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Chapter 4 – Return Good for Evil

Reason Aloud
Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King are some of the great people who returned evil with good.

Reflect and Infer

A. 1. a. The poet has asked to return a goodly meal for a glass of water.
b. The poet is of the belief that good should be returned with something better. Hence he
has asked to return a kindly greeting with a zealous bow.
c. ‘Giving gold for a penny’ is an imagery used by the poet to explain the importance of
being generous. When a person in need wants some help, they should be offered with a
great deal of help.
2. a. The ‘wise’ referred to in the poem are the people who regard every little service provided
to them.
b. The wise rewards every service ten times over because they value the service provided
to them.
3. a. Through the lines, we get to know that truly noble people see goodness as a divine
quality and practice it to the utmost. They consider everyone as equal.
b. It is important to return evil with good because only if we practice goodness, we can
turn this world into a better place.
B. 1. A kindly greeting should be returned with a zealous bow.
2. Truly noble men return with gladness good for evil.
3. The central idea of the poem is the divine quality of doing good to others. We should do good
to others even when we are not asked to do it. We should reward people tenfolds, if we are
shown goodness.
C. 1. I agree with the statement because if we seek revenge for every bad deed done to us,
the world would soon become unbearable to live in. There would be too much chaos and
violence all around.
Students can come up with more advantages and justifications.
2. The answer may vary from one student to another.
D. 1. We should say ‘thank you’ to them and appreciate them for saving us from the danger. We
can also try to help them when they need. We should also follow this practice of saying
thank you always.
2. Yes, doing good to others helps because it makes a feel good. The people we help may also
help us in future.
Grammar Granny

Acronyms Full Forms
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
SCUBA Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

F. 1. BBC 2. FBI 3. USA 4. MP 5. FYI

Word Play
G. a. bow
Meaning 1: A weapon for shooting arrows.
Meaning 2: A knot tied with two loops and two loose ends, especially for tying shoe laces
and ribbons.
b. bark
Meaning 1: The sharp explosive cry of a dog, fox, or seal.
Meaning 2: The tough protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or
woody shrub.
c. light
Meaning 1: The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
Meaning 2: Of little weight; not heavy.
d. park
Meaning 1: A large public garden or area of land used for recreation.
Meaning 2: Leave (something) in a convenient place until required.

Lend Your Ears

H. 1. visionary 2. idealist 3. rishis 4. common

5. species 6. brute 7. dormant 8. physical

9. dignity 10. spirit

Ideas to Pen Down

South Avenue,
11 June 2018
Dear Grandpa,
I hope you are doing well! How is grandma?
I am so excited to share with you the experience of my latest learning. I feel that when we do
good to others, it gives us immense satisfaction. Although it takes a lot of courage to forgive a
person but we should let them learn from their own mistakes. And, by doing that we strengthen
our bond with the other person, which we would have broken otherwise. I feel karma also exists
in real life, and I want to discuss it with you as I have learnt a lot from you since my childhood.
I am waiting to meet you soon, and share all my thoughts of the same as I can’t write all of it in
my letter.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Convey my love to all!
Love you
Answers to Ideas to Pen Down, Diving Deep and Life Skill may vary from one student to the

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