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Archetype: Lamplighter

1st Level - Torchbearer

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in alchemical supplies and a reach weapon of your choice. This
reflects your extensive training in the maintenance of the Gaslamp Barovia's lighting systems and
its defense. You gain the ability to see in magical and nonmagical darkness up to 60 feet.

You can use alchemist's supplies to create Alchemical Light Charges. An Alchemical Light
Charge takes one hour to create, costs 5gp in raw materials and illuminates a 20 foot radius with
bright light for 8 hours when used.

You also receive a Fusestick, a unique tool representing your dedication to the Lamplighter
Faction. This Fusestick can be used as a Martial Weapon weapon that you're proficient in and
provides the Reach and Two-handed descriptors to that weapon, or as a musket. You're
proficient in the Fusestick in both forms.

3rd Level - Lightbringer

At 3rd level, you've learnt how to manipulate the alchemical substances you use to light Gaslamp
Barovia in more nuanced ways. You can use an action to ignite your Fusestick or other light
sources to shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.

You can choose to light these with Alchemical flame; creatures you designate within the light's
radius don't gain the benefits of invisibility, and creatures from the Shadowfell or other dark
realms have disadvantage on attack rolls against targets within the light's radius. You can use
this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.

3rd Level - Defender against the dark.

When you reach 3rd level, your constant vigilance against the horrors of the night and the
monsters that lurk in the shadows has made you a formidable guardian. You have advantage on
Initiative rolls while in dim or bright light and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight in
dim light or darkness.

6th Level - Beacon of Hope

Your presence becomes a beacon of hope for the denizens of Gaslamp Barovia. At 6th level,
whenever you light your Fusestick with alchemical flame using your Lightbringer feature, you and
your allies within the light's radius gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your proficiency
bonus at the start of each of your turns. Additionally, any fear or charm effects on those allies
end when they start their turn in the light's radius.

Your Flame now burns brighter, extending the radius to 40 ft.

6th Level - Illuminated Assault

At 6th level, your skills in battle are as bright as the lights you tend. Whenever you attack a
creature marked by your Defenders of Light feature with your Fusestick, you can add your
Intelligence modifier to the damage roll.

9th Level - Illuminated Defender

At 9th level, your mastery over light becomes a bulwark against darkness. When you use your
Lightbringer feature to ignite your Alchemical flame, you can choose to create a protective ward.
The light's radius becomes difficult terrain for your enemies.

Also, whenever you or an ally within the light's radius are targeted by an attack or harmful spell,
you can use your reaction to grant a +2 bonus to the target's AC or saving throw against that
attack or spell.

Finally, you can choose to detonate the protective ward as an action, extinguishing the light and
forcing all enemies in the radius to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC.
On a failed save, they take 2d10 radiant damage and are blinded until the end of their next turn.
On a successful save, they take half as much damage and are not blinded.
After using this feature, you must finish a long rest before using it again.

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