gluteus maximus, gluteus med- ratio, 6) physical condition of the
position, the greater the need for pa- ius, vastus medialis, medial ham- cyclist, and 7) the cyclist's perception
tellofemoral stabilization and the string, medial gastrocnemius, and so- of exertion (2,8,12,17).
greater the stress on this joint. leus (8). Ericson and Nisell (7) dem- Cavanagh conducted a prelimi-
onstrated pedaling rate had no nary study holding the power output
PEDAL POSITION influence on the tibiofemoral com- constant while the riders rode at 60,
pressive and shear force magnitudes. 80, and 100 rpm. There was a rela-
An anterior foot position (ball of Whether o r not the change in mus- tively larger negative effective force
foot) on the pedal helps to decrease cle activity is the reason for the force contribution, that is, a force working
stresses across the knee ligaments magnitudes at the joint remaining against the cyclist, during the recov-
and is the most efficient position the same is yet to be determined. ery phase (180" to 0") at higher
(7,9). This pedal position gives a Pedaling rate has been related to rpms. T h e mechanics during the
maximum mechanical advantage to power output. One study involved power phase were similar at high
and low rpms, except for the propor-
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the powerful gastrocnemius and so- measuring optimal pedaling rates

leus muscles in turning the crank. A (defined as the revolutions per min- tionately smaller forces at higher
posterior foot position (heel on the ute that resulted in the lowest maxi- rpms. T h e faster a cyclist pedaled,
pedal), although increasing gluteus mal oxygen uptake for the power the more the cyclist worked against
medius and rectus femoris activity, output) in novice riders. T h e sub- himself during the recovery phase
does not allow the full ankle range jects' revolutions per minute ranged (2).
Copyright © 1991 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

of motion needed to change the ori- from 40-120 rpm, and the maximal
entation of the force vector from the oxygen uptakes were recorded. T h e FORCE APPLICATION
vertical (9). This force refers to the optimal pedaling rate was found to As stated earlier, the most effec-
direction the force is applied to the be dependent on the power output. tive force application at the start of
pedal at different crank angles. A When the power output increased, the power phase is at the 300" point
simple vertical force is the least ef- the optimal pedaling rate also in- of the 360" (uppermost vtn.ical posi-
fective angle of force application to creased (3). tion) pedaling cycle (9). Effective
the pedal, since it is only 50 percent There is a discrepancy in the lit- force application is just as important
effective when measured at the 30" erature regarding the relationships during the recovery phase. A fre-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

crank angle. A straight horizontal between pedaling rate, work load, quent question concerns whether o r
and a force at the 330" point of the and efficiency. Efficiency here is de- not cyclists actually pull up the leg
pedaling cycle are 87 percent effec- fined as the cyclist's ability to effec- during the recovery phase. When
tive, with a force occurring at the tively apply forces to the cranks (2). asked, cyclists often report pulling
300" point of the pedaling cycle Seabury et al (I 7) attributed the dis- up during recovery, contrary to the
being I00 percent effective (9). T h e crepancy to the use of a bicycle er- results of studies designed to deter-
force effectiveness at different angles gometer versus a racing bicycle. It mine forces during the recovery
changes as the crank angle changes. may also be due to different meth- phase. In the recovery phase, as well
T h e use of toe clips o r cleats in addi- ods of calculating efficiency, i.e., as the power phase, one of three
tion to the type of bicycle used may whether the muscular efficiency is things occurs: a downward force on
also influence the efficiency of dif- calculated as gross, net, work, o r the pedal, an upward force on the
ferent pedal positions. delta efficiency (10). At a constant pedal, o r the pedal is unloaded. T o
work load, cycling efficiency de- unload the pedal, two forces have to
PEDALING RATE creases with an increase in pedaling be overcome: I ) the weight of the
rate, regardless of the calculation leg that gravity tends to pull down,
Pedaling rate varies with riding method (10). Pedaling efficiency is and 2) the inertial force, or the tend-
conditions, such as level ground ver- dependent on both speed and work ency of the lower extremity mass to
sus hill climbing, and, in turn, influ- load. At slow speeds and low power resist the pedal motion. Pulling up is
ences cycling efficiency. Most experi- outputs, a low cadence is most effi- defined as the cyclist overcoming
enced cyclists claim 90 to 1 10 revo- cient. As the speed and power out- both of these forces, so the force act-
lutions per minute is an optimal put increase, the most efficient ca- ing on the pedal is in an upward di-
pedaling rate during steady-state rid- dence will also increase (17). Several rection (2).

