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Name : Sulthanah Zulfika

NIM : 1701102010069
Type of Business:
What kind of business is this?
- My business is a Makeup Service business. / My business is Keumah (Kerupuk
Keumamah) or UMKM business.
1. What does your business do well?
My business will provide a quickly service and based on customer order. We also give
suggestion to the customer about what the best look for them in term of makeup and hijab style.

2. Is your business strong in its market? (do research and support with evidence)

Makeup services is becoming a very much looking services . In our society, makeup is

becoming very important for women. Each event from big event like wedding to small event like
being a guess or being an MC, usually women looking for makeup artist. Not all woman can do
makeup by themselves, especially for graduation event, woman prefer go to makeup artist
because of the moment is very important for them.

In Darussalam itself, a lot of competitor even they have the nearest place with the campus like
Unsyiah or UIN Ar-Raniry (the target market). But we still have other point that people can
chooice us. Firstly because our makeup look is beauty for most of girl I ask. Secondly our price
is at normal price for campus student. My competitor offer price for graduation look about Rp.
80.000, people will adoubt it because of not normal price. We offer Rp.150.000 and this is a
normal price which usually other popular makeup artis offer Rp. 200.000 to Rp.250.000 (Nia
Beauty Makeup). Thirdly, we used good brand and trusted such as Makeover, Maybelline, LT
Pro, Wardah etc.

3. Does your business have a strong sense of purpose and the culture to support that purpose?

My business has a very strong sense of purpose. I have a talent to be an makeup artist, with my
skill I can help a lot of people which need this services so much. I love makeup and makeuping
someone is my hobby. Also I have been a makeup artist for some friend event like Marriage,
Engangement, and Prewedding Photo.

1. What does your business do poorly?
There is a lot of competition in makeup artist business and eventhough I advertise enough, but to
get trust from costumer is difficult in this business.
2. What problems could be avoided?

There are always changes in beauty look and style. I need to follow the trend and improve my

3. Are there any potential financial difficulties?

I think there is no Potential financial problems if my business ruin well. But even there is no
costumer, I think there will not big problem in financial because makeup stuff can keep for a
long time and even can’t I can used it for myself and renew it when costumer come to my

1. Are industry trends moving upward? (do research, support with evidence, provide sources)
There are always new trends or style in makeup look. Whether it is the technique of applying
makeup or on its look, I think keeping up with these changes will benefit my business greatly.

For example;

- in 1950 era, bold makeup, ‘cat eye’ eyeliner, smokey eye shadow, and red lips is the tren.

- In 1960 era, the makeup trend is on nude color of lipstick, bright eyeshadow and thin

- In 1970 era, countor under the chin bone is on point.

- In 1980 era, bold makeup with bright color such as purple, yellow, and blue. Red lipstick
being a trend on this era.

- In 1990 era, bold makeup with smokey eye but the lisptik is nude colour.

- In 2000 era, soft makeup with thin eyebrow and pale lipstick with glitter and glossy lips.

- In 2010 era, bold makeup came back with countour on chin, bold eyebrow and eyelashes
and also red lisptick.

- In 2020, pink lipstick or soft lip stain with neon eyeshadow and coloring mascara and
natural eyebrow.

Sources :
2. Do new markets exist for your products or services? (do research, support with evidence,
provide sources)

There are many markets in makeup artist. Modelling agencies use Makeup Artist for their event
or their photoshoot, Ambassador in Banda Aceh make a relation with makeup artist, some
wedding arrangement and even for many small event. Makeup artist also can do teaching class if
they were has been a professional such as Cut Leny Rias Pengantin. Makeup Artist also can
make business relation with some many people such as Wedding Organizer such as Wedding
Organizer MC Ari, Beauty Product like Wardah or Inez, etc.

And even The Head Teacher & Program Director of School said that this makeup
artist profession has no ended income or limitation income. Much time needed by makeup artist,
so the income will even bigger.

Sources :

3. Are there any new technologies you can exploit? (think about web-based or computer-based
There is always a new lipstick such as Matte Lipstick or Mouise Lipstick and Stick Lipstick etc,
Blush on with powder or Stick blush on, foundation or cushion.

I can access, for making a video of makeup tutorial and
also camera to take a picture of my makeup look and software like picsart or photoshop can be
utilized to improve quality of work.

1. Who are your competitors? (be specific for your marketplace)
My competitor is professional makeup artist and other new comer with good quality of makeup.
Such as Siska Ananda Makeup, or Nia Beauty Makeup because their were professional makeup.
If I choose on Wedding makeup, there will be Cut Leny for me to compete. And also if I choose
on Akad makeup, there will be cut felia makeup and kaka alfarisi makeup. For graduation, there
will be a lot such as Noviyanti makeup or nia beauty makeup.
Because my market place in Banda Aceh.

