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Workshop 2


What’s the highest priority for you ?

1. Encuenra palabras para las necesidades basicas humanas en la nube de
palabras, intenta clasificarlas en el cuadro de abajo, en orden de

R/: water-food-sleep-freedom-family-love-friendship-education-work-

1We have the right to …

°We have the right to eat well
°We have the right to hydrate alway arinking water
°We have the right to have friends
°We have the right to have medicines to have health
°We have the right to breathe freely

2. Answer these questions about the image

A. As humans do you think we all have the right to these basic human needs?
R/:yes, because the basic needs of an individual, this is of utmost importance
for family well-being

B. Do some people have more rights than others?

R/:no, because all people have the same rights without

C. What rights do you have?

R/: everybody!!!
3. Match the two halves of the statements
1. We all have the right to believe in b. what we want to believe in.
2. We have the right to good c. healthcare
3. We have the right to vote in f. public elections
4. We have the right to vote in a. Our own decisions.
5. We have the right to vote in e. us a slave.
6. We all have the right to rest from d. work and to relax.

La voz pasiva se utiliza para mostrar interés por la persona o cosa que es
objeto de una acción, en lugar de la persona o cosa que realiza dicha acción.
Así, en la oración: Juanita presta su libro a Carmen; lo relevante es ¿Qué
presta Juanita a Carmen? Es decir, el libro es lo importante en voz pasiva.
Entonces, el libro se convierte en el sujeto de la oración en voz pasiva.

1. Complete the chart in Passive Voice
Active Voice
1. Ann bakes delicious brownies
2. My brother Simon found a good job
3. I'm reading an interesting book
4. Tom was using my shoes during winter
5. Helen will send some money to her parents
6. Helen will send some money to her parents
7. Albert has thrown out his kidney stones
8. The teacher has been teaching important things about humanity to the
9. Sandy had cut his hair down
Passive Voice
1.the brownies that am bakes are delicious
2. a good job was found by my brother simon
3. interesting book i am reading
4. my shoes during winter was using tom
5. some money will be sent to helens parents
6. the wedding will be planning by patric and lane
7. Albert kidneystones have been throwm away
8. the important things about humanity have been taught by the
teeacher to the class
9. a chair cut had been made sandy

2. Read the texts. Which one is about the violation of a person’s:

°A. right to education?

R/:this text talks about the violation of the right to education and is text
number two
°B. right to shelter and a bed to sleep in?
R/:in text number three he talks about the violation of the right to refuge and
a bed to sleep
°C.right to express their views and opinions?
R/:in the first text he talks about the violation of the right to express your
views and opinions

3.About the text. Read it carefully

Complete the sentences in Passive Voice with the right form of “To be”
a. nine journalists are abducted every year
b. many are found.
c. my brother is looked after by my sister
d.she is not given any help by my brother or father
e. we are shouted at by passers-by

4. Create a Bill of Rights for teenagers! Think about the rights you would like
to have at home, at school and in your neighbourhood. At least 5 rights for
each one
Example: At school we have the right to not do our homework. At home we
have the right to play our music loudly. And at our neighbourhood we have
the right to live in peace.
At school at home at neighborhood
°we have the right to ° we have the right to °we have the right to walk
not pay for educations sleep quietly in our rooms around the neighborhood
1. Look carefully at the photo.
What problems do these people have? What do they need? Write your own
opinion into this chart. Use expressions like: In my opinion… in my view…
For me…My point of view is that…Personally, I think… From my

°in the image we can see people in need, like homeless, displaced people

2. Complete the mind maps with the words in the box and your own ideas.
a. food e.medicine i. slums m. crime
b. money f. houses j. Illeness n. guns
c. peace g. fear k. Sick
d. hospitals h. starvation l. fighting

3 El sisguiente cuadro contiene la opinion de cuatro personas acerca de su

mundo ideal; es decir, hablan de un hecho imaginario, de una posibilidad. Lo
expresan con el verbo modal auxiliar Would, el cual dicho antes del verbo en
infinitivo, lo acondiciona a que signifique ia

Speaker 1: In my ideal world, everyone would have food and water. There
would be no hunger. Too many people are dying of starvation.
Speaker 2: In my ideal world, there would be peace. Everyone would be safe.
There wouldn’t be any wars or violence, and there would be no need for guns
Speaker 3: In my ideal world, people would have a safe home to live in.
People wouldn’t live on the streets in dange
Speaker 4: There’s too much illness and disease today. In my ideal world
every country would have good hospitals and the medicine they need to cure
basic infections and illnesses

Complete the gaps with the information into the chart:

a. Everyone would have food and water
b. There would be no need for guns
c. People would have a safe home to love in
d. Every country would have a good hospitals

4. Reflect on the next sentences:

a. In an ideal world everyone would be safe
R/: Yes, since you don't have to worry about something
b. In an ideal world people wouldn’t live on the streets.
R/:not since we were all united
c. In an ideal world there would be peace
R/:yes because there would be no war
d. In an ideal world there wouldn’t be any wars or violence
R/:Because we will all be united

5. Write in the box what would be the ideal world for you

a world without war, where we are all united, would be a much
friendlier and more helpful environment

focus on languaje
Une 1-2 con a-b, luego escribe el significado de cada oracion formada
1. if we had more money b.we´d build another children home
2. if these children went to school a.they´d have a better future
Second Conditional or Unreal conditional

Usamos expresiones en segundo condicional o condicional irreal para

expresar ideas imaginarias, no reales, que uno quisiera o no quisiera que
fueran reales
Yo tuviera un avion, volaria por todo el mundo. Noten que exprese dos
oraciones: 1 Yo tuviera un avion. 2. Volaria por todo el mundo. Y observen
que la dos sucede si la 1 fuese real. A eso le llamamos causa y efecto. La 1 es
causa y la 2 es efecto en Second Conditional. Les recomiendo tener en cuenta
la estructura

°Subj + V(past) + complement °Subj + Would V(infinitive)+ Complemen

Si vas a elaborar una oracion en segundo condicional necesitas usar esta

IF Louis had a motorcycle, we both would go to the school every days
Si Louis tuviera una moto, los dos iriamos al colegio juntos todos los dias

6. Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos en

parantesis y traducelas

a. if there were no guns, there would be less crime

b.if we have more hospitals in developing countries
c. if they build more houses fewer people would be homeless
d. if people had clean water they would not get ill
e. if people were more tolerant and understanding, they would not fight each

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