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In manuscript rights
A.M. Szymski


(in documents to the WM of the Teutonic Order preserved)


II.1. Stamp description according to 2022 state of preservation /1

Fig.1 Obverse and reverse of the "princely" seal hanging by the letter to the WM.of the
Teutonic Order from 13162 / year according to the state of preservation in 2022.(
XX_HA_Schiebl_81_Nr_1_0004 ; XX_HA_Schiebl_81_Nr_1_0006) /.3

1 /impression in wax made from the original piston in mirror reflection (?)
Alleged: Lev Danilovich (1225?- 1301?) or Lev Yurevich (-?-1323) /.45
1) Probable date of creation : before 1301(?) , in the year 1308? or 1316?
2) Circumference: approximately 67 mm
3) Shape: round (in preserved condition as double-sided- coin; on the obverse : a figure
depicting the figure of the patron saint6 / or the owner of the seal himself in a standing
posture - with a spear and shield - in an image in the type of the Byzantine-
Ruthenian seal of the 12th-13th century ; on the reverse : a naturalistic (?) image of
an animal with a silhouette resembling that of a lion in a standing (?) position.
4) No traces of legend inscriptions on the perimeter or the seal field itself, both on its
obverse and reverse sides
5) Legend text on the perimeter: none
6) In the seal field (description) :
a) obverse part : field filled with stars , over the left shoulder of the figure "sickle of the moon"

b) reverse part : clean background with no visible traces of decoration

7.The image is separated from the outer edge (possibly a field of non-existent legend) by
a dense line of dots.
8) Source: Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz,Archivstraße 12-14; D-14195
Berlin (Dahlem) [Signaturen: GStA PK, XX. HA Hist. Staatsarchiv Ko "nigsberg, Perg.-
Urkk., Schiebl. 81, Nr. 1 _0004 ; Schiebl.81_Nr_1_0006 ].

II.2. Description of the appearance of the seal according to Lappo - Danilewski

in 1907.

"The seal dated 1316, as was customary by then; it hangs attached to parchment on a bundle of thin
strings, each twisted from silk threads; the broken parts of the seal show,

2 /existing in this ONE unique copy (!)

3/ according to the preserved state in the "Secret State Archive of Prussian Heritage in Berlin-Dahlem"[
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz (GSPK)] according to a 2022 photograph:
XX_HA_Schiebl_81_Nr_1_0004 ; XX_HA_Schiebl_81_Nr_1_0006

4 /description made from inspection of the state of preservation of . The (partially damaged) SEAL hanging next
to a document from the year 1316.after (its) restoration made at the "Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer
Kulturbesitz" in Berlin. (15- 09-2022r)
5 /attribution of the seal: Lev Danilovich (+1301r) according to Odnorozhenko [ Однороженко О. : "Руські
королівські, господарські та князівські печатки ХІІІ- ХVІ Хст.", Харків, 2009.;p.49 ,p.190]; or pp. Lev
Yurevich (+1323?) according to Lappo-Danilevsky: "Болеславъ - Юрій II, княвь всей Малой Руси
6 /according to the tradition of Byzantine-Ruthenian seals on which was depicted on the main side a stylized
figure of the saint whose name its owner received at baptism and on its reverse side a figure of the saint - the
patron saint of his father
As these strings lie side by side; the faded silk is now brick-red. The seal, which is shaped like a circle
about 7 cm in diameter , is made of wax, artificially colored. At present, only one large fragment of it
is attached to the 1316 document [...] , the other small fragments of it lie loose and are not included in
the attached photographs. Determining which of the surviving sides of the seal of 1316 is the front and
which is the reverse - is possible only conjecturally: the side with the visible image of a human figure
is probably the front, and the side with the image of an animal is the back .

Fig.2 Appearance of the state of preservation of the "princely" seal in 1903 attached to the letter of
1316 according to the photograph published by Lappo-Danilewicz in 1907 (Table I): 1) preserved
fragment of the obverse part,2) preserved fragment of the reverse part (photo unnumbered after tab. I)

On the front side of the seal, the bas-relief depicts a standing warrior. The warrior is facing the
observer. It is difficult to say whether his head is covered by a helmet or a spike hood which should,
judging from the images known to me, fit tightly around the knight's head, which is not visible on the
surviving original; On the contrary, it clearly shows elongated wave-shaped grooves, which seem to
indicate that the warrior's face is rather surrounded by wavy strands of hair falling on the shoulders,
from which a ring-shaped lattice connects to the right hand resting on an elongated, now broken
object with a vertical bulge, resembling a shield; according to an early description of her, [the
warrior] holds a spear in her left hand; now almost invisible.[footnote added: at the time, the 1316
seal was probably the best; Karamzin mentions (this) spear based on the description of Henig, the
director of the Königsberg archives]. What little can be judged by the rather clear image of a warrior
in armor strapped at the waist; below that, it seems that one can see wavy lines, with which perhaps
the master carver wanted to depict something like a plate. The lower edge of the seal is also damaged.
On the field of the seal, a sickle of the moon can be seen above the warrior's right arm; the rest of the
entire field is filled with stars (...)
; they are also found on the preserved shards.Around - a border in the form of a simple relief line.

On the back (of the seal)[visible] the silhouette of a lion facing right relative to the observer
looking at it; the lion's tail, judging by the preserved fragments, should be bent upward. Such
a proposal is based on the following premises: Seal of 1316
year has not survived in its entirety; its main part , is shown in the attached photograph, several
smaller fragments have been preserved in the archives; one of them is noteworthy: it shows a
The bend of the end part of the tail ending in a rather wide tang. The place this fragment should have
occupied in relation to the (preserved at the 1316 document) main part of the seal is difficult to
determine precisely; however, given the image preserved on the front side of the seal and the direction
of the break, we can come to some conclusions as to the position of this fragment on the plane of the
seal under study. In fact, on its front side we can clearly see the star field; in addition, there are traces
of a fracture, as if in the place where we should look for the continuation of the warrior's left hand and
perhaps even traces of the spear blade although barely noticeable, and perhaps the entire spear that
the warrior held in this hand If we place this fragment in a position corresponding to the direction of
the fracture, as well as the denomination of the imprint, and then look at its reverse side, the fragment
of interest will be in the upper part of the latter; hence the natural conclusion that the lion was
depicted on the seal with its tail curved upward, i.e. according to a type quite common in the
West.(...)Around the same reverse side of the seal of 1316 there is a sort of grainy [PEREAL?/as]
border in the form of grains strung on a thread. On the perimeter on both sides of the seal, there are
(however) no traces of legends, based on which one could believe that the seal of 1316 belonged to
one of the Galician-Vlodimier princes.7/ (Fig.2)(Fig.3)

7 / "Печать 1316 года ,как уже принято было въ т о время , - вислая ; она прикриеплена къ пергамину на
пучке т о н к и х ъ шнурков ; каждый изъ нихъ скручень изъ шелковых нитей ; на обломавшихся частях
печати , видно , какъ эти снурки лежать рядом ;выцветший ш э л к ь теперь кирпично-краснаго цвета.
форма печати - круглая, едва ли , впрочемъ , вполне правильная , а размеры ея були довольной (ок. 7
сант. в диаметре) ; она зделана из воска ,лышенаго искусственной окраски .Въ настоящеее время пецать
1316 г о д а сохранилась лицевая только отцасти: мелкiе обломки ея не помещены на прилагаемыхъ
таблицах . Опиределит , какакая изъ сторонъ печати 1316 г о д а лицевая ,какая оборотна - можна только
предположительно :сторона с изображением человеческой фигуры , вероятно, - лицевая а с т р о н а а
с т р о н а зображением животного - оборотная . На лицевой стороне печати въ рельефе вобразена
ф и г у р а в о и н а въ стоячем положении. Воин ображен лицемъ къ з в и т е л ю ,Трудно сказаць
покрыта ли голова его шлиемом : кольчужная сятка прикрепленнай к ъ вэнцу , судя по известнымъ мне
изображенимъ , обюкновенно плотно облегала голову рыцаря чего не заметно на прилагаемомъ рисунке ;
напротивъ , на пемъ явственно видныя продольныя волноонразныя борозды , которыя какъ будто
указывают на то ,что л и ц о воина скориее обрамленно волнистыми прядями волось, спускающимися на
плечи его , чием кольцужною сеткою .Какъ бы то ни было ,воин опирается правой руком на
подолговатый ,нынъ обломанный предметъ с продольною выпуклостью ,похожий на шитъ ; судя по
старинному описанию владелец его держал есче вь л е в о й руке копье ; теперь его почти не видно [в
то время печать 1316,вероятно ,была в лучшем виде ; о копье Карамзинъ упоминаетъ со словъ Генига. ]
.Несколько можно судить по довольно интершемыса изображению , воинъ , облечен вь латы
,перетянутыя у пояса ; ниже кажется , можно заметить волнистыя линiи ,которыми мастеръ -резчикъ,
пожалуй ,хотель изобразить н е ч т о въ р о д е подлатника. Нижнiй край печати ткже обломанъ . На
поле серпь л у н ы над правым плечомъ воина и звезды ,разсыпанныя по всему полю , вероятно для того
,чтобъ заполнить его ; оне встречаються и н а обломкахъ .Кругомъ - ободокъ въ виде простой рельефной

На оборотной стороне в рельефе изображен левъ обрасиенный вправо отъ зрителя ; хвость л ь в а , судя
по уцелевсымъ обломкамъ изогнуть к в е р х у . Такое предложенiе основано на следующихъ
соображенияхъ .Пецать 1316 года въ целомъ виде не сохранилась ; при главной цасти ея , изобрженной
на прилагаемой таблице , в архиве хранится ещо несколько малыхь обломковъ ; один изъ нихъ
заслуживаетъ внимания : на немъ представленъ изгибъ конечной части хвоста заканчивающагося
довольно широкою к и с т ь ю . Место, какое должень былъ занимать этотъ обломокъ односительно
главной части печати ,трудно определить съ полною точностью ; но, имея въ виду сохранившiяся на
лицевой стороне печати изображения и паправленiе излома, можно придти къ некоторому заключиепiю и
относительно положенiя нашего обломка на плоскости изучаемой печати . Въ самом деле, на лицевой
стороние его явственно изображено звездное поле ; кроме того з д е с ъ же есть следы вылома , какъ
будто на томъ месте , где следовало бы искать продолжение левой руки воина и , можеть быть ,еле
Fig.3 fragment of a letter from the princes Vladimir Vol. - Andrew and Lev Yurevich to the V.M. of
the Teutonic Order in 13168/ with two seals attached to it (in description and photograph by Lappo-
Danilevsky : tabl. I.).

