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Prepared for



Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang

Name Student ID









TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................................. 2
1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................ 4
3.0 SCOPE OF WORK....................................................................................................................5
4.0 METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................... 5
5.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS............................................................................................ 10
5.1 ANALYSIS OF DEFORMATION ON THE STRUCTURE............................................ 10
5.2 ANALYSIS OF STRESS AND FOS OF THE STRUCTURE..........................................11
6.0 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................13

Software called Abaqus CAE is used for simulations of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and
finite element analysis (FEA). A fundamental understanding of finite element analysis is helpful
in understanding the underlying theory of Abaqus CAE. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a
numerical technique for breaking down larger, infinite-sized elements to analyse the behaviour of
structures and systems. The connections between these components, known as nodes, create a
mesh that closely resembles the continuous geometry of the structure. Then, using this
discretized mesh, the problem's governing equations are numerically solved. Abaqus CAE's
user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) enables users to quickly and effectively create, edit,
monitor, diagnose, and visualise complex Abaqus analyses.

Abaqus CAE uses a variety of numerical techniques and algorithms to effectively address
challenging engineering issues. To handle a variety of analysis scenarios, it makes use of
cutting-edge techniques like adaptive meshing, contact algorithms, nonlinear solution algorithms,
and parallel computing. Engineers and analysts can gain insights into the behaviour of structures
and systems, evaluate their performance, optimise designs, and make well-informed decisions by
utilising the power of finite element analysis with Abaqus CAE.

Uniaxial tension on a plate with a circular hole is the subject of the assignment's problem that
needs to be solved. Uniaxial tension refers to the stretching of a plate with a circular hole by
applying a force only in one direction. The plate will experience stress and strain as a result of
this kind of loading.

There are plenty of objectives that are not only for the assignment's purpose but also for
resolving the problem statement that results from the problem, including;

● To determine the deformation of the mounting structure under a specified load

● To determine the stress and factor of safety (FoS) of the structure under a specified load
● To analyze the behaviour of a plate subjected to uniaxial tension (stretching) when it
contains a circular hole
● To determine how the presence of the hole affects the overall stress distribution, strain
concentration, and potential failure points within the plate
● To assess the crack growth behaviour near the circular hole under uniaxial tension

The Scope of Work for Abaqus encompasses various important aspects of the project.
Firstly, it begins with a comprehensive project overview, providing key details such as
objectives, timeline, and stakeholders involved. Additionally, the analysis requirements section
clearly defines the specific type of analysis to be performed, including structural, thermal,
dynamic, or multiphysics analysis. Moreover, the model development stage is highlighted,
involving tasks such as creating or importing the 3D CAD model, defining material properties,
applying boundary conditions, and generating the necessary mesh. Furthermore, the simulation
setup section delves into crucial details like analysis type, solver settings, convergence criteria,
and load increments. Additionally, material characterization, if applicable, is addressed, which
may involve obtaining material properties or calibrating material models. In addition, the
analysis execution guidelines cover important factors such as the required software version,
solver settings, and potential parallel computing needs.

Moreover, results interpretation is emphasized, with instructions for post-processing,

extracting relevant quantities of interest, and conducting sensitivity analyses as needed.
Moreover, clear reporting and documentation requirements are outlined, specifying the desired
format, content, and deliverables expected in the analysis reports. Furthermore, the scope of
work also considers any project constraints, assumptions made, and exclusions to ensure clarity
and manage expectations. Lastly, project management aspects are addressed, including
communication protocols, progress tracking, and coordination with stakeholders. By providing a
detailed scope of work for Abaqus, the project can proceed with clarity and alignment, thereby
increasing the chances of success.

A uniaxial tensile load on a structure element with a circular hole based on Figure 4.1 is
modelled in Abaqus complete with loads and fixed points. The specifications for the following
structure are based on Table 4.1. The plate is square in shape, with the length of a. The circular
hole on the top left of the square has a radius of r. The structure is made of metal with the
thickness of the plate is t. Pressure is distributed equally on the left of the plate as shown in
Figure 4.1. The bottom left corner of the plate is pinned while the top left and bottom right
corner of the plate is supported by rollers.