2. What are competitors doing well?

Like Nia Beauty Makeup, they can makeup faster and with good quality. For Kakaalfarisi
makeup and cutfelia makeup, their look is very natural and so much demand by woman for their
akad look. Cut leny has a fabulous look with their culture makeup, Aceh bride.

3. What obstacles do you face?

My main obstacles are in changing trends and a lot of competition.

4. Are there troubling changes in your business environment such as technologies, laws, and
regulations? (do research, support with evidence, provide sources)
There is a constant need to update the styles of makeup and that can be very difficult because
need to make ourself comfortable with new techniques. Besides that, time and inspiration also a
big difficult to deal when there is a lot of costumer, we need to provide a lot of time than usual.
Like we may start our makeup at 00.00 o’clock and finish at 08.00 o’clock. Tired and no much
time for sleep at night is big changes for routinity. Inspiration like what will we offer to the
customer to make them not bored with our makeup look and always come with new look every
year. And to find the character of the customer is a very difficult thing, if we can’t and loose
their trust, it can be a big threat for us in the future.and also the absence of our performance also
being a big threat for makeup artist, for example as married women, there will be 9 month or a
year break in makeup career. That break if we not provide assisstant can be a big loss and threat
that our makeup artist services will not look by the customer anymore and difficult to bring them
back and adapt like a new comer again with the stuff of makeup.
Sources :
Type of Business:
What kind of business is this?
- My business is Keumah (Kerupuk Keumamah) or UMKM business.
1. What does your business do well?
My business will provide a typical food souvenir from Aceh and can keep on long period than its

2. Is your business strong in its market? (do research and support with evidence)

Keumamah is a food from Aceh and its a typical food that you only can found it on Aceh.
Because it used some ingredient that identically with acheness people. Such as Asam Sunti and
Daun Kari (Temuru).

A lot of people try to make long period can keep keumamah as Abon. Abon keumamah appear
everywhere. Such as Abon Keumamah from CIL Food in Kajhu, Abon Keumamah Aceh, Abon
Keumamah Keumala, etc. But there is no one make kerupuk keumamah before. So I decide to
make this business.

3. Does your business have a strong sense of purpose and the culture to support that purpose?

My business has a very strong sense of purpose. I have a hobbies to cook and make new food
recipes from my self. I love keumamah so much so I think I can produce it to be kerupuk and
I’ve tried it before. So, I can provide new souvenir from Aceh which is Practically and can be a
snack and also a dish.

1. What does your business do poorly?
I must do a lot of trial and error to produce keumamah as kerupuk. I need to consider a lot of
think such as taste and its form so it can be attracted.

2. What problems could be avoided?

There will a lot of question of people why they need to choice my product rather than thoose
abon which a lot of people love abon too. But I think, I can give them the interesting form and a
typical taste of keumamah and the smell also. I need to observe a lot about how to kept my
product for a years or more.

3. Are there any potential financial difficulties?

I think yes, for new comer, I need to consider some ingredient and the practically way to make
kerupuk keumamah. And if there is no customer, so I need to think the way how to advertise it
and sell it.

1. Are industry trends moving upward? (do research, support with evidence, provide sources)
I think yes, this food is heredity of Acheness people from the past. And will always be popular or
looking by people. The trend of how we consume it, it moving upward. Millenials like practice
and delicious food at the same time. and Keumamah always being an item for tourism for their

Sources :

2. Do new markets exist for your products or services? (do research, support with evidence,
provide sources)

Yes, Car Free Day and Online market can be other choose for me to marketing this products
beside to the Department of Tourism. There are many markets also in online shop, such as
Shopee,Tokopedia and toko ukm also. As I know, a lot of UKM Aceh Product sell or promoting
in toko ukm. So, this platform can also use.

Sources :

3. Are there any new technologies you can exploit? (think about web-based or computer-based
Maybe I can make new in the design of product. Other technology maybe some machine or stuff
for me to produce keumamah. I can access, for
promoting my product and also camera to take a picture.

1. Who are your competitors? (be specific for your marketplace)
My competitor is Abon Keumamah UKM or product. They were the first comer with new
innovation of Keumamah. My marketplace is in Banda Aceh, Sabang and Aceh Besar and I can
said that I target all foreign tourism which come to Aceh. And also my market place also in web.

2. What are competitors doing well?

They were sure on their product and produce it well. But my product need to observe firstly on
how to keep it as kerupuk but with keumamah taste inside.

3. What obstacles do you face?

My main obstacles are in producing, promoting and competition.

4. Are there troubling changes in your business environment such as technologies, laws, and
regulations? (do research, support with evidence, provide sources)
Maybe if there is no Tuna or Tongkol anymore to produce keumamah. And also, it may be the
law and regulations because when we targeting the foreign or to exporting our product to
overseas we need to deal with some taxes.
Sources :

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