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Crit Care Nurs Q

Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 2–8

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pathophysiology of COPD
Jennifer Leap, DO; Obaid Arshad, MD;
Tariq Cheema, MD, FCCP, MMM; Marvin Balaan, MD

This article provides an overview of the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease including the physiological mechanisms that are known precursors. The roles of environ-
mental and genetic causes are considered. α 1 -Antitrypsin deficiency is also discussed as it relates to
the development of airflow obstruction. Key words: α 1 -antitrypsin, chronic bronchitis, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, pathophysiology
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DISEASE (COPD) is a disease of pul-
monary inflammation and poorly reversible
these toxins. An epithelial barrier provides
a physical blockade to foreign materials
entering the body through the lungs. Mu-
airflow obstruction. It is caused by an im- cociliary clearance removes many inhaled
mune response to long-term inhalation of particles that make it past the upper air-
particles and gases. In the United States, ways. An acute inflammatory response to
cigarette smoking is the most common cause; these foreign molecules removes pathogens
however, pollution and gases have also been from causing further damage, but this re-
implicated. It is a heterogeneous disease with sponse has no memory. The humoral and
different poorly described phenotypes and cellular components of the immune sys-
both genetic and environmental risk factors. tem develop slowly but produce memory to
Clinical symptoms, radiologic appearance, these previous injuries. The tissue is healed
and degree of airflow obstruction vary greatly through microvascular changes and adding
between patients. of connective tissue matrix. Both the lung
parenchyma and airways are typically affected
by this inflammation and remodeling. Differ-
ing mechanisms of injury and recovery may
lead to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and
Cigarette smoking and other noxious in-
halants cause inflammation in the small
airways of all individuals. The immune sys- Inflammatory mediators and oxidative
tem has an innate defense system against stress
COPD patients have increased numbers
of neutrophils, macrophages, and T lym-
Author Affiliation: Division of Pulmonary Critical
Care Medicine, Allegheny Health Network, Allegheny phocytes (CD8 > CD4) in their lungs.
General Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. These inflammatory cells release several
Dr Tariq Cheema serves on the speaker’s bureau for cytokines and chemotactic factors that
Boehringer Ingelheim and GSK and is a consultant for cause further inflammation. Macrophages,
Noveme Biotherapeutics Inc. The other authors have no neutrophils, and epithelial cells release
conflicts of interest to declare.
leukotriene B4 that attracts additional neu-
Correspondence: Tariq Cheema, MD, FCCP, MMM, trophils and T cells. Chemotactic factors
Pulmonary Lab, Division of Pulmonary Critical Care
Medicine, Allegheny Health Network, Allegheny Gen- such as CXC chemokines, interleukin (IL)-8,
eral Hospital, 320 East North Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 and growth-related oncogene α are pro-
( duced by macrophages and epithelial cells
DOI: 10.1097/CNQ.0000000000000334 that stimulate cellular migration. Additional

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pathophysiology of COPD 3

proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor Airflow obstruction and small airway

necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and IL-1β and IL-6 disease
are released that further perpetuates the The main areas of airflow obstruction oc-
inflammatory injury. Growth factors such as cur at the airways that are less than 2 mm
transforming growth factor β release connec- in diameter, or the 4th to 12th generation of
tive tissue growth factor that causes scarring bronchi.1 The narrow diameter of these air-
and subsequent fibrosis of the lung.2 ways causes inhaled irritants to more easily
Environmental inhaled toxins such as the collide with the bronchial walls and cause
free radicals in cigarette smoke produce ox- damage.4 On histology, these airways show
idative stress. In addition to causing the mucus plugs. They have increased numbers
inflammation described earlier, this oxida- of neutrophils, macrophages, CD4 cells, CD8
tive stress releases proteases and inacti- cells, B cells, and lymphoid follicles. Thick-
vates several antiproteases. Neutrophils re- ening of the airways and the number of
lease elastase, cathepsin G, and protease 3, lymphoid follicles have been shown to corre-
whereas macrophages release cysteine pro- late with disease progression.1 There is both
teases, cathepsins E, A, L, and S, and matrix a loss of terminal bronchioles and narrow-
metalloproteases such as MMP-8, MMP-9, and ing of these airways. The reduced number
MMP-12. When these proteases are activated, and the smaller diameter of airways decrease
they cause alveolar wall destruction, mucous the total cross-sectional area for airflow, in-
hypersecretion, and abnormal tissue repair. creasing resistance to airflow. This airway
Antiproteases typically protect lung tissue destruction of the terminal bronchioles tends
and include α 1 -antitrypsin (AAT), secretory to predate the emphysematous changes seen
leucoprotease inhibitor, and tissue inhibitors in the alveoli.8 The emphysematous tissue re-
of metalloproteases, which are inactivated.2 sults in a decreased number of alveolar walls
attached to the terminal bronchioles. This can
reduce airway patency, making the airways
Mucus hypersecretion and chronic close during expiration and causing airflow
bronchitis obstruction.4
On pathology, respiratory bronchiolitis is
Long-term inflammation causes metapla- seen with an increase in macrophages in
sia of the bronchial epithelial goblet cells the lumen of the respiratory bronchioles and
through inflammation, oxidative stress, pro- alveolar spaces. They contain finely granular
tease imbalance, and signal transduction golden-brown pigment.9
pathways. There are hypertrophy and hy-
perplasia of submucosal bronchial glands.
These cause obstruction to airflow and ac- Emphysema
celerated decline in lung function, leading to Emphysema is defined as permanent abnor-
an increase in acute exacerbations. The bio- mal enlargement of the respiratory airspaces
chemical properties of the excreted mucus or alveoli accompanied by destruction of the
change, making it form more plugs. These alveolar walls without obvious macroscopic
mucus plugs block the airways and cause fibrosis.9 There are 4 main types of emphy-
constant colonization of the airway with bac- sema: proximal acinar, panacinar (found in
terial pathogens3 (Figure 1). The amount of AAT deficiency), distal acinar (or parasep-
phlegm production has been shown to cor- tal), or enlargement with fibrosis (also called
relate with forced expiratory volume in the paracicatrical emphysema).9,10 An acinus is
first second of expiration (FEV1 ) decline over the unit of lung tissue that is connected to
time.5,6 Patients with chronic bronchitis have a single terminal membranous bronchiole. A
lower quality-of-life scores and worse physical lobule is the amount of lung tissue that is
limitations.3,7 encompassed by the pleural and/or septa. It

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Figure 1. Microscopy of COPD and chronic bronchitis. (A) Masson’s Trichrome stain showing fibrosis and
thickening of airway. (B) Arrow showing mucus plug in bronchiole. (C) Increased number of goblet cells
(arrow) in bronchiole. (D) Increased number of inflammatory cells (arrow) in bronchiole wall. (Reprinted
with permission from Higham et al.4 )

typically contains 3 to 6 acini. Proximal acinar recoil of the lungs. This leads to airflow
emphysema includes the centriacinar emphy- obstruction, reduced areas for gas exchange,
sema typically seen in cigarette smokers and and increased dead space2,4 (Figure 2).
the focal centriacinar emphysema seen in
pneumoconiosis. In centriacinar emphysema, Pulmonary vascular changes
the respiratory bronchioles are affected but Pulmonary hypertension is an important
the distal alveoli sacs are relatively spared. comorbidity of COPD as it is linked to worse
Because the respiratory bronchioles are in mortality and morbidity and typically devel-
the center of a lobule, the emphysema is ops late in COPD. Chronic hypoxia causes
centrilobular. Paraseptal emphysema is the pulmonary arterial constriction.2 There is
opposite, with the distal alveoli affected but intimal thickening of the arteries adjacent
with normal proximal acini.9 to the bronchioles due to smooth mus-
On microscopy, there are increased cle proliferation and deposition of elastin
macrophages and CD8 T lymphocytes. and collagen. These arteries are unable to
Alveolar walls are destroyed by the loss of dilate fully in response to exercise, acetyl-
epithelial and endothelial cells. Bulla, or choline, or increases in airflow.9 Long-term
emphysematous airspaces measuring greater smoking is associated with a decrease in ni-
than 1 cm, may also be seen.2 This destruc- tric oxide response, further reducing arterial
tion of alveolar walls causes a loss of elastic vasodilatation in COPD.11

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pathophysiology of COPD 5

Figure 2. H&E stain. (A) Emphysematous lung with loss of alveolar wall attachments. (B) Normal lung.
Reprinted with permission from Higham et al.4

