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Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

Bimestre: 1º Bimestre Turma:______________ Nota:_________________
Professor: Roberto Oleandro L. Pereira

Read the text below . Then, answer the questions.
My name is Aaron and I love adventure. I always spend my vacation at Gaia
Rocks; it’s my favorite summer camp. We usually get up at about 5:30. Then we
make our beds. I don’t like it! After that we have a big breakfast. After breakfast,
we play different sports all day long. I love it! In the evening, we sit round the
fire and sing songs. It’s great fun! We go to bed at 9 p.m.

1)The gender of the text is

a) personal report. b) biography.
c) news. d) chronic.

2)Gaia Rocks is a
a) summer camp b) school.
c) mountain. d) party

3) Responda em português. Após arrumar a cama, o que Aaron faz logo em


4) Aaron goes to bed at

a) nine o’clock p.m. b) nine o’clock a.m.
c) nine thirty. d) nine fifteen.
Read the text below.

noon: twelve o’clock .

Now, answer the questions.(in portuguese)

5) Que hora, normalmente, Lee almoça? ___________________________
Tennessee Mountain Properties
Own a renovated house for less than $290 per month!!!!!!!! New windows,
siding, flooring (laminate throughout and tile in entry way and bathroom),
kitchen cabinets, counter top, back door, fresh paint and laundry on main floor.
Heat bills are very low due to a good solid house and an energy efficient

Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 nov. 2011 (adaptado).

6)Em jornais, há diversos anúncios que servem aos leitores. O conteúdo do anúncio
veiculado por este texto interessará a alguém que esteja procurando

a) emprego no setor imobiliário. b) imóvel residencial para compra.

c) serviço de reparos em domicílio. d) imóvel comercial para aluguel.

e) curso de decorador de interiores.

7) The purpose of the text is:

a) advertise a product. b) inform about news.

c) amuse readers. d) give an opinion on a topic.

8) The name of the company responsible for disseminating the text is:

a) Big Savings. b) Wicks Electricals.

c) North London d) Everything.

9) The text is aimed mainly at people with an interest in:

a) agriculture. b) livestock.
c) construction. d) technology.

10) Agora, responda a essas perguntas relativas a você. (Em inglês)

a) Where do you live? (country) __________________________
b) What’s your adress? _________________________________________
11) Observe the map below.

Now, do what is asked.

1. Start
at the school. Go through the tunnel. Turn right. Go past the hospital.
Where are you? ____________________________

2. Start at the toy factory. Turn left. Cross the river. Turn left. Where are you?

3. Start at the police station. Go past the shoe store. Turn left. Go through the
park. Where are you? _________________________________

4. Start at the station. Go past the hospital. Turn right. Go under the bridge.
Turn left. Where are you? ____________________________________

Bridge: ponte

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