JOSPT Volume 14 Number 3 September 199 1


In a study of steady-state riding force application, state that toe clips relative percentage contribution of
of pursuit team riders and recrea- and perhaps cleated shoes can de- each leg. T h e force-asymmetry ratio
tional riders, only a few examples of crease quadriceps fatigue by enhanc- is the name given to this measure
pulling up were observed. Occasion- ing flexor muscle utilization (5). (2). A ratio greater than 100 infers
ally, some unloading of the pedals Flexor moments have also been that the right leg contributed more
occurred, but rarely did the riders studied in the power phase of cy- than the left; the opposite is true if
actually pull up. When an upward cling. T h e hip and knee muscle ac- the force-asymmetry ratio is less than
force was demonstrated, the force tions are quite different when exam- 100. Although the force-asymmetry
was small and of short duration (2). ined in relation to the crank during ratio does not give much informa-
T h e results contradict reports in bi- propulsion. During the 0-1 80" tion about propulsion, the ratio can
cycling magazines claiming that pull- power phase, the moment at the hip be considered a measure of muscular
ing up during the recovery phase is extension, while the knee moment effort (2). Strength differences in the
can increase one's efficiency by as is first extension, followed by flex- lower extremities can manifest as
much as 30 percent. If that were ion. These patterns have been found force application asymmetry, as can
true, elite cyclists would show some to be consistent among subjects in an injury to one lower extremity.
upward force during the recovery the work of Gregor et al(11). T h e A second measure, the work-
phase (2). investigators explain the theoretical asymmetry ratio, assists in a com-
A description of the exact events possibility of using only knee exten- plete assessment of force application
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in each of the three possible pedal sion forces through the power phase. symmetry. T h e work-asymmetry ra-
conditions mentioned earlier may However, the knee extensors would tio equals the ratio of the work done
help explain why even the best cycl- have to develop forces in excess of by the left leg to the work done by
ists d o not pull up in the recovery the flexor moments generated at the the right leg, multiplied by 100. T h e
phase. When a downward force is knee by the two-joint hip extensors. ratio reflects only the effective force,
exerted on the pedal during the re- Such knee extensor forces would be i.e., the portion of the applied force
Copyright © 1991 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

covery phase, the rider is recovering very inefficient metabolically. that contributes to propulsion. It is
this leg with help from the opposite possible for cyclists to be dominant
leg. When the pedal is unloaded dur- in one leg in force asymmetry, with
ing recovery, the rider recovers by PEDALING SYMMETRY the other leg dominant in work
the action of that leg's own muscular asymmetry. If this is the case, it gives
effort. When an upward force is ex- A final biomechanical considera- vital information regarding the un-
erted on the pedal, the leg is re- tion here is symmetry in pedaling. derlying mechanics of pedaling (2).
covering by muscle actions on the Logically thinking, cycling appears When the force and work asym-
same side, but the muscle action is in to be a symmetrical activity, with metries are in favor of the same leg,
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

excess of what is needed for recov- each leg making an equal contribu- more work is being done due to
ery, resulting in propulsive torques tion. Daly and Cavanagh (4) showed more force being applied. If the
(2). Literature supporting the find- the relative contributions of each leg force and work asymmetries do not
ing that pulling up is rarely seen in were not symmetrical in recreational agree, the leg that is generating the
cycling has been specific and repro- cyclists. T h e nature of the asymme- most force is doing the least amount
ducible (2). try exhibited in 20 subjects was un- of work. This implies that the forces
This is definitely an area where related to limb dominance and var- applied to the bike are less effective
more research is needed, especially ied day to day. Changes in pedaling on the side applying more force.
in specific riding conditions such as rate caused significant differences in This could be caused by strength
hill climbing or sprinting. T h e stud- asymmetry, but no consistent rela- deficits, injury, anatomical variation,
ies reported here were steady-state tionship was found. or a training error. When a cyclist
riding on level surfaces. It is clear Cavanagh and Sanderson (2) ex- demonstrates such an imbalance,
that the literature shows an absence tensively studied symmetry in cy- which likely leads to poorer perform-
of evidence for the superiority of cling. A description of force applica- ance, biomechanical modification to
one form of recovery; however, tion is broken down into two types attempt to achieve a more equal bi-
since the best elite cyclists d o not of symmetry. T h e researchers quan- lateral contribution is necessary (2).
pull up in the recovery phase, some tified force asymmetry by comparing Alternate one-legged pedaling may
assume that it is not economical to the effect o r impulse of the resultant be necessary to help attain the train-
d o so. This remains controversial forces applied by each leg. T h e ratio ing goals. However, asymmetry in
since some studies, especially those of the right impulse over the left im- pedaling may be desirable when the
determining the effect of toe clips on pulse is multiplied by 100 to give a goal is passive stretching, through

Volume 14 Number 3 September 1991 JOSPT


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Copyright © 1991 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

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JOSPT Volume 14 Number 3 September 1991

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