II.3. Current state of research

The second9/ - of the two seals hanging next to the 1316 document (Fig.3) - is an unnamed coin seal (?)
with a depiction of a human figure (on the obverse) and an image of an animal whose appearance
seems to depict a "walking" or "climbing " lion (on the reverse).
Preserved to this day in only TWO legible fragments, it can be unquestionably counted among one of
the most (in Russian sphragistics known) original examples of wax seals from the first half of the
14th century combining both features characteristic of the "Ruthenian" seals of the 12th and
13th centuries (in the appearance of the obverse part) and - although in a significantly

даже следы наконечника , а отцасти и древка ,которое онъ держалъ въ этой руке .Если поместить
обломокъ въ положенiи соответствуюсцемъ направлению излома , а также лицевому з н а ч ц е н i ю
пецати и вследъ затемъ взглянуть на оборотную строну ея , то интересующий насъ обломокъ окажется в
верхней части последней ;одсюда естественно заключитъ , что левь был представлень на печати съ
хвостомъ , изогнутымъ к в е р х у , т.е . согласно типу ,довольно распространенному н а западе .(...)
Кругомъ той же оборотной стороны печати 1316-го года - гранулированный ободокъ какъ бы въ виде
зерень, нанизанныхъ на нитку. Окружность обеихъ с т р о р о н ь печати не н о с и т ь никакихъ следовъ
легендъ , на основанiи которыхъ можно быыло бы судить о принадлежности печати 1316 года одному
изъ галицько - владимирскихъ князей. (Full text in the original according to. "Болеславъ - Юрій II, княвь
всей Малой Руси." С борникъ матеріал овъиизслѣдованій , сообщенныхъ О. Г о н с і о р о в с к и н ъ , А.
А. К у п и к о м ъ , А. С. Л а п п п о - Д а н и л е в с к и м ъ , И. А. Л и н н и ч е н к о м ъ , С. Л. П т а ш и ц
к и м ъ и И . Р е ж а б к о н ъ , Спб. 1907, ст. Ѵ +ІѴ +ЗЗб-ЬІО таблиць, p.222-225
8/ in two versions of dating: a) according to Danilovich: .9 August - doc. no.281; b) according to Havlilenko : 10
August -.
"Ukrainian Sphragistics"...p.150.

9 /see A. .Szymski: description of the "royal" seal in "TAJEMNICA PIECZĘCI OSTATNICH PRINCE OF
To a lesser extent (in the appearance of the reverse part) - Western. European : "a lion with a
tail turned upwards. (Fig.1) /10

Fig.4.a-b1. Illustrations of the seals according to an engraving by K.R. von. Siegel (a-b)11/ and according
to the reproduction of their appearance in: Mихайло Грушевський : " ІЛЮСТРОВАНА ІСТОР1Я
УКРАІНИ", Киiв, 1918 (a1-b1)12/.

10 /As (by analogy) M. Hrushevsky :" "In any case, this card with its seal gives one illustration more to prove
the turn to the West in the life of western Ukraine in the XII-XIV centuries, as we can trace in many other facts
/ 1) and Latin letters and the seals of the last Galician-Volyn princes, as indicated, give a close analogy to
these facts." ( 1/ Історія України-Руси т. III с. 483-4.)" [op cit Мих. Грушевський:" Лист Володимиром
громади з 1324 р. (Факсіміле листу и печатки)",(in) :
"Записки товариства імені Шевченка". : вид-во, присвяч. науці і письменству укр.-рус. народу. - Львів :
Накладом Т-ва імені Шевченка.;Т. 72, кн. 4 . - 1906 (pp.5-8) ,p.8.
11/ Die osterreichisch - ungariche Monarchie in Word und Bild", vol. XIX : "Galizien"., Vienna 1898.,pp.158-
12 / a1-b1 : published illustrations of both sides of the seal of the "unknown prince" as the alleged seal of Lev
Danilovich !) :vide p.123 illustration 110 -both parts:a-1 obverse side in appearance according to von Siegel ; a-2
reverse side which is a compilation of von Siegel's drawing with a photograph from Lappo-Danilevich's
publication, - no
Preserved in the ONLY copy known to us (to this day), it also arouses the most controversy in
the presented content. Subjected to extensive (after 1945) restoration and conservation, it is
currently in the Secret Royal Archives in Berlin.(Fig.1)
Despite this fact, in ALL publications to date, her descriptions and presented interpretations of
the possible sources of her origin are STILL based on the state of her viewing b a s e d o n
documentation from the late 19th and early 20th centuries , including : TWO of her hand-
made tracings (Fig.4) and TWO photographs taken in 1903 (Fig.2) (Fig.3) /13
It is also significant that since the publication of N.M. Karamzin14 / known in the circles of
both Russian and Ukrainian historians the fact of the EXISTENCE of both letters and original
(?) seals of the Ruthenian princes from the first half of the 14th century preserved in the
archives of Königsberg is the FIRST (!) - which obviously must astonish - who at all
published photographs of this seal from acquired plaster casts (?) was not a Russian but a
Polish sfragist - Prof. of the Jagiellonian University - Fr. Piekosiński in his published
collection of seals of the "Piast era" i n 1899.15 /
However, the FIRST (and so far) widely known and repeatedly presented in various
publications and on websites illustration that is an attempt (?) to REPLACE a partial
appearance of it from the TWO largest surviving fragments of this "coin" seal became a
FIGURE made by K..R. von Siegel for the purpose of illustrating the chapter by A. Lewicki
on the history of Galicia ( A.Lewicki : "Ruthenische Theilfurstenthumer bis zur Vereinigung
mit Polen 1387) in: "Die osterreichisch - ungariche Monarchie in Word und Bild". w :
"Galizien" vol. XIX .,published Vienna 1898.,p.158-180 (fig.4a-b)
In 1907, photographs of the largest fraction of both sides of the 1316 letter preserved with the
letter (but without including the appearance of its then remaining loose in the archives

description in the text ; in the caption: " Печатка галицького князя, мабуть Льва Даниловича, уживана його
13 /Lappo-Danilewski: tab .I. in Болеславъ - Юрій II, княвь всей Малой Руси. С борникъ матеріал
овъиизслѣдованій , сообщенныхъ О. Г о н с і о р о в с к и н ъ , А. А. К у п и к о м ъ , А. С. Л а п п п о - Д а
н и л е в с к и м ъ , И. А. Л и н н и ч е н к о м ъ , С. Л. П т а ш и ц к и м ъ и И . Р е ж а б к о н ъ , Спб.
1907, ст. Ѵ +ІѴ +ЗЗб-ЬІО таблиць,
14 /Although Karamzin himself never saw the letter of 1316 and the seals attached to them, the director of the
Hening archive, who passed information about them to him by letter in Königsberg, must have seen it in a good
condition at that time (although the shield that the knight is holding in his right hand he did not notice?) if he
described its appearance (today in part directly illegible) quite accurately as: "on one half a knight holding a
spear,around him stars,x moon and a cross ; on the other half a lion." (which was also repeated by T. Narbut in
the 4th volume of the
"History of the Lithuanian Nation". - Appendix XII p.45) Cf. also M. Hrushevsky: "Istoria Ukraini - Rus",vol.3 .,ed.
.I: in the footnotes on p.560 with an additional note that this seal (but only with a view of the silhouette of a lion
" and heavily damaged" was published by Piekosinski in : "Report of the commission for the study of art", VI
p.293. (without date of publication).[ Н.М.Карамзи́ н:" История государства Российского".,vol.IV (Polish
translation by Grzegorz
Buczynski) ]
15 /Fr. Piekosiński: "Pieczęcie polskie wieków średnich -cz. I: Doba piastowska"., Kraków 1899r.,p.222-223
("seal of Jerzego króla ruskiego" at the document from the year 1335),p.183-184 fig.203 ("niewiadomy książe
fragments) was published by Lappo -Danilevsky ( Лаппо-Данилевский А. С.: "Печати
последних галичско-владимирских князей и их советников ", in: " Болеславъ - Юрій II,
княвь всей Малой Руси. Сборникъ матеріал овъиизслѣдованій , сообщенныхъ О. Г о н
с і о р о в с к и н ъ , А. А. К у п и к о м ъ , А. С. Л а п п п о - Д а н и л е в с к и м ъ , И. А.
Л и н н и ч е н к о м ъ , С. Л. П т а ш и ц к и м ъ и И . Р е ж а б к о н ъ , Спб. 1907, ст. Ѵ
+ІѴ +ЗЗб-ЬІО таблиць., С. 211-308 ) . And this study is still ONE (!) comprehensive attempt
at an in-depth analysis of its appearance both in terms of the historical context (pp. the time in
which it was created),its possible affiliation a n d the stylistic features presented.
We do not know on the basis of what materials K. R. von Siegl made these drawings. There is
no information as to whether he received plaster casts for inspection or whether he personally
inspected the seal from the original, available only in the Königsberg archives, with the seal
still (at that time?) permanently joined (obverse and reverse) in its parts, two separate
fragments, which - in order to make their copy - he joined together himself. /16
After all, it is certain that the entire seal already attached to the letter of the D u k e s
Lev and Andrew Jurewicz was not there at that time.17 / Although, as Leppo-Danilewski
writes (p.223)-there remained in the Königsberg archives (apart from these two larger ones)
still small , loose, and coming from it, fragments (fig.2)(fig.3). However, T. Narbut - quoting
its description after Karamzin - seems to be convinced that at that time it must have been in a
larger piece (?) than von Siegl saw, because in the description given in Henig's letter, the
content of which he quotes in full, he states that on the seal, which he attributes (after
M.Hrushevsky?) to Leon (Lev) Lvovich:
"on one half (is) a knight holding a spear.....(...) on the other half a lion ". /.18
The first Ukrainian historian who attributed the belonging of this "nameless seal of the
PRINCE" [after Karamzin] ,to Prince Lev Danilovich, who died in 1301, was Denis
Zubrzycki /1920 /, and after him also: Isidor Sharanevich21 / and M. Hrushevsky in his version
of "History of Ukraine..." published in 1901 /.2223

