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Rubric Title: Broadcasting or News Reporting Rubric

Criteria 5- Exemplary 4 - Proficient 3-Satisfactory 2-Fair 1-Insufficient/Irrelevant

knowledge and
understanding of
understanding of Basic Limited
subject matter.
subject matter. understanding of understanding of Lacks understanding of
Relevant, accurate subject matter. subject matter. subject matter. Includes
Content information,
information, Some relevant Minimal relevant irrelevant or incorrect
supporting information and information and information.
evidence, and
evidence, and limited analysis. lacks analysis.

Mostly clear and Lacks clear

Basic structure but
Clear and logical logical structure. structure and
lacks consistency
structure. Well- Adequately organization.
and clarity. Weak Lacks evident structure or
organized with organized with Confusing
transitions organization. Abrupt or
smooth transitions acceptable transitions
Organization between ideas and nonexistent transitions
between ideas and transitions between ideas and
segments. between ideas and
segments. Presented between ideas and segments.
Presented in a segments.
in a cohesive and segments. Presented in a
engaging manner. Presented in a disorganized
disjointed manner.
coherent manner. manner.

Mostly confident Hesitant,
engaging, and Somewhat hesitant
and engaging monotonous, or
professional or lacking
delivery. Use of lacking Ineffective, unengaging,
delivery. Effective engagement
voice modulation, engagement or distracting delivery. No
use of voice delivery.
Delivery body language, delivery. Rare use use of voice modulation,
modulation, body Inconsistent use of
and visual aids to of voice body language, or visual
language, and visual voice modulation,
support content modulation, body aids.
aids to enhance body language,
and engage the language, or visual
content and engage and visual aids.
audience. aids.
the audience.
Exceptional Proficient Basic technical Limited technical
technical skills. technical skills. skills. Some skills. Minimal
Lacks technical skills. No
Mastery in camera Competency in proficiency in proficiency in
proficiency in camera
work, lighting, camera work, camera work, camera work,
Technical work, lighting, audio,
audio, editing, and lighting, audio, lighting, audio, lighting, audio,
Skills editing, and other relevant
other relevant editing, and other editing, and other editing, and other
aspects of broadcasting or
aspects of relevant aspects of relevant aspects of relevant aspects of
news reporting.
broadcasting or broadcasting or broadcasting or broadcasting or
news reporting. news reporting. news reporting. news reporting.

Outstanding Good creativity Lacks creativity

Basic creativity
creativity and and originality. and originality.
and originality. No creativity or
originality. Goes Meets expectations Does not meet
Partially meets originality. Fails to meet
beyond expectations with some expectations and
Creativity and expectations but expectations and lacks
with innovative innovative shows little
Novelty lacks innovation in innovation in storytelling,
approaches in approaches in innovation in
storytelling, visuals, and presentation
storytelling, visuals, storytelling, storytelling,
visuals, and style.
and presentation visuals, and visuals, and
presentation style.
style. presentation style. presentation style.

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