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The humanistic approach

Unconditional love - love that's there no matter what happens

Conditional love is highly damaging to children since they get things wrong a lot.

Humanists are not reductionists

Limited appliation

Holism - subjective experience has to be considered through the lens of the individual.

Lacks sound empirical evidence

Client-centered therapy

Doesn't work for schizophrenia since you may need medication and they don't have much insight into
their condition. They don't know the voices in their head aren't real.

'A beautiful mind' movie related to Schitzophrenia in on the specification.

P121 C.I.

1. Conditions of worth are conditions in which children are allowed to feel a sense of worth fro certain
achievements. It's conditional love. For example, "I will only love you if you pass this driving test".

2. Client-centered therapy has been developed from the humanistic approach which can be highly
effective. It focusses on the client instead of the therapist giving advice, potentially making the client
feeling better overall since they may feel more accomplished, potentially feeling like they figured out the
solution to their problem. Client-centered therapy can't be used for more serious mental conditions,
such as schizophrenia.

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