16 / which seems all the more strange, since both the manner and the place (edge) of their fusion is to this day the
subject of controversy that determines the correct reading of its ORIGINAL DESIGN regardless of the fact that
in the print made by von Siegl on the obverse of the seal there is NO view of the shield , which is also not
mentioned in the letter to N. Karamzin the director of the Königsberg archives (!) [ So what did von Siegl and
Henig see ? At that time, were the two parts of the seal (Fig.4a-b) still connected together in the way von Siegl
depicted, or was there already (?) hanging by the letter only that fragment of the seal which was captured on a
photograph taken in 1903 and published by Lappo-Danilewski in 1907 ?] [also: when and who made its
illustration published by Hrushevsky in 1918?(Fig.4 b-b1)
17 / cf. also I. Danilowicz: "Treasury of diplomats...",Vilnius 1860, doc. no.281 in description.
18/ T.Narbut: "History of the Lithuanian nation..vol.4 ;Appendix XII (Taken from the Königsberg archives No.
19 / Денис Зубрицкий : "История древнего галичско -русского княжества"., часть I-III; Львовъ 1852-1855 г
20/ As D. Zubrzycki -with reference to N.Karamzin : "- Къ этой грамотi [ this is the letter of 1316/as] привъшены
двѣ большія печати; одна вышеописанная Юріева, а другая, съ изображеніемъ по
Both the illustrations made by K.R. von Siegel and the two photographs published by Lappo-
Danilevsky in 1907 (and the accompanying descriptions) were referred to in his critical
review - in a two-part article ( published ONLY in Polish ) by a Ukrainian researcher - (Dr.)
B. Barvinskiy. whose views formulated in this text have become a binding dogma in
Ukrainian historiography and sfragistics to this day.24 /
A slightly different image of the obverse of the "prince's" seal (without, however, specifying
the author of this print ) was published by M. Hrushevsky in his "Illustrated History of
Ukraine" published in 1918 . It is interesting insofar as the (unknown to us by name) author
combined in them the appearance of a smaller fragment of the seal derived from von Siegel's
drawing with a photograph from Lappo-Danilevsky's publication.
As a result of this combination , leaving, the same as in von Siegel's print, the place where the
two parts are glued together, we obtained an image of its obverse, which shows the shape of a
shield held in the knight's right hand, which is not present in von Siegel's drawing . (Fig.4 a1-

одной сторон* воина, держащаго копіе, а по другой звѣря льва. ..." (Д .Зубрицкий : история древнего
галицко- руково княжества , цаст третья , Львовъ 1855r .,op.cit.p.251)

If - as Zubrzycki emphasizes, according to Karamzin at the time of writing his history of Russia - the WHOLE
LEFT hand of the knight holding a spear was visible on the seal's obverse, this would mean that this seal (after
all, existing ONLY in this one copy) must have been preserved in its entirety at the time or o n l y slightly
damaged. What remains a mystery, therefore, is the omission from this description of the other characteristic
features of this seal which, no doubt, were (visible on it on von Siegel's print) the symbols of the "cross" and the
21/ Исидоръ Шараневичъ :" Исторiя галицко -володимирской Руси одъ наидавниейсихь временъ до
р о к у 1453"; Львовъ 1863г .

22 / M.Hrushevsky : "Ìstorìâ Ukraïni - Rusi", T. 3 - to the year 1340 ; ed. I] in footnote no. 4 to page 193:[
making a presentation of the contents of the letter of Andrew and Lev Yurevich of 1316 where the seal of the
"unknown prince" is found and the letter of Andrew Yurevich of 1320 to the merchants of Torun (at which the
once existing seal has not survived and already in the 19th century could not be studied or from any descriptions
or prints known). However, Hrushevsky does not give a description of the seals that hang next to the letter of
1316, which seems to confirm that he himself never saw these documents in the original (as well as the seals),
the view of their origin accepting - although not without reflection (in footnote no.3 on page 192 additionally
stating that : " Шкода, що печатка не була докладнійше вистудийована новійшими часами ; вона могла-б
нам дати деякі вказівки в сім напрямі.")). ] after Karamzin.

23/ whereby - it is worth emphasizing - M. Hrushevsky was convinced that the illustration with the ducal seal
with von Siegel's signature is not a FIGURE (!) but a photograph of this seal...: Mихайло Грушевський : "
ІСТОР1Я УКРАІНИ -PYCI", (T.III)., WYD. 2.,Lvov 1905.,p113 footnote no.1.
24/B.Dyer: (1) Барвінський Б.:" Дві печатки галицько-володимирських князів з 1316 і 1335 ррр." - Руслан,
1903 р.,№ №170-171. 2 вид.: Барвінський Б. Історичні причинки. - Жовква: 1908 р., т. 1, с. 18 -
26. ; (2) Barwiński, B. Seals of the Halicko-Vlodzimierski princes of the first half of the 14th century (Critical
remarks due to the work of A. Lappo-Danilevsky) / B. Barwiński // Numismatic and archaeological news. -
Kraków, 1909 - № 6. - S. 99-104 ; № 7. - S. 127-130.; (3) Барвінський Б.:" Українські сфрагістичні пам'ятки
XII-XIV ст." ,w: " Записки НТШ. Праці комісії спеціальних (допоміжних) історичних дисциплін.", Т.
CCXXXI. Львів, 1996. С. 242-257.
For the second time an attempt to reconstruct the appearance of the "prince's" seal was made
in 1934 by a Polish historian - Prof. Fr. Piekosiński - this time presenting both sides of the
seal (obverse and reverse).25 /Suggestions presented there, however, did not meet with much
interest in the circle of Ukrainian historians and are practically unknown to a wider circle of
historians to this day.26 / (Fig. 110 and Fig. 111).
The subjects of this seal as well as the other - the alleged seal of Yuri Lvovich (both
"hanging" at the document from 1316) also did not meet the interest of historians and
sphragists in other European countries, resulting (to this day) in the ABSOLUTELY
UNCRITICAL (!) - in their publications on medieval Rus' - duplication of information
directly referring t o t h e work of Ukrainian historians o n these seals which are presented in
their (publicly available) publications and posted both on the INTERNET PORTALS and in
book publications .
Nor does anyone question its authenticity by considering it proven (a priori) that it is a seal
reflected in wax paste from an existing double (?) piston - on the date of the letter to which it
was attached.
In detail, the features of this seal - known only from the description of Lappo-Danilevsky ,
who viewed it personally in 1903 - were again not studied at all, contenting himself with
Barwinski's remarks that he published in his review of Lappo-Danilevsky's publication in
1909 .
Also completely ignored is the fact that this seal, which underwent restoration again
after 1945 - available in the Berlin "Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz" -
D I F F E R E N T L Y glues the two fragments of the seal together in a different way
than is shown in the "reconstructions" published so far (Fig.1)(Fig.4) /27
As a result of this (deliberate?) omission, in their subsequent publications, Ukrainian
historians, instead of the information obtained (second-hand) by Karamzin - by M.
Hrushevsky uncritically accepted as true and by Barvinsky only authenticated in 1909 -
subjected to critical analysis NOT ONLY THAT on this basis they "creatively developed" the
history of Rus, but CONNECTING the alleged symbolism of BOTH seals ("royal" and
"princely") - their own using only their imagination, - they created the MIT of the "Rus
kingdom with its alleged symbolism"28 / supposedly existing on the

25 /Fr.Piekosiński: "Pieczęcie polskie wieków średnich doby piastowskiej - uzupełnienie.", Kraków 1936 (print
from "Wiadomości Numizmatyczn-archeologiczne" vol.XVI,R.1934,pp.71-86 and vol.XVII,r.1935,pp.55- 78.).
26 /According to Fr.Piekosinski, the alleged prince clad in chainmail is not holding a spear in his left hand (as
claimed earlier researchers dealing with this seal, but" a monarch's apple with a cross"... (jw.p.21, fig.266 and
27/ if there were such studies made, then - so far - they are not available in public circulation. Nor are they
known to the authors of the "source" studies of both 2004 (Kupchinsky) and 2009 (O. Odnorozhenko).
Дрогобицький краєзнавчий з б і р н и к . Збірник наукових праць / 2003. - Вип. VII.,p.53-71 [, ]
The territories of Western Ukraine on the model of ETERNAL "European kingdoms" , having
nothing to do with historical reality. (Fig.5a) /29
Standing in opposition to the history of the "Suzdal-Vlodzimir" R u s ' and the "Moscow" Rus',
while making the "Duchy of Halych" the ONLY heir and continuator (?) of the "Kievan Rus'"
tradition, Ukrainian historians have also inscribed themselves in the Russian historical policy
consistently continued since the time of Catherine the Great of which the most telling
EXAMPLE still remains - invented by the tsar's propagandist
"Great Rossiya" by P.N. Batishkov (according to.lithography by V.V.Griaznov) - the alleged
coats of arms of the Halych and Vladimir principalities being a compilation of the image of a
lion from the seal of Wladyslaw Opolczyk and a "Ruthenian Voyager" from the alleged seal
of "King George" from a document of 1316 after all illegible ( !)30 /,or substitution of the
image of a " jackdaw"(!) image
"Galician lion" as the alleged coat of arms of "Halich Land"/31 (fig.3)(fig.5a-c)(fig.6)

Fig.5a A classic example ( one of many) of manipulation in the existing ( still) message
"historical "32/ from an online blog:

/ ; Руський лев - Вікіпедія (

30/Батюшков П.N. Batishkov: "Monuments of Russian antiquity in the western provinces".St. Petersburg,1885.
p.37.[ Батюшков П.Н. "Холмськая Русь", СПб.,1885 / 1887, p.37.
31 /" Роль державного герба Руського королівства виконувало, очевидно, і зображення галки, яке бачимо
на цілому ряді печаток найвищих державних посадовців Галицько-Волинської держави від першої
половини ХІV ст. [48]. На відміну від зображень двоголового орла і лева, що спинається на с к е л ю ,
які від початку виконували роль державно-династичних гербів королівської династії Романовичів і
Руського королівства, галка, ймовірно, мала бути відразу гербом суто державним, який відігравав роль
гласного символу однієї зі складових частин Галицько-Волинсьї держави - Галичини (Regnum Galiciae)."
[Однороженко О. : "Руські королівські, господарські та князівські печатки ХІІІ- ХVІ Хст.", Харків, 2009.
, op. cit.p. 7].
32 /even in a mere attempt (?) to reconstruct the unpreserved content of the legend on a one-sided seal attached to
a letter of German merchants from Vladimir Vol. to the municipal authorities of Straslund (dated 1324) is visible
Paradoxically, therefore, instead of formulating conclusions based on personal examination
of both the source document, which is a letter of the sons of Yuri Lvovich to the V.M.
Teutonic Order with the date of 1316, and the PERSONAL examination of the SAME seal of
the "prince" with an alleged image of a lion on the reverse side", these historians ONLY focus
their attention on proving the validity of the findings(?) of M. Hrushevsky , supported by the
description of Barvinsky, recognizing them -'in a scientific dispute'. - as INDEPENDENT .
These in turn can be reduced to two certainties(?):
a) The "princely" seal with the image of a lion on the reverse is the seal of Lev
Danilovich, which was used by his grandson - Lev Yurevich - when sealing a letter
from 1316-th with his grandfather's seal.
b) The second seal hanging next to this document is that of Yuri Lvovich, which was
used by his son Andrew Yurevich to confirm his signature to the letter of 1316.
Therefore, from the above, it should be considered (a priori) equally indisputable that:
a) The "princely" seal must be dated to the time of Lev Danilovich's assumption of rule
in the Halych principality - i.e. at least from 1270 to 1301, while:
b) The "royal" seal - in order to be associated with Yuri Lvovich - had to be created in the
period covering the years of his reign, i.e. between 1301 and 1309, however, taking
into account the initial date on which Yuri Lvovich took over the rule not only of the
Halych principality (1301r) but also of the Vladimir (Volyn) principality. /33

Both seals, therefore, should have features appropriate to that period of time, both
stylistic and material, and their legends should fully correspond to the then models of
sentences appropriate to majestic seals that were in use (at the time of their pp. creation)
b o t h on the territory of Russia at that time and in the whole of Europe at that time.
After all, as can easily be seen, the analyses published so far do not address these problems at
all. Resorting not infrequently to the denial of historically known (already) facts and ignoring
evidence directly the theses of B. Barvinsky and the views formulated by M. Hrushevsky
undermining them, these historians focus exclusively on their (seals') heraldic significance.
They also directly derive from their view the designs of the alleged coats of arms that
both Daniel Halicki and his son Lev (not to mention Daniel's other sons) supposedly
already possessed, despite the fact that those dating back to the 14th century are the
ONLY source for their divagations. Despite the lack of any indirect evidence (!) in this way,
too, such a seal

unambiguity (!).For the description given below is clearly inconsistent with the content of the legend placed
there: "+S.DOMINI.GEORGII.DUCIS.LADIMERIA" when - according to Barwinski's claim of the wine it
contains the inscription :" +S. CIVITATIS. LADIMIRIENSIS" (vide B,Barwinski: Wiad. Num,-
_archeologist, nr1/1909rok p.11



"princely" as well as "royal" are strictly in the context of the widely understood symbolism of
both the former Ruthenian principalities ( Halytsky and Volyn) and in lending credence to the
19th-century thesis of the alleged existence of an enigmatic "Ruthenian kingdom"[ Руське
королівство] /3435 / on the territory of Western Ukraine in 1199-1349(?).

Fig.5b. Alleged coats of arms of "Lithuanian Ruthenia"(Vladimir principality) and "Red

Ruthenia"(Halych principality) with attached text of the legend from the obverse of the "royal" seal
combined with the date of 1313 of the non-existent letter(!) of Yuri Lvovich to the V. M. Teutonic
Order in P. N. Batishkov's publication of 1885 (a) and 1887 (b-c).36/37/.

/Га́лицько-Воли́ нське князі́вство, також Королі́вство Русь.[1] (лат. Regnum Russiæ[2] / Rusie[3]) -
середньовічна монархічна держава у Центрально-східній Європі. Існувало у 1199-1349 р о к а х .
Керувалася князями і королями із династій Рюриковичів, П'ястів та Гедиміновичів. Утворене волинським
князем Романом Мстиславичем внаслідок приєднаня Галицького князівства у 1199.
Після коронації Данила Романовича у 1253, стало Руським королівством, спадкоємцем київської династії,
продовжувачем європейських, руських політичних і культурних традицій.[Галицько-Волинське
князівство - Вікіпедія ( ]
ВЛАДИ ТА ЇХ СТАТУС."; "Науково-інформаційний вісник Івано-Франківського університету права
імені Короля Данила Галицького": Журнал. Серія Право. №11(23), 2021 ;s.16-22.
36 /In : j.polish: Coat of arms of the Galician-Volyn Kingdom, 1313.;Українська: Герб знаходився на
грамоті кн. Юрія І. Львовича (внука Данила Романовича), видана ґросмайстрові німецького лицарського
ордена, з яким він був у союзі 3 вр.1 Ця грамота зберігається в Королевецькому музеї; Русский:
Объединенный герб Волынского (слева - знаменосец со щитом) и Галицкого княжеств (справа - лев,
взбирающийся на скалу) с грамоты Юрия І Львовича, 1313 г.; Батюшков П.Н. "Холмськая Русь", СПб.,
1887, p. 37. [ File:Герб Волинсько Галицької землі 1313.jpg - Wikimedia Commons ][read 01-04-2023].

37/ in the description according to Prof..A.Czynkalovsky: "ГЕРБ ВОЛИНСЬКО-ГАЛИЦЬКОЇ ДЕРЖАВИ.

Вона постала в 1199 р. шляхом об'єднання галицьких та волинських земель кн. Романом
Мстиславовичем. Цей герб знаходився на грамоті к н . Юрія І . Львовича (внука Данила Романовича),
видана ґросмайстрові
Fig.5c. Coat of arms of the "Halych Land"(or Halych Principality):1) historical coat of arms, 2) coat of
arms invented and published in Ukrainian historiography since the second half of the 19th century38
(Герб Русской земли (Галиции): Обсуждение:Галицко-Волынское княжество - Wikiwand

And so:
In 1977, in his study on the history of Ukrainian sphragistics, his commentary on the "prince"
seal was posted by V.O. Havrilenko /.39
Its description - which is in fact a duplicate of Barvinsky's text - was, in turn, included, in the
FIRST IN UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE comprehensive study of the collection of documents
of the "Halytsko-Volyn principality"(?) "40 /, O. Kupchinsky41 /, published in 2004.
In turn, a new outline of the appearance of the "princely" seal was presented - in the
publication published (with the affiliation of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) in 2009
entitled : "Руські королівські, господарські та князівські печатки ХІІІ- ХVІ ст " - O.
Odnorozhenko.(Fig.6b and 7b) /.42

німецького лицарського ордена, з яким він був у союзі в 1313 р. Ця грамота зберігається в
Кеніґсьберзькому музеї, а саме: а) Герб Волині: Срібний їздець на червоному полі з червоним хрестом на
хоругві, б) Герб галицький: Жовтий лев на блакитному полі, спертий на посріблену скелю (Батюшков,
П.Н. "Холмськая Русь", СПб, 1887, стор. 37)." [ op.cit : Олександер Цинкаловський : "Стара Волинь і
Волинське Поліссся (Краєзнавчий словник - від найдавніших часів до 1914 року)" ;., ТОМ
ПЕРШИЙ...,Накладом Товариства "Волинь" ВІННІПЕГ - 1984 - КАНАДА.,p.29 /reprint of the 1915 edition
38/ based on the seal of Wl. Opolczyk who, as governor of King Louis of Hungary (.Nagy Lajos), added the coat of
arms (invented by himself) of the "Hungarian Kingdom of Galicia..." to the family coat of arms.
39 //Гавриленко В. "Українська сфрагістика - питання предмета та історіографії.", Київ 1977(p.250 and tabl
III items 10a and 10b)[and p.68 about other authors?]; Гавриленко В: "Шлях до сфрагістики". Київ - Львів, 2014.
40/Купчинський О. Акти та документи Галицько-Волинського князівства ХІІ - першої половини ХІV
століть: Дослідження. Тексти. Львів, 2004r,p,147
41/ despite the f a c t that he already had knowledge that this seal has been fortunately preserved and, together
with other seals, is currently in the "Secret State Archive of Prussian Heritage in Berlin"[ ]
he himself did not attempt his own description of it, and he did not personally - as is clear from h i s description
of it following Barwinski - (either) view these seals. (!)
In the drawing of this seal made by O .Odnorozhenko, which is - - (since then) the basic
sfragist source for quotations and reproductions (both in Ukrainian and foreign publications),
special significance is given to the appearance of its reverse side on which - according to the
determination (?) of O. Odnorozhenko, t h e r e i s supposed to be a silhouette of a lion whose
front paws rest on the edge of an alleged rock (Fig.5b), the existence of which has not even
been mentioned by previous authors describing the appearance of THIS seal at all, and which
was not shown in illustrations of this seal (until the publication of O. Odnorozhenko) (Fig.4).
And in this case, too, it is easy to see that in making his "verification" of the appearance of
this seal, O.Odnorozhenko - for reasons known only to himself - in his analysis of its
appearance ALSO (like Kupchinsky) omitted direct examination of the ORIGINAL (Fig.6a)
while remaining on the
"creative interpretation" of its engraving made by K.R. von Siegel whose photocopies in the
descriptive part of his publication O. Odnorozhenko includes with his added (in the original
edition of this illustration not existing) signature /.43

Fig.6 a-b .; a) photo of the original of the reverse side of the "duke" seal from the Berlin archive (as of
2022) ; b) "reconstruction"(?) of the appearance of the reverse side of the "duke" seal with
O.Odnorozhenke's ADDED alleged rock edge not existing on the original seal .44/.