Environmental and genetic causes of Cigarettes contain free radicals that cause
COPD oxidative damage to the lungs. Defects in
Besides cigarette smoking, increases in the protective mechanisms for this damage
COPD prevalence have also been associated may contribute to COPD. Short tandem re-
with environmental pollution, cooking fumes peat polymorphisms in the heme oxygenase-1
in regions using indoor wood stoves with gene promoter region14 and mutations in the
poor ventilation, exposure to coal and gold glutathione S1 -transferases15 may be associ-
mining dust, exposure to gas in cadmium ated with COPD. Multiple other associations
mining, and exposure to dust and gases in of genetic mutations and COPD have been
underground tunnel workers. The disease is found; however, these genetic variations have
more common among patients with lower so- not been replicated in other studies. Future
cioeconomic status. It has a poorer prognosis research is required to investigate the genetic
when associated with low body mass index causes of COPD.12
(BMI). Even factors in utero or in adolescent
development may contribute to future COPD
development.12 α 1 -Antitrypsin deficiency
Cigarette smoking is responsible for 80% AAT deficiency is present in 1% to 2% of
to 90% of COPD cases in the United States; COPD patients,16 About 60% of those with
however, only 15% to 20% of cigarette smok- AAT deficiency develop airflow obstruction17
ers develop COPD. This suggests that genetic The severity of obstructive lung disease is
predisposition also plays a large role in the variable, suggesting that the environment and
development of COPD. The most important modifier genes are also clinically important.16
genetic cause is AAT deficiency (see later). AAT is a protease inhibitor encoded by the
Even patients who are heterozygous for this SERPINA1 gene18 on chromosome 14q32.1.16
mutation and do not have the disease are at It is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticu-
an increased risk of COPD.12 lum of liver hepatocytes and then released
There are familial clusterings of COPD in into the bloodstream. It protects tissue from
patients with other mutations. Taq-1 poly- the enzymes released during inflammation,
morphism of AAT is associated with reduced notably the protease neutrophil elastase. Its
production of AAT and COPD. Mutations in levels rise 3 to 5 times in acute inflammation.
cytokine TNF-α were more prevalent in a Symptoms of the disease typically develop
group of Taiwanese patients with COPD.13 between 20 and 40 years of age.19

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

The normal allele encoded by the SER- atic islet cell tumors, pancreatitis, and celiac
PINA1 gene is called PI*M (Table). Patients disease.17
with 2 copies of the normal allele, or PI*MM, Early diagnosis of AAT deficiency allows for
will have AAT levels of 100 to 350 mg/dL lifestyle modification, mainly avoiding inhaled
or 20 to 53 μM in the serum. Pathogenic toxins. However, it is estimated that only 10%
alleles include PI*S, PI*Z, and the Null al- of patients with AAT deficiency have been
lele (or nonfunctional gene). The Z allele identified. The average age of diagnosis is
is caused by a single substitution of ly- 43.9 years, and there is an average delay of
sine for glutamic acid at position 342. This diagnosis of 5.6 ± 8.3 years.19 In a com-
causes polymerization of the protein that bined statement from 2003, the American
accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum Thoracic Society and the European Respi-
of hepatocytes. When heterozygous (PI*ZZ), ratory Society recommend considering AAT
this causes severely low AAT levels and a high deficiency in patients with (1) early-onset em-
risk of cirrhosis.19 The majority of patients physema (age ≤45 years), (2) emphysema
with AAT deficiency have the genotype PI*ZZ in the absence of a recognized risk factor,
and will have AAT levels below 50 mg/dL or (3) emphysema with prominent basilar hy-
11 μM/L, which is considered the protective perlucency, (4) otherwise unexplained liver
threshold.16 The Z allele is more common in disease, (5) necrotizing panniculitis, (6) anti-
those with European descent, where the S proteinase 3–positive vasculitis (C-ANCA),
allele is more common in those with Mediter- (7) family history of emphysema bronchiec-
ranean descent. Other more rare alleles exist, tasis liver disease or panniculitis, and (8)
including the Pittsburgh allele, where AAT bronchiectasis without obvious cause. Sib-
is converted from an elastase inhibitor to lings of patients with AAT deficiency should
a thrombin inhibitor.19 These patients are be screened. Screening may be considered
prone to bleeding issues.16 in adolescents with asthma and a nonre-
AAT deficiency has been implicated as versible airflow obstruction. There are cur-
a possible cause of COPD, bronchiectasis, rently no recommendations for population
atopic disease, liver cirrhosis, hepatocel- screening.17
lular carcinoma, ANCA vasculitis (mainly Patients with AAT deficiency should
granulomatosis with polyangiitis and mi- have typical COPD care, including avoid-
croscopic polyangiitis), necrotizing panni- ing cigarette and environmental pollutants,
culitis, glomerulonephritis, abdominal aortic influenza and pneumococcal vaccination,
aneurysms, intracranial aneurysms, pancre- bronchodilators, inhaled steroids, oxygen

