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Writing Articles and Class

Writing Articles

Use features of the form

Headline, subeditorial

Direct address

Don't just rant and don't be overly opinionated

Spend time proofreading. Examiners mark what's on the paper: they assume how you use it is how you
think it's correct.

The article has to be on the same topic, but not on the exact same thing (don't write an article on the
word 'like' if that's the topic of one of the sample articles)

'Write an opinion article where you discuss the issues surrounding people code switching' - hwk
question (30 marks)


SES - socio-economic status

LWC - low pay, low skill

MWC - foreman, supervisor, etc.

UWC - certain jobs with some training/skills

LMC - Suervisors, Skilled electrician/plumber

MMC - Senior/leadership roles from LMC

UMC - Doctors, lawyers, teachers etc.

Milroy: Belfast study

The higher density netwroks used more non standard forms.

Non standard forms were less evident in owmen's speech becuase the pwmen belong to less dense
social networks.

EXCEPT the Clonard women who lived, worked and etertained each other. This led to more linguistic
influence and more use of the non standard forms.

Trudgill's study in Norwich

In all social classes, the mor ecareful the speech, the higher the rate of (-ing instead of -in')

When women were questioned about using standard forms of -ing, they tended to use the shorthand
more than they said they did

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