42/ Однороженко О. : "Руські королівські, господарські та князівські печатки ХІІІ- ХVІ Хст.", арків,
43/vide : O.Odnorozhenko: illustration in the caption: "мал. XXVII: печатка Льва I короля Руського" (Олег
Однороженко: "Руські королівські, господарські та князівські печатки ХІІІ - ХVІ ст.", ХАРКІВ 2009., p.5).
44/ In the description on page 49: "1. Лев І Данилович, король Руський (1264 - 1301): а. В полі печатки,
усіяному зірками, рицар в лівиці тримає спис, правицею сперся на щит, праворуч півмісяць рогами
догори б. В полі печатки лев спинається на скелю" (1. Lev I Danilovich, King of Russia (1264 - 1301): a.
In the field of the seal, dotted with stars, the knight holds a spear in his left hand, his right hand resting on a
shield, over his right hand a sickle
Also the alleged appearance of the human figure visible on the obverse side , initially
misinterpreted by Barwinski (on the basis of inspection of the cast made by von Siegel in
1898 ) as "a figure in a sitting posture" and then , by the same - , after the publication of
Lappo-Danilewski in 1907 - verified, as: an image of "a knight in a standing posture(...) with
his right hand supported by an oblong shield, having an elongated protuberance in the
center"45 / O.Odnorozhenko presented only in
"incomplete outline" : without attempting to reproduce details regarding both the visible
features of the clothing and the whole figure. He depicted the appearance of the cross ("+")
differently from von Siegel's by adding a characteristic skewer to it.(Fig.7b) /.46

Fig.7 a-b.; a) the "prince's" seal -aversion: according to .state of 2022 ,b ) reconstruction of the
d u k e ' s seal according to O. Odnorozhenko with the image of the "quartered cross"(?)
In addition to Ukrainian and Polish historians (mentioned above), the existence of this seal is
also mentioned (albeit marginally) in their publications by such renowned researchers in Russia

The moon with its horns up. B. In the field of the seal, the lion rests on a rock). : Олег Однороженко: "Руські
королівські, господарські та князівські печатки ХІІІ - ХVІІ ст.", ХАРКІВ 2009., [НАЦІОНАЛЬНА
45 /Barwinski : op.cit. : "Wiadomości Numizmatyczno-Archeologiczne" r.1909 nr.6., p.101.
46/ thus creating the image of the "cross of studs" found in European heraldry instead of the sword
.See :Czachorowska A., Wasilewska J.: "Krzyż jakiego nie znamy.", in "Archiwa, biblioteki i muzea kościelne"
no. 109, 2008; p.88, item 4 (in von Siegel's print, the "cross" is directly above one of the stars filling the
background of the seal's obverse)
The history of Russian seals of the early and late Middle Ages as : A. Longinov47 /.
, V.L.Janin48 / or N.P. Likhachev49 / , while it is completely omitted - describing ONLY (after
Karamzin) the seal of "King Yuri" - considered the founder of Russian sfragistics : A. Lakier50

Without inquiring whether we are dealing here with an authentic seal of the Ruthenian prince
or its forgery, in the context of the topic: "the symbol of the lion in the coat of arms of the
Halych Principality," the analysis of the "prince's" seal (based on the image of its reverse
part) was undertaken by another Ukrainian historian - Yaroslav Dashkevich. He presented
its results in a publication titled "The symbol of the lion.
"Геральдичне зображення лева в період Галицько-Волинської держави: 1 пол. 14 ст." -
first published in 199851 / and reprinted in a posthumously published collection of his works
,again, in 2011. /52
After all, the FIRST Ukrainian historian who - in an article published in 2020 titled"
ВІЙСЬКОВА СПРАВА КОРОЛІВСТВА РУСІ..."53 / - at all drew attention to the peculiarities of
the image of the SAME defensive shield on which the figure of the "warrior" is supported
on its obverse part was only - as one can freely judge from the sources available today -
Mikola Kozak . /54

However, no one (so far) from Ukrainian researchers has paid attention to another peculiarity
of this seal which is not so much the type of shield itself as the figure presented on the
"warrior" he is holding in his hand but the fact that it is held not in the left hand but in the
RIGHT hand (by him) which : either is an error by the engraver or means that this seal is a
mirrored one

47/ Лонгинов А. в. Грамоты Малорусского князя Юрия II и Вкладная запись князя Юрия Даниловича
Холмского XIV века // ЧОИДР. Кн. 2. Москва, 1887. С. 25-32.
48/Янин В.Л. Актовые печати Древней Руси X-XV вв. Т. І/II: Печати Х - начала XIII вв. Москва,
1970...,Vol. II 1996...,Vol. III 1998.
49/ Н.П. Лихачев : Материалы для истории византийской и русской сфрагистики: Вып. 1; Ленинград:
Изд-во Акад. наук СССР, 1928.,p.23-24; Лихачёв Н. П: "Сфрагистический альбом.", Петроград, 1917;
Лихачев Н. П.:" Русская сфрагистика"., Санкт-Петербург.,1900.

51/ Дашкевич Я. : "Геральдичне зображення лева в період Галицько-Волинської держави": 1 пол.

14 ст.", - Знак, 1998 р., № 16, с. 6 - 8.
ВОЛИНСЬКОЇ ДЕРЖАВИ ( ПЕРША ПОЛОВИНА XIV СТ.).",in Дашкевич Я р о с л а в :
"Майстерня і с т о р и к а : Джерелознавство та спеціальні історичні дисципліни" .,w: /
Л ь в і в с ь к е відділення 1УАД і м . М. С. Грушевського НАН України. - Л ь в і в :
Літературна агенція.
"Піраміда", 2011.,p.319-324.
ХІІІ-ХIV ст.";(in): Духовно-культурні вектори моделювання суспільного простору (Частина ІІІ).,2020. [
_XIII-XIV_st/ ]
54 / although already such a suggestion was made in his publication Lappo-Danielewski about which M. Kozak
in his work does not inform (!) [cf. Lappo-Danielewski:" Печати последних галичско-владимирских князей
...................................................................................................................................................................."s.233 ]
imprint f r o m t h e original piston from which this seal was imprinted, which is also
indicated by the silhouette of the "lion", facing not to the right (heraldic), but to the left, on its
reverse side.
Although there are known cases of "reverse seals" in Russian sphragistics (Fig.8), the heraldic
rule remains that a "knight"="holy warrior" presented in full combat gear always holds a
shield in his left hand while a sword or spear in the right55 /. Which also applies to the
direction of orientation of the figure of the "lion" on the reverse side of this seal which
"heraldically" should be facing right and not left.

Fig..8 Six known (in the literature examples) of "inverted" seals of Rus' princes from the 12th
- 13th centuries with the image of a "holy warrior" holding a shield NOT IN LEFT but in his
right hand. /5657

55/ unless the bearer of the seal would have to be a left-handed person, which we know nothing about in
examples of medieval seals whose attribution would have been common knowledge
56/1) St.Theodore on the seal of Prince Mstislav Russovich (Yanin 1970a,p.203,tab:185),2) St.Dmitri on the seal
of Prince Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (Yanin 1970a,p.205,tab.18:198) , 3) unspecified holy warrior on the seal of
Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich ( Yanin 1970b,p.156,tab.I:371), 4) Печати
Nor has anyone paid much attention to the fact that this seal does not even contain traces that
might suggest (as is the case with the seal authorizing the 1324 letter of the German
Municipality of Vladimir to the authorities of the city of Stralsund) that there was originally
on it some LEGEND or any OTHER letter inscription58 / that could clearly identify its bearer.
(Fig.1.) (Fig.5a)
This is because the only problem - which seems to have caught the attention of historians
approaching the subject of its existence - seems to be not so much its real or presumed origin
as mainly (in itself) the image of the animal depicted on its reverse side , despite the absence
of a clearly outlined head identified as the silhouette - depending on the orientation of the seal
- of a "walking" or "climbing" lion. (Fig.30 a-d)
Because the very way of READING his image seems to be inseparably connected with the
mystical symbolism of the Halych Principality created in the 19th century by Ukrainian
historians and the Romanovichs ruling in it, in which the SAME INTERPRETATION of the
silhouette of the "lion" is a key role of which the publication of J. Dashkevich (died in 2010)
seems to be even a "model" example.
This is because he - (based on his own analysis of how the image of the obverse side of the
seal was combined with the image of its reverse side) deduced that the claim, which
supposedly remained a well-established (until his research ?) view among Ukrainian
historians that the "Galician lion" is a lion in walking position59 / is incorrect .This is in fact a
lion in standing position (fig.9 a-c ), which - in his opinion - would (ALSO) be the FINAL
proof that the image of the lion on it fully corresponds to its image on the alleged coat of arms
(?) of the Romanovich family which allegedly would b e (in turn) on the shield of the knight
depicted on the reverse of the (equally alleged) seal of Yuri Lvovich .(Fig.9a ) (Fig.11) /
/606162 / supplemented - as noticed by the

(unknown prince) с изображением св. Димитрия_XII ili XIII (, 5) seal of Al .Nevsky
6) Ruthenian lead pendant found in Gdańsk (after: J. Żółkowska:" Przyczynek do badań nad
wczesnośredniowiecznych zawieszkami z wizerunkami przypisowanych św. Jerzemu. Findings from the area of
Poland.",in:" Materials and Reports of the Rzeszów Archeological Center Volume XXXVII, Rzeszów 2016, pp.
247-278 ., Fig.9c)
57 / according to J.Zolkowska (cited p.265 j.w. : "...The image visible on the pendant is a mirror image of the
traditional representation of a warrior, holding a spear in his right hand and a shield in his left hand. Such
depictions appear extremely rarely and should probably be interpreted as a mistake by the craftsman.(...) The
mistake may be further evidenced by the careless drawing of the figure. This feature, as an anomaly, is pointed
out by Valentin L. Janin (1970a, b) in the case of the Novgorod seals."....
58 / typical of other seals originating in the territory of Rus from the 11th to the 15th century.
59/see in footnote no.3 on page 321 in the 2010 edition: " Див. ілюстрацію в: Грушевський М. Ілюстрована
історія України. - К., 1992 -С . 130 (повторює і.нострацію попередніх видань книжки)." Also, cont. on page
322 with a citation of Daniel Zubrzycki's publication titled" Chronicle of the City of Lviv" - Lviv, 1844 - S. 7.;
also - cont. pp.323-324.
ВОЛИНСЬКОЇ ДЕРЖАВИ (ПЕРША ПОЛОВИНА XIV СТ.)" .,w: Дашкевич Ярослав: "Майстерня
історика: Джерелознавство та спеціальні історичні дисципліни" .,w: / Львівське відділення 1УАД ім.
М. С. Грушевського НАН України. - Львів: Літературна агенція "Піраміда", 2011.,p.319-324.
61/ assuming that the minted seal would have to be a scissor piston (?) because only such ensures in the resulting
imprint the preservation of the mutual relations of the obverse and reverse images according to the pattern
established by the engraver. For this
of the same(?) - both on the reverse side of the "royal" seal and the reverse side of the "princely"
seal with a FRAGMENT of the rock on which (or on which) this lion would allegedly climb. /

