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Features of a science
Abstract - 150-200 word summary of the entire thing, including everything (hypothesis, results,
conclusions etc.).

Introduction - filter between literature and overarching themes surrounding the area of research until it
narrows down to your hypothesis and aim(s).

Method - replicable explanation of the 'how'. Include the design (independant groups, lab study etc. and
why), sample (sampling method, how many etc.), apparatus/materials (what was used), procedure
(how you did it, formatted in a systematic way that has verbatim what you said to participants) and
ethics (how they were addressed etc.).

Results - level of significance, findings and raw data.

Discussion - verbalisation of results and contextualised using the research presented in the introduction.

Referencing - references include books, journal articles etc. There's multiple styles of referencing, for
example the Harvard style of referencing.

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