Figure 4.1 Uniaxial tensile load on a structure element with a circular hole.

Metal = Mild steel, a = 100 mm, j = 40 mm, k = 50 mm, r = 5 mm, t = 2 mm and P = -50 MPa
Table 4.1 Specifications of the structure to be analysed.

The mechanical properties of the material of the plate are based on Table 4.2. The property of the
material is imputed in the “create material” under the property section of the model in Abaqus

Properties Mild steel A36

Elastic modulus, E 200 GPa

Poisson’s ratio, v 0.26

Yield strength, σy 250 MPa

Table 4.2 Material properties of steel

Figure 4.2: Model of the plate in Abaqus with load and reaction forces

After the complete model with supports and load is assembled, the mesh for the model is
generated using the mesh tool in Abaqus. The global size in the “Seed Part Instance” tool is
adjusted in order that it has 9 elements across the loaded edge. The curvature control is adjusted
so that there is a finer mesh near the hole.

Figure 4.3: Model of the plate with Mesh

After the model has been completed with mesh, a job can be added to simulate the model. Under
the job section, a job is created and submitted. After the job is complete, the results can be
viewed. Under the visualisation section, S, misses is chosen to view the deformation results of
the model.

Figure 4.4: Analysis of deformation on the structure

Under the visualisation section, U, magnitude is chosen to view the stress results of the model.

Figure 4.5: Analysis of stress and FoS of the structure

Data on the deformation and the stress level are imported and then discussed to be presented in a
technical report. The simulation file is saved as (*.cae) and the results are saved as (*.odb).


Figure 5.1.1 Structure deformation

The colour palette determined the level of deformation that acted on that surface of the plate. The
red means that the deformation is very high, yellow means high, green means medium and blue
means low deformation.
Deformation on the structure is as shown in the figure above, we can see that the left bottom of
the plate has the highest deformation while the left bottom edge has the lowest deformation of
9.713e-02. Around the hole at the centre, the deformation is high and gradually decreases
towards the left bottom of 0 and the left top of 7.284e-02. Meanwhile, the stress increases
towards the right bottom.

Figure 5.2.1 Structure stress

In the figure above, the stresses throughout the plate are seen in a blue colour which indicates
that the stresses are low. The edge of the left top at 6.79e+02 and the left bottom at 5.673e+02
are having a red mark which indicates that stress is high. From the centre, the stress gradually
increases towards the left bottom and left top edge of the plate.
Figure 5.2.2 Graph stress on the plate with a hole.

The factor of safety can be calculated by using the formula below:

𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 = 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠

250 𝑀𝑃𝑎
𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 = 50 𝑀𝑃𝑎

𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 = 5
The Factor of Safety of the mild steel plate hole is 5 more than 1, this means that the plate can
handle a 50 MPa Stress.

As a result, our team was able to determine the mounting structure's deflection, stress, and factor
of safety (FoS) under a specific load. Additionally, we were able to analyse how a plate behaves
under uniaxial tension (stretching) when it has a circular hole in it. We were able to determine
how the hole's presence affects the overall stress distribution, strain concentration, and potential
failure points within the plate. Assess the crack growth pattern in relation to the circular hole
under uniaxial tension as well.

As for the results, we are able to solve the uniaxial tension on a plate with a circular hole from
the analysis of the plate's deformation and stress distribution that reveals the important insights
into its structural behaviour. The visual representation's colour scheme demonstrates that the left
bottom of the plate experiences the greatest deformation, pointing to a region of a particular
strain. High deformation around the hole in the middle, in addition, points to a localised stress
concentration there. The blue colour represents a predominantly low-stress distribution across the
plate. The red marks on the left's top and bottom edges, which represent stress concentrations
and potential vulnerabilities, stand out. They require special consideration during the design and
analysis processes because stress gradually builds up from the centre towards these edges.
Overall, the results show the importance of careful engineering considerations in order to address
the high deformation and stress concentration areas and ensure the structural integrity and overall
performance of the plate in practical applications.

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