Fig. 9a. Axes of correlation (1-3) according to existing tracings and one photograph by
Lappo_Danielewski of the reverse side of the "duke" seal with its obverse part according to

Following thistrack in 2009 in the publication entitled" Руські к о р о л і в с ь к і ,

господарські т а князівські печатки ХІІ - ХVІ с т ." Fr. Odnorozhenko presented the OWN
"odyssey" of the two

however, that this seal may have been minted on wax with two separate pistons seems to be indicated by the
visible shifts of axes (in the sign of the cross : "+") on the surviving 5 imprints of the "royal" seal, one imprint of
which (although in a significant degree of destruction) is also found with the letter of 1316 (vide. Ch, I)
62 / as O.Odnorozhenko writes, among others: "Наступною пам'яткою руської геральдики ХІІІ ст. є
зображення лева, що спинається на скелю на печатці Льва І Даниловича ("Leon Regem Ruthenorum,
"Chuning Leo von Russen" [32]) короля Руського (1264 - 1301), перед тим князя Перемиського (1240 -
1264) і Белзького (1245 - 1264) [33]. В даному разі маємо перед собою найдавнішу руську геральдичну
пам'ятку відому нам не з опису, а з автентичного зображення. (...) Якщо ХІІ ст.., з якого походять
найдавніші відомості про руську геральдику (які, втім, стосуються в основному державної геральдики
Руського королівства), можемо з повним правом вважати періодом зародження руської геральдичної
традиції, то часом становлення руської геральдики у нас є всі підстави вважати наступне - ХІV ст.
Саме воно приносить нам порівняно численні відомості, що стосуються руського герботворення,
причому як державного, так і земельного, родового, міського та корпоративного. На державних
печатках і монетах Руського королівства, що походять з ХІV ст. незмінно бачимо зображення лева.
Так, на печатці Юрія І Л ь в о в и ч а короля Руського (1301 - 1308) фігуру лева, що спинається на скелю
вміщено в щиті готичної форми [42]. Аналогічне зображення має герб Руської землі й на наступних
печатках руських володарів: на трьох печатках Володислава Опольського (1372 - 1379, 1385 - 1387) -
маєстатичній 1372 - 1379."
:op.cit: Олег Однороженко: "Руські королівські, господарські та князівські печатки ХІІІ - ХVІ ст.",
ХАРКІВ 2009;.pp.5-7.
63/ which, however, was apparently overlooked by V.G. Krichevsky - the author of an engraving of the "royal"
seal commissioned by Hrushevsky in 1911.
64 / after all, in an attempt to prove his thesis, Dashkevich unknowingly (?) undermined the credibility of von
Siegl's reproduction of the seal ; in other words, he undermined the credibility of the correct "gluing" of the
obverse part with its reverse part in the state of preservation of the seal as it was at the time von Siegl redrew
65 // see also :footnote 37 ; p.321 in Дашкевич Ярослав: "ГЕРАЛЬДИЧНЕ ЗОБРАЖЕНННЯ ЛЕВА....",
pages of the aforementioned seal attributing to it (consistently with M.Hrushevsky) the origin
not of Lev Yurevich but of his grandfather Lev Danilovich who died in 1301 .(Fig.10 )66 /
Supported by the alleged edge of the rock, the "lion" visible on the reverse of the "prince's"
seal, after all, retains (according to O. Odnorozhenko's interpretation ) an intermediate
position between the walking "lion" and the climbed "lion" (fig.9c)

Fig.9b. Actual position of the "lion" on the reverse of the "duke" seal according to the state of
preservation of the original in 2022/.

Fig.9c position of the Lion on the reverse side of the "prince" seal: a) as read by O. Odbrozhenko, b-c)
according to the state of preservation (after restoration) in 2022.

66 / this has been proved both by the Polish historian A. Janeczek , as well as by Sergey Bielecki and Alexander
Musin (Rurikivich signs from Central and Eastern Europe: a history of research" .,in: "The sphinx of Slavic
sphragistics - the " Drohiczyn type " signs from Czermno on the East-European comparative background".
.,Kraków-Rzeszów-Saint Petersburg-Warsaw 2019.,vol.6 part 1.,p.461-478) who remain of the belief that the
heraldic mark of Lev Danilovich was the "bicubus" proper to the Romanovich family (vide p.472). They also
identify the alleged heraldic mark (?) of Daniel Halitsky as a kind of "inverted anchor" (vide Fig.29 on p.601
under item no .45 : "Danilovich / Daniel(1201-1264)").
Fig.10. Comparison of two images of the lion on the reverses of seals according to O. Odnorozhenko:
a) appearance of the reverse of the "princely" seal b) a p p e a r a n c e o f t h e r e v e r s e o f t h e
"royal" seal at the letter of Boleslav-Juri Trojdenovich of 1335 ; a1) as above. according to "a" - in
mirror image ; b1) the image of a lion with a BEGINNING tail on the shield of the coat of arms from
the seal according to "b" - enlarged.

However, a comparison of this "print" with the appearance of the original preserved in the
Berlin archive (Fig.11) only reveals the scale of the mystification carried out with the sole
purpose of underpinning the argument about the Ruthenian origin of the coat of arms of the
"Land of Lwow" in its version known to us fixed on the seal of King Wladyslaw Jagiello
(from 1398) and the appearance described by Dlugosz of the sign of one of the knightly
banners of the Polish army at the battle of Grunwald ... But even in this case it is impossible to
connect the images of both alleged "lions" with the mythical image of the "Galician lion",
because in one case (10.b1) he is the so-called "Ruthenian" lion when in the other (10.a1) he
is the "European" lion... /67

67 / on this issue see the detailed analysis of the origin of Lviv's coat of arms and the coat of arms of "Lviv Land"
in A. Szymski :" TAJEMNICA NAZWY LWOWA (the name of the city hidden in its coat of arms ) [The
Mistery of Lviv's Name ]", ( 2022) and Lappo - Danilewski's remarks (ibid.): footnote 2 on p. .239 . ;
Fig.11. Appearance of the reverses of both seals in the original as of 2022 : a) appearance o f t h e
r e v e r s e o f the ducal seal preserved with the letter of 1316 , b) appearance of the reverse of the
"royal" seal preserved with the letter of Bolesław-Jurij Trojdenowicz of 1335 ; a1) as above. according
to "a" - in mirror reflection ; b1) the image of a lion on the shield of the coat of arms from the seal
according to "b" - in magnification

In this way, however, both scholars solved the "mystery" of the appearance of the coat of arms
of "Lvov Land" o n t h e seal of Vladislav Yahaila in 1389, moving the already documented -
in their opinion - time of origin of this coat of arms to at least the beginning of the fourteenth
century , and in the version of O. Odnorozhenko (that this seal is in fact the s e a l o f Lev
Danilovich) to the thirteenth century (!) .
Their hypotheses, which were made public with drawings by Ukrainian artists, became
(together with a series of postage stamps issued in succession) an excellent tool for promoting
the "alleged symbolism" of the Halytko-Vlodzimir principality and its rulers as part of the
cultural heritage of post-Kiev Ruthenia (fig.12,fig.13.) /.68

68/ and the "Galician lion" thus confronted the "lion" being the symbol of the principality" of Suzdal-Vlodymyr"
and against its ruler for his rights to inherit the 'Kiev throne'.
Fig.12.a-c: a) presumed appearance of a mounted warrior of the princely army from the time of Yuri
Lvovich (?) with the coat of arms of the "Lvov Land" on a triangular shield according to a drawing by
Sergei Shamenkov ; b) postage stamp depicting the knight Daniel Romanovich with the so-called"
Ruthenian lion" on the shield,; c) Ukrainian postage stamp issued in 1999 on the occasion of the
alleged anniversary of the "800 years of the Galician-Volyn state" (until 1349 ?). 69/,

69/ in the original description; a) садник ГВК времён правления Юрия I, 1301 - 1308 ггг. Автор Сергей
Ш а м е н к о в ;b)Марка с изображением всадника Даниила Галицкого, XIII век...,;c) Марка "800 років
галицько-волинській державі " [ Army of the Halicko-Volyn Principality | Wiki Warriors and Military
Equipment | Fandom.
70623_3952771952854171648_n.jpg [With the coat of arms of "Lvov Land" (!) on the shield].
Fig.13. Марка с изображением Даниила Галицкого и его войска70/.


II.4.1. The seal of Lev Danilovich or the seal of Lev Yurevich ?

70 /King Daniel Romanowicz-Halicki wearing an alleged "closed crown"(?) on his head and with an image of the
alleged coat of arms of the Romanowiczs (the so-called "Galician" lion?) on the royal ensign depicting an
ascended lion crowned according to the 16th century Polish pattern.
The claim adopted in Ukrainian historiography after M. Hrushevsky ( and constituting one of
the dogmas in force therein ) that the alleged "prince's" seal is in fact that of Lev Danilovich
means that this seal would have had to have been created no later than t h e date Lev I took
power in the Principality of Halych after the death of Shvartna, that is, no later than the date
Lev Danilovich moved from Pemyśl to Lviv in 1271. Despite the fact that not all historians
today seem to agree with this view71 / it is still valid despite the fact that there is NO OTHER
evidence that could confirm this hypothesis. On the contrary, for the actual determination of
the time of its creation, the PROVIDENCE seems to be the explanation of what kind of armor
and armament the anonymous "warrior" depicted on its obverse side actually has.(Fig.14a-b) ,
including - PARTICULARLY - the kind of shield on which (against the rules of defense in
battle) he rests his RIGHT hand.

