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Would you like to be a digital nomad?

The pandemic of Covid has changed many aspects of our life – personal and work. During this time
people were allowed to work from home and distance working became a norm. People felt the upside
of it. The expenses of having to travel and purchase clothing could be reduced. The stress is limited. It
allows you to spend more time with family.

In my opinion being a digital nomad is a life-changing opportunity. It gives you a lot of freedom and
satisfaction. Operating hours and place of work could be chosen, whether you perform your job from
abroad or home, you could decide for yourself. The experience of diving in the local customs, enriching
your knowledge of the word and combining work with pleasure is also a bonus. Another advantage is
the contentment. You don’t need to rush or be under pressure to get ready and set time for traveling to
and from work. Saving time commuting is a beneficial aspect, as you can spend this extra time on
yourself. There are things that can be a downside though. Firstly, there is limited social interaction
outside work and it could feel a bit isolating. The physical impact is also an issue. It can lead to a
sedentary way of living which can impact your health. Adjusting your life and making changes, so that
this way of living can be beneficial for you , would avoid the cons of it.

Overall, I believe the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and continiuing this way of working has
shown that, employees are content and pleased with remote work. Employers also are thinking of ways
to be ahead of the curve, so that they can evolve and provide economical and social performance. They
are thinking of ways to introduce virtual training programs and mentorship opportunities.Virtual team
building activities and online social events will become integral parts of remote work cultures.

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