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Place clue

1) scary movies are lots of fun if you’re up for a little fright. creep on over to the screen you could stay up and watch all

2) on halloween night when spooky noises peep, there’s a safe place you can eat in peace your favorite meal.

3) halloween is the perfect chance for stories with a scary theme so head to where the events are made and be careful not to

4) costumes, pumpkins and yummy food to eat wander to the room you’ll find a spooky broom.

Place clue
1) scary movies are lots of fun if you’re up for a little fright. creep on over to the screen you could stay up and watch all

2) on halloween night when spooky noises peep, there’s a safe place you can eat in peace your favorite meal.

3) halloween is the perfect chance for stories with a scary theme so head to where the events are made and be careful not to

4) costumes, pumpkins and yummy food to eat wander to the room you’ll find a spooky broom.

Place clue
1) scary movies are lots of fun if you’re up for a little fright. creep on over to the screen you could stay up and watch all

2) on halloween night when spooky noises peep, there’s a safe place you can eat in peace your favorite meal.

3) halloween is the perfect chance for stories with a scary theme so head to where the events are made and be careful not to

4) costumes, pumpkins and yummy food to eat wander to the room you’ll find a spooky broom.


1. Treasure hunt: Búsqueda del tesoro: encontrar los elementos y armar el mensaje o el jueguete o el
2. This blows: Poner los vasitos en la mesa y con una bomba tumbarlos competencia entre dos equipos.
3. Face the cookie: Ponerse la galleta en la frente con la cabeza arriba y sin usar las manos llevar la galleta a la boca
y comérsela. Competencia por equipos.
4. Beerpong con preguntas en lugar de cerveza.
5. Yank me: 6 vasos y 6 pedazos de carton paja. Poner vaso, carton, y luego retirar el carton rápidamente. El vaso
debe caer enturrado en el siguiente vaso.


 Clue cards
 Phrases to complete the message
 Plastic glasses
 Balloons
 Ping pongs
 Rectángulos de carton paja
 Spoons
 Preguntas (talk room)
 Oreo cookies

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