Fig.14 a-b. a) view of the obverse of the duke's seal as of 2022; b) appearance of the obverse
of the duke's seal as(?) of the late 19th century as depicted in K.R. von Siegel's engraving. /.72

In this matter, however, Ukrainian historians maintain an incomprehensible restraint, and

this despite the fact that the study of the type of armaments of the Russkie armies in the period
from the twelfth to the fourteenth century was undertaken in the twentieth century by many
others - directly with sfragistics not

71/Княжа доба: Книш Я. Sigillum Leonis // Княжа доба: історія і культура. 2010. № 3. С. 258 ; Dashkevich :
Дашкевич Я . Родовий знак Рюриковичів у Галицькому князівстві 13 с т . - НГ, (3-я), 1993 р., с. 32 -.
33.. Геральдичне зображення лева в період Галицько-Волинської держави: 1 пол. 14 ust. - Знак,1998р., №
16, с. 6 - 8.
72/ why did the director of the archive in Königsberg in the description of the appearance of the seal given to
Karamzin not see a shield (?) but mentioned both a "cross" and a "moon" and a spear which is no longer on the seal
in 2022.
related researchers - both Russian and foreign: whether from Germany , Poland, Hungary, the
Czech Republic, Belarus or Lithuania . / /7374
Despite the fact that these historians differ among themselves as to the specific determination
of the first date of use in the territory of ALL medieval Europe of the75 /rectangular shield
with a characteristic vertical "gutter" ( known in the world literature a s t h e "transom"
shield76 /)(Fig.14b), none of them are able to dispute the fact that this type of shield appeared
in central and eastern Europe no earlier than in the first half of the 14th century77 / when it
would have been imported from Prussia78 / to Mazovia and from there - or directly from
Prussia - (via?) Lithuania to

73/ in fact, the first Polish researcher who attempted to analyze the peculiarities of Teutonic armament and in this
context the meaning and origin of the shield "Pawez" was A. Nowakowski . [Andrzej Nowakowski:
"Armament of the Teutonic armies in Prussia in the 14th century and early 15th century" ;in: "Acta
Archaeologica Lodziensia No. 29 ,1980ro,p., 7-159,].
74 / in turn, the first who drew attention to the Lithuanian origins of the shields in Rus was V. Szpakovsky: В.
Шпаковский , Д. Николле : " Русская Армия 1250-1500 ггг" , Moscow, 2004[ ][
armiya-1250-1500-gg/read ]
75 /(1) Мікалай Плавінскі : "Узбраенне беларускіх земляў X-XIII стагоддзяў", Мінск, 2013;


Fase. V PL ISNN 0860-0007; p.83- 89., (3) Piotr Kittel : "Medieval offensive armament of the Prussians from
the area of northeastern Poland.", Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie nr 2, p.155-188., 2002. (4) ГРУБИН И.
ОСОБЕННОСТИ". ,/ На правах рукописи/. ,Специальность 07.00.02 - "Отечественная
история";Автореферат дисссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических
наук.,МОСКВА-2008.; (5) R. Beung : "Schilde.Formen,Verwendung und Terminologie ....w:
R.Beuing,W.Augustyn (ed): "Schilde des Spa "tmittelalters und der Fru "hen Neuzeit".,Dietmer Klinger
Verlag,Passau 2019. p.1-32.; (6) A. Nowakowski:" "Still on the genesis of the transom : remarks in the margin of
the book by A.
N. Kirpichnikova ",.in: "Quarterly Journal of the History of Material Culture".,vol.28,no.1.1980,,pp. 111-115
76/" ПАВЕЗА :европейский пехотный щит XIV- первой половины XVI в. Существовали большие и
малые (ручные) Павезы. Большие П. ставились на землю, закрывая человека до плеч. Их появление
связано с усилением в Европе роли пехоты, которая, выстроившись за стеной из щитов, могла применять
луки и арбалеты. По образцу больших делались ручные П., предназначавшиеся для нападающих
пехотинцев. Само слово "павеза", возможно, происходит от названия города Павия, который славился
изготовлением щитов. Павеза имела прямоугольную форму, нижняя сторона могла быть овальной с
вырезами. Их делали из дерева, обтягивали кожей и расписывали геральдическими эмблемами, а также
изречениями религиозного или библейского содержания. Посередине П. шел вертикальный полый
ж е л о б , усиливавший конструкцию. Сзади крепились ремни и ручки для переноски щита. С
распространением огнестрельного оружия Павезы выходят из употребления." (op.cit. Ю. В. Шокарев:
Словарь-справочник- Оружие"

77/ cf. for example : (1) / J. Kohlmorgen : "Der mittelalterliche Reiterschild - Historische Entwicklung von 975
bis 1350....".,Karfunkel Verlag,2002,p.138- 139.; E. VIOLLET-LE-DUG : "DICTIONNAIRE RAISONNÉ
"Pavois" (pp.215- 221).
78 / cf. D. Gosk:" Protective armament on the seals of the Mazovian Piasts as an example of the abrasion of the
influence of the East and West", [in:] "W pancerzu przez wieki. Z dziejów wojskowości polskiej i powszechnej",
ed. by M. Baranowski, A. Gładysz, A. Niewiński (Homo Militans series, 2), Oświęcim 2014, pp. 36-51.
Greater Novgorod79 / and Pskov Principalityonly second half of this century.80
/ (Fig.14a)

a) b)
Fig.14. a-b : a) A fragment of a bas-relief from a column of the former infirmary at the Teutonic Castle
in Malbork (Marienburg) dated to the beginning of the 14th century depicting a battle between
Teutonic knights and the Prussians.81/; b) a view of a horseman's shield (the so-called small "pavé")
with a characteristic
"gutter" dating back to the 15th century from Hungarian territory.

The fact that this type of shield was widely used in Lithuania in the 14th and 15th centuries is
confirmed by their use by the troops of the Duchy of Lithuania ( both on foot and on
horseback ) both in the Battle of Kulikowe Pole (1380)82 / and in the Battle of Grunwald
(1410)(Fig.18c) /.83
This fact is directly confirmed by the preserved images of these shields on the seal of both
Kiejstut ( as Prince of Tver) or Prince Lengwist , and also on the majestic seal of Grand Duke
Vytautas from 1407 in the coat of arms of the Trakai region (Fig.15a-b)

79/vide: М. И . Петров:: "Военное дело в древнерусской сфрагистике".,in: "Великий Новгород i

средневековая Русь" (ed.N.A. Makarov).,Moscow ,2009.,:fig.5-7 p.650
80/ cf. the entry "shield" in the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia..." according to .Kirpichnikov A.N., Old Russian
Weapons, c. 3, L., 1971 : "....Во 2-й пол. 14-15 вв. в Северной Руси использовали павезы - прямоугольные
Щ. с округлёнными углами и жёлобом, членившим поле Щ. на 3 части и облегчавшим защитные
манипуляции." [ Большая советская энциклопедия. в 30-ти т. - 3-е изд. - М. : Советская энциклопедия,
1969 - 1986. ил., карт.; ]
81 / a battle between Teutonic troops and Prussian troops with small shields "transom"-called by the Teutonic
"prusche schilde" [ 128 B. Engel, Ein Original Deutschordens-Hochmeisterschild, ZfHWK, Bd. 2, 1900-1902,
s. 95, Fig. 1]

83[/KrzysztoKmak: "GreatWarWiththeCrusaderConquest1409-1411"[ war-withthecrusaderconquest-1409-1411/ ].
a) b)
Fig..15 a-b .images of "Lithuanian shields" on ducal seals of the second half of the 14th and
early 15th centuries /.84

According to the view of Polish historians85 / shield used by Prussian warriors in battles
against the Teutonic Order already in the early years of the fourteenth century (Fig.17a) would
h a v e f o u n d i t s w a y t o the territories of the Mazovian principalities bordering
Prussia, and in turn from Mazovia to the lands of the Lithuanian Commonwealth86 / or
through direct family (?), contacts with the court of the dukes of Halicko-Vlodzimierski - to
be adopted in Western Rus - for which, however, there is no evidence whatsoever (except for
THIS single existing imprint of the "ducal" seal) that could definitively confirm or refute
this thesis.
Although it can be hypothetically assumed that in its "Mazovian" version this shield may have
been known in Volhynia and Galicia earlier than in the Novgorodian Republic (Fig.16), what
is puzzling here is the similarity of the model of the figure on this seal compared to other seals
of Ruthenian princes which we know today mainly through the publications of V.L. Janin/87
, and whose time of origin dates back a t least to the end of the 11th century (!), of which both
B.Barwiński, M.Hruszewski, and Lappo - Danilewski ,

84 / Kajetan Wincenty Kielisinski. File:Vitaŭt Vialiki. Вітаўт Вялікі (K. Kielisinski, 1841).jpg
Through the Ages. Z
The history of the Polish and universal military, edited by M. Baranowski, A. Gladysz, A. Niewinski (Homo
Militans Series, 2), Auschwitz 2014, pp. 36-51.
86 / with this view agrees with the Russian historian - V.Shpakovsky, who in his description of the battles fought

by the Lithuanians in the 13th century claims that this shield (the famous "Lithuanian pavese" - rectangular
shield with a semicircular groove for the hand in the middle ) arrived in Lithuania from the northeastern
lands of Poland and not earlier than the end of the 13th century [ В. О. Шпаковский : "Крестоносцы.
Первая полная энциклопедия"...,
© "Издательство "Яуза", 2018 ] [ ]
87 /vide footnote no.45
Apparently, in their assessments of this seal, they did NOT notice or ignored this fact
(Fig.16)(Fig.21) . /88

Fig.16. Seals of the "Novgorod posadniki" in odrys and originals according to the dating of V.L .
Janina: 1-1a seal of Ivan Ivanovich (1354-1359), 2-2a seal of Dmitri Ivanovich (1362-1389),3-3a seal
of Philip (1370r).4-4a seal of Ivan Ereminich (1372r)89/.

The issue of studying the development of weapons, including both types of helmets and
(especially) shields worn by the troops of the various Ruthenian principalities that existed in
the former territory of Kievan Rus from the 12th century to the 15th century was addressed by
Russian historian Mikhail Petrov90 / proving, among other things.Among other things, that the
shields known in the literature under the name "PAVAGE" (although nowhere in the original
preserved) appeared in Rus , as part of the armament, not earlier than in the fourteenth century
and only in the armies of the Novgorod Republic (Fig.16)(Fig.17)(Fig.18d) which - in turn -
seems to correspond with the time in which these shields (with characteristic

88/ Generally Russian sphragistics is clearly divided into pre-Mongolian and post-Mongolian. This difference
can be seen not so much in the symbolic layer itself (mainly still based on the Byzantine canon) but in the
quality of their workmanship Pre-Mongolian seals are often of a higher quality discernible in fine details such as
armor scales, details of facial features, etc., From the 12th century to the 15th century a particularly characteristic
on these seals remains ( on the seals of ancient Russia and medieval Russia) is the image of the
"holy warrior." This warrior (patron saint of the seal owner) is most often depicted with a spear and shield. And
not on horseback, but on foot, in a standing position am-phas to the viewer (as a rule, also without a headdress -
2 Novgorod seals). Of the 300 ancient seals found and analyzed, there are 233 of them when a warrior with a
sword is found in 42 seals. Cf. V.L. Janin:: "Актовые печати....",vol.1 and 2 ; Е. И. Каменцева, Н. В.
Устюгов:" Русская сфрагистика и геральдика", МОСКВА "ВЫСШАЯ ШКОЛА". ,1974.
89 /W.L.Janin,1970, no.414,no.418,no.599,no.699.
90/ М. И. Петров:: "Военное дело в древнерусской сфрагистике".,in: "Великий Новгород i средневековая
Русь" (ed.N.A. Makarov).,Moscow ,2009.;pp. 644 - 654
vertical "trough") would appear - imported from Prussia - in the Mazovian area (Fig. 22d ).

Fig.17. chronological arrangement of shield forms on seals according to M.I. Petrov (in the
circle are marked seals with the figure of a "holy warrior" holding a shield identified by the
author as a "peacock" shield ( fig.7.,p.150)
In the context of the above remarks, the only (so far) publication on this problem by M.
Kozak91 / acquires special significance.
For if this alleged shield pictured on the seal - which no one has so far disputed - is REALLY
this (in Mazovia called "Mazovian", and in the Teutonic State called "Prussian" = prusche
schilde) specifically shield (Fig.14a.) then the limiting date possible to determine the pp. time
of the above-mentioned "ducal" seal's creation would be the year 1313 (?).92 / For there is no
evidence that this type of shield could have been in use (both on the territory of Volhynia and
Galicia) in an earlier period.93 / Thus, this also excludes - regardless of the remarks already
formulated by J. Daszkiewicz94 / the possibility of attributing it to Lew.


ХІІІ-ХIV ст.",in : Людина, суспільство, влада в давній та ранньомодерній Україні: контексти історичної
презентації / Відп. ред. В. Смолій. НАН України. Інститут історії України. - K.: Інститут історії України,
92 / in the dates of the reigns of the various principalities in Mazovia (assuming that their seals known in the
literature, on which the "prince's" seal could be modeled, could theoretically have been created already in the
first years of their reigns: (1) The foot seal of Siemowit II as Prince of Wisko (1313?-1345?), (2) The foot seal of
Waclaw Plocki (1313?-1336?).
93/Although it is not possible to directly exclude (or categorically deny) the possibility of the appearance of a
"peacoat" in the territories of Halytic and Vladimir Ruthenia at the same time as it was supposed to have already
occurred i n t h e Lithuanian duchy, indirect evidence that a shield of this type still in the first half of the 15th
century (!) by the Ruthenian troops from the territory of the former Halicz and Vladimir principalities was not
used is the absence of THESE shields in the list of armaments of the Ruthenian land flags subordinate to King
Jagiello , and which took part in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410.[see footnote no.54. ]
94 / Дашкевич Я: "Родовий знак Рюриковичів у Галицькому князівстві 13 ст.",w: Третя наукова
геральдична конференція (Львів, 4-5 листопада 1993 р.): 36. тез повід, та доп. - Львів, 1993 - С. 32-33.
Danilovich (+1301r) by O. Odnorozhanka endowed with the title of "royal95 / also completely
refutes the thesis of Knisz96 / about the attribution of the seal with the image of "bicuzub" to
Lev Yurevich.
However, this "obviousness" did not prevent Ukrainian artists from creating images of both
mounted and foot warriors armed with this particular type of shield as early as the reign of
Daniel Romanovich in the Duchy of Halych (Fig.18a-b)

Fig.18 a-b) a ) alleged appearance of Daniel Romanovich's heavy-armed mounted spearman with
Pavezh shield - in alleged artistic creation reproduced in Ukrainian popular and scientific publications
97/; b) actual (?) appearance of Daniel Romanovich's "druzhnik" (after his military reform of t h e 2nd

half of the 13th century) with triangular shield 98/.

[ Жодних печаток на грамотах кн.Льва Даниловича (чи автентичних, чи підроблених) не збереглося. В 15

- 18 st. визнавались автентичними тільки такі його грамоти, які мали печатку з "зубом". Напевно, це
давній термін для зображення, що ми звемо тризубом. Нема підстав припускати, що лев як
геральдичний символ використовувався раніше за поч. 14 st. (за життя кн.Льва)"]

96 /see footnote 70
97 / Тяжеловооружённый знатный конный копейщик (представитель старшей дружины, 1 линия боевого
построения wg." Войско Галицко-Волынского княжества", :
Войско Галицко-Волынского княжества | Воины и военная техника вики | Fandom
98 /[According to an illustration included in L.Wojtowicz's book: [Леонтій Войтович:" ЛЕВ ДАНИЛОВИЧ

к н я з ь галицько-волинський (бл. 1225 - бл. 1301)", Львів-2014.,p.67.].

c d
Fig.18. c-d Lithuanian (c) and Novgorodian (d) boyars from the late 14th century with
"prusche schilde" shields according to a contemporary image /.99


Whose seal?
In Ukrainian historical literature, the view has become established that of the two seals
hanging (?) by the 1316 document, the "royal" seal(with the inscription "REX" on the legend)
belongs to Andrey Yurevich and the seal "with a lion" to Lev Yurevich. Citing examples
(known in history) of various rulers using the seal of their deceased predecessor, Ukrainian
historians take it for granted that this is what happened in the case of Andrey, who would have
used his father's seal during his reign - having no seal of his own (named?).
After all, the question of the origin of the seal that his brother-Lev was supposed to have used
is explained differently. For in this matter there are two independently formulated views by
Ukrainian historians. One - using a similar analogy to the case of Andrew's seal - attributes
this seal to his grandfather Lev Danilovich (Fig.19a) [vide O. Odnorozhenko].

99 /A-242 Russian equestrian warrior, 14th century - STUDIO "GARDARIKA" (

while others remain convinced that this is the ORIGINAL seal of Lev Yurevich - previously
not used by his predecessors.(vide : Lappo-Danilewski, Dashkevich)
This stands in opposition to the view of J. Knysz, according to whom the seal of Lev
Yurevich would be "dwuzub" which, after all, is also attributed to Lev Danilovich (when both
Yuri Lvovich and Andrew Yurevich would have a completely different sign of arms - not
described in detail anywhere) : vide on this issue L. Wojtowycz and A. Janeczek [ANDRZEJ
After all - abstracting from the basic issue which is the matter of "substitution" suggested by
Lappo-Danielewski. or, more precisely, to replace the original (?) ducal seal of Andrew with
the royal seal of his father, which could have been done by any of the archivists at a time
before not only the publication of Karamzin, but also the publication of Kotezbuze (that is, at
the end of the eighteenth or early nineteenth century)101 /, according to Jarosław Knysz102 /
Lev Jurewicz had a different seal (fig.19)(c) even in the part where the tamga TOGETHER
was placed with the image of the seal that - according to L. Voitovych - Lev Danilovich
would have had (fig.19 b)103 /
If both of the above-mentioned historians are correct, then this seal "with the image of a lion"
next to the letter of 1316 would have to belong to Andrey Yurevich, however, or J. Knysz is
wrong, and then both seals described by both scientists would belong to Lev Danilovich.
After all, the above remarks do not help in any way to clarify the question of what this seal of
the prince actually is and WHAT i s REALLY depicted on it?
For there is no doubt that it is a sphragistic phenomenon in itself. Not b e i n g a b l e t o be
qualified to any of the known seal patterns both in the East (Ruthenia) and in the West
(Europe) not only makes it impossible to directly determine TIMES OF ITS CREATION as
well as its actual PURPOSE (ruler's name seal or territory seal?).

Although, as Janeczek writes :" In addition, we know the seals of Leo II and Andrew attached to a jointly
issued Latin document in 1316, preserved in the original. None of them is the seal of
"with a tooth." One, attributed to Lion, has on the obverse a figure of a standing knight, on the reverse a
cowering lion; the other, attributed to Andrew, depicts on the obverse a prince on a throne, on the reverse a rider
in armor, presumably St. George. Without going into the complex issue of the attribution of these seals,
which has a separate literature/85, it must be admitted that the premise against Lion II, derived from the fact
that no seal "with a tooth" was attached to the 1316 document, is weak. It can be shaken by arguing, admittedly
only theoretically, that Lev Yurievich had two seals, a large and a small one (the seal "with a tooth" would have
been a sigillum minus), or different seals for Ruthenian gramoths and Latin documents/86 ." (op.cit.p.188)
101 /Лаппо-Данилевский А.:" Печати последних галичско-владимирских князей......."
102 / / Я. Книш :" Sigillum Leonis" in : Княжа доба: історія і культура. - Львів, 2010 - Вип. 3. - С. 264.
103/L. Woytowycz : "Lev Danilovich prince of Halych-Volhynia",published by Avalon -Krakow 2022. ; Janeczek A.:
Fig.19 a-c: alleged seal images attributed to Lev Danilovich or Lev Yurevich: a) according to
M.Hrushevsky, B.Barvinsky and O.Odnorozhenko, this is Lev Danilovich's seal, according to Lappo-
Danilevsky, this is Yuri Lvovich's seal; b) according to L.Vojtovych, this is Lev Danilovich's seal;
c)according to J.Knysh, this is Lev Yurevich's seal.
NSIS) /104

104 / ttps://

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