Table. Genotype of AAT and Risk of Emphysema and Cirrhosisa

Serum Level AAT, Risk of Liver

Genotype mg/dL (μm/L) Emphysema Accumulation Risk of Cirrhosis
MM Normal 150-350 (20-48) Normal No Normal
Null-Null Undetectable Greatest risk No Normal
ZZ 20-45 (2.5-7) High (60%) Yes High (30%-40% adults)
SZ 45-120 (8-16) Slightly Yes Slightly increased
SS 100-200 (15-33) Possible Small amount No increase
MZ 90-210 (17-33) Possible Yes Slightly increased

Abbreviation: AAT, α 1 -antitrypsin.

From American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society.17

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Pathophysiology of COPD 7

as needed for desaturation, and exercise. adjusted for cigarette smoking.23 The sys-
Intravenous (IV) human plasma-derived aug- temic inflammation in COPD has been impli-
mentation therapy is the IV administration cated as a possible cause for atherosclerotic
of purified human AAT concentrate. Adverse disease.18
reactions are rare and include fever, chills, Up to 75% of patients with COPD may
dyspnea, and anaphylaxis. Augmentation have osteoporosis. The severity of COPD
benefit is approved for individuals with AAT correlates with the severity of the bone
deficiency and emphysema with a confirmed mineral density loss. The bone mineral den-
airflow obstruction of any severity. This sity loss also correlates with loss of muscle
has been proven to slow the rate of FEV1 mass.24 Smoking, low BMI, and steroids use
decline and decrease mortality. It has the put patients at risk of osteoporosis and are
strongest benefit in patients with moderate also present in many with COPD. However,
airflow obstruction or FEV1 35% to 60% of emphysema itself may also contribute to
predicted.17 osteoporosis.18 Thoracic vertebral compres-
sion fractures from osteoporosis may, in turn,
Systemic inflammation in COPD worsen lung function.25
Patients with COPD are also at risk for COPD shares several risk factors with lung
cachexia, muscle wasting, cardiovascular dis- cancer and obstructive sleep apnea. The sys-
ease, anemia, secondary polycythemia, osteo- temic inflammation may also increase the risk
porosis, diabetes, depression, anxiety, lung of these diseases. It is important to screen
cancer, and sleep apnea.2 There are increased patients for these comorbidities.18
systemic inflammatory markers in COPD such
as cytokines, chemokines, and acute-phase Pathophysiology of COPD exacerbations
proteins. This may be from smoking or from COPD exacerbations may be caused by bac-
the disease itself. These markers are higher in terial or viral infection, air pollution, and
times of exacerbation or with severity.18 changes in the weather. They are associ-
IL-6 is elevated in COPD, particularly during ated with an increased number of neutrophils
exacerbations, and may increase C-reactive and sometimes increased eosinophils in the
protein and other acute-phase proteins from lungs. Inflammation in the lungs may cause
the liver. Increases in IL-6 may be associ- edema, mucus hypersecretion, and bron-
ated with cardiac failure and skeletal muscle choconstriction. This along with respiratory
weakness.18,20 TNF-α is elevated in COPD muscle fatigue may worsen gas exchange.
and has also been implicated as a cause for Worsening oxygenation may lead to wors-
cachexia.18,21 The loss of type 1 muscle fibers ening perfusion due to autoregulation of
has been shown to correlate with worsening pulmonary vasculature. This may increase
dyspnea scores.22 pulmonary vasculature pressures and lead
COPD and heart disease share many risk to right ventricle volume overload. Respira-
factors, especially smoking. However, the pul- tory muscle fatigue and diminished alveolar
monary disease also affects heart function. ventilation from obstruction also causes wors-
FEV1 is an independent predictor for the mor- ening hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis
tality from a myocardial infarction even when and eventually